**This post will be updated throughout the show**


Peyser: A Time Warped Sexist Assault

…Palin is a mother five times over. She also hunts, fishes, coaches hockey, has a day job as the governor of the state of Alaska – and is known to commute home from the state capital of Juneau daily during session. Just like Biden.

And, until at least four months ago, Palin also had the ability to bear a child, which we’ve just learned is a talent she shares with her 17-year-old daughter.

But women on the left, who fought long and hard for the ability to raise children simultaneously with election cash, are in spasms. (Some have simply kept silent. Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton – where are you?)

Politico: McCain ad: Palin more qualified than Obama

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. DogOnCrack says:

    The truth is that the left doesn’t really want to empower women for the same reason that they don’t really want to empower minorities.
    They need everyone except for the evil white men to remain victims or else they have no constituency.

  2. NavajoSierra says:

    Peyser’s column is excellent! I am of the generation that grew up with this issue, and I never dreamed that “we” would become the enemy! Someone should start a 12 Step Recovery Program for libs/lefties, as the disease theory certainly applies to their malaise. Or, maybe it is simpler than disease – maybe it is just plain old evil. Whatever it is, it is shameful, and it is scarey to see the lack of clarity, the dishonesty, and, ultimately, the self-defeat.

  3. marleed says:

    I think the video of John McCain arriving in the Twin Cities speaks volumes, so you can find it here. His greeting of Bristol, and Levi is an especially tender moment. He may be a grumpy old man, but John McCain is becoming far more “human” to me as the days go by. He shows care and concern that seems to be to be genuine.

  4. pat_s says:

    Compare the above video link of McCain’s arrival to Obama arriving at Denver, Aug 27.

    I’m not going to get all squishy about McCain though. I don’t like him no matter how human he is. Sarah makes all the difference in the world for me.

  5. marleed says:


    Heh! Apples and Oranges, I’d say! And I’m no fonder of a great number of his positions on issues, but seeing him with his family, and interacting with the Palins makes him seem a lot kinder and gentler… if you know what I mean!

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