**This post will be updated throughout the show**


John McCain ad “Lipstick”

No consensus on who was behind Sept 11-global poll

Florida will require I.D. match for all would-be voters

On this day before the anniversayr of the September 11th attacks, Debra Burlingame joined us on today’s show. She is the sister of Capt. Charles F. (Chic) Burlingame 3rd, pilot of American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11 and is also a World Trade Center Memorial board member. Tomorrow Debra will have an opinion piece at Forbes. com. As soon as that posts I’ll have it here for you. In the meantime, here is her piece from last year, We must always remember.

Politico: Biden’s [debate] prep

Newsbusters: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin: ‘Like a Really Bad Disney Movie’

Flight Attendants Want To Block In-Flight Porn

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Shawmut says:

    Good work on O’Reilly last night.
    Did you notice how O’Man tried to take control of the interview aired last night on O’Reilly.
    His contempt for us all…Americans of any alignment…is an outrage. We’re to forget that his friend, Ayres and his crowd did cause harm to people not part of political dialogue of the time. And, that joke called ACORN isn’t all that funny either (how many states have cases, 13?). Your voting franchise is lessened when it’s diluted with illegal practices. How I’d love to see them charged with ‘conspiracy to deny civil rights’, as that is what it is.
    If we’re going to combat this, we have to come around to admit, and thus free ourelves, that while the rot was developing; we’ve been here all along. Now that admission would be a “Flying Pig”. But it would free the consciences of many Americans.

  2. syd says:

    We don’t even have to show ID to vote in Mississippi. It infuriates me.

  3. KatieSilverSpring says:


  4. NavajoSierra says:

    Unbelievable that so many people are scared about Sarah and not at all scared about BO with his terrorist friends, his hate-America first wife, his empty resume, his proven profile as a pathological liar, and his narscissism. Everything for BO is always about him; John McCain has always talked about loving and serving his country. Sarah Palin is a lot less scarey than BO. On the eve of 9/11, we should all be scared, and we should be thankful, because another 9/11 has not happened, and I believe that the evil ones have tried, numerous times. But it wasn’t Matt or Shirley (or affirmations and crystals) or Ed or the elite lib ladies that kept the bad guys at bay. It was old-fashioned war and good guys not afraid to call the enemy by their right name and to set deep boundaries.

  5. Shawmut says:

    Matt Damon: an example of life imitating art. He and O’Man are the same. Scripted prodigies.
    It’s interesting that the rest of the country has learned more about Sarah Palin in one week, than we really know about O’Man in one year. But Matt Damon seems to have missed it. He probably thinks Martin Sheen had been a president and Ed Asner could actually read a newspaper, let alone run one.

  6. S.Diehl says:

    Thank you Navajosierra for your comments, I totally agree !!God Bless!
    S. Diehl

  7. Idiot#3 says:

    Poor Matt Damon, he doesn’t have enough independent thought muscle to realize Disney’s Movies (pre-Eisner) were usually statements that goodness triumphs. Disney knew Americans want to see themselves as good and that’s why we instantly recognized and embraced Sarah Palin. It’s also the reason Barack Obama is sinking into mud like the sneaky villain in a Disney movie.

  8. Sally says:

    Guess what Matt? BHO is a “terrifying possibility.” The fact that BHO has gotten this far, and we’re that close to this being a reality is crazy. Not to mention creepy. But, LOL dinosaurs?

  9. Miss Kathy says:

    Coastal Elite Matt’s major concern is whether or not Sarah Palin believes in dinosaurs? And here I am in Flyover Land, worried about the fact that the likes of Khaddafi, Al Quaida and Hugo Chavez endorse Obama, and no one seems to have a problem with that. Okey Dokey.

  10. Miss Kathy says:

    Oops. . .my apologies. . .should be Al Qaida. It’s a reflex–a “u” always comes after a “q”.

  11. jeweytunes says:

    It’s understandable that Matt would be bitter about Disney — after all, his fine turn of a phrase in Team America is memorable:


    Er, forgettable…

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