**This post will be updated throughout the show**


Barack Obama under fire for ignoring advice on how to beat John McCain

…Party elders also believe the Obama camp is in denial about warnings from Democratic pollsters that his true standing is four to six points lower than that in published polls because of hidden racism from voters – something that would put him a long way behind Mr McCain…A senior Democratic strategist, who has played a prominent role in two presidential campaigns, told The Sunday Telegraph: “These guys are on the verge of blowing the greatest gimme in the history of American politics. They’re the most arrogant bunch Ive ever seen. They won’t accept that they are losing and they won’t listen.”

Hidden racism? Hardly. If that dynamic exists, it’s because of the fear of saying ‘the wrong thing’ and being accused of racism by the left’s Thought Police.

Boston Globe in 2000, on why McCain can’t use a computer keyboard
, comb his hair, or tie his shoes. It’s a result of the torture he endured while a POW. If the B.O. campaign actually cared about facts and not just about attempting to smear, maybe they’d stop spitting into the wind.

Gallup: Battle for Congress Suddenly Looks Competitive

Florida may be falling from Obama’s grasp

Here is the Real Clear Politics Interactive Electoral Map. They have their versions, but to the right you’ll see a link that says “Create your own map” where you can determine for yourself what happens when certain states go for either candidate.

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9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Mark says:

    There’s still time for McCain/Palin to blow it or the MSM/ACORN/Soros to steal it, but I can’t help being a bit uplifted by the latest polls and such.

  2. Not that you will probably see this before the end of the show, but there’s another context to the “lipstick on a pig” from the ObamaMessiah.

    Think about it for a minute – what do muslims believe about pigs?

    I’m not saying that the ObamaMessiah is a muslim, but when he has to be corrected by an interviewer to change his admitted religion from islam to Christian, what are we supposed to believe?

  3. Adn, since Tammy just mentioned it – I had the perfect response to when Whoopi said that she was afraid she would be a slave again.

    McCain should have said: “You know, I don’t really care what you do in the privacy of your bedroom.”

    Yes, I am evil!! LOL

  4. jordan says:

    Tammy, from what I’ve heard so far, Palin has a libertarian approach to same-sex marriage. In Alaska, while she was personally opposed to it, she signed into law legislation that provided for same sex benefits.

    I’d like to hear more about the libertarian aspect of her views. I think the liberals get hysterical about the prospect of a right-wing dictatorship any time they hear “conservative”.

    She seems very far from being a social crusader. Her record shows she crusades against spending and injustice, not abortion and gay marriage.

    Palin herself should talk more about where she stands on these two issues, as they’re emerging as the point of attack for Hollywood and East Coast libs that appear to be having a nervous breakdown right now.

    How strongly does she feel about making sure nobody can get an abortion, or that no gay couples can have the benefits of marriage? I suspect not too strongly, and as far as I can tell, she’s living what she believes, not forcing others to.

  5. DogOnCrack says:

    The caller who suggested that Tammy should be concerned because of her sexual orientation seemed ridiculous to me.
    Since when does the government have any real control over what any of us do in our own bedrooms?

  6. MopUpOnTwo says:

    Rasmussen on Sunday has McCain at the big 50%

    Pour it on folks, it will only bring more panic, more desperate rhetoric, and LESS MONEY for the other side.

    Go McCuda!

  7. S.Diehl says:

    Thank you EVERYONE for keeping me informed by posting comments & great news souces? I’m really grateful for comments quoting the Sunday Telegragh….hang on…my cat keeps sitting on my mouse… Any chance of linking this article? Thank you all Tammy Radio Heads~~~~

  8. S.Diehl says:

    Tammy~~Is there any chance you will be interviewing Gov.Sara in the next few weeks? I would be really interested in hard hitting questions ONLY you would ask; what about same-sex benifits nationally, sex-ed for ALL minors, and what about the enviremental & the wildlife? keep on keeping us all well informed!

  9. ericdondero says:

    The Bradley effect will make it a wash, when you consider all the illegal voters voting Democrat, such as in extreme southern California. So, you factor in Bradley vs. Illegal voting factor, the current polls seem pretty accurate.

    To the poster above, YES, Sarah is a libertarian Republican. The media has completely gotten her wrong, painting her as a “conservative.”

    The funny thing is that in the one race she lost for Lt. Gov. she was viewed in the Alaska GOP as “too moderate on social issues,” even had the term “libertarian” applied to her.

    That carried over to the primary against Murkowski. Lots of truth to it, cause she attended two meetings of the Libertarian Party of Alaska in 2005/06.

    But of course, the media can’t delve into that, cause libertarian is much more appealing to the electorate overall than “evil conservatism.”

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