A post by Pat

The PC crowd doesn’t think so but it’s OK to celebrate the European discovery of America. I think it’s also OK to be mindful of the atrocities visited upon the native populations as a consequence of Columbus’ voyages. Europeans treated the indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere horribly. There are no excuses, not even the universality of man’s inhumanity to man.

What holiday can we co-opt as a commemoration for those who suffered as a consequence of Karl Marx writing a book? In a span of a few decades Communism subjected ethnic populations to genocide, famine, elimination of languages, forced relocations, destruction of cultures, subjugation, massacres, terror and poverty. Marxism is a product of the West too but don’t expect to hear any complaints from the PC crowd. They’re very selective about whose suffering matters.

Ultimately as a consequence of Columbus’ voyages, the United States of America came into being. America is the greatest breakthrough for the decency and wellbeing of humankind in history. Human nature will never change. Democratic institutions and a devotion to liberty are the best we can do politically to counter the malevolent aspects of the inner beast.

Happy Columbus Day!

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Ripper says:

    The Spaniards were monstrously cruel but I for one have no problems with Columbus Day (or for that matter with saying “Merry Christmas” even though I am not a Christian). Also let’s not romanticize the American Indians – as a woman you would not have wanted to fall into their hands (see The Great Sioux Uprising in Minnesota in 1862).

  2. NavajoSierra says:

    FYI: I grew up in New Mexico and now live in New York City. My mom and dad just informed me that in New Mexico they do not celebrate Columbus Day in the schools, and it is not a holiday, because the POV of the school system is that Columbus did not discover America, the Native Americans did. The left has effectively taken over America’s entire educational system without a fight from anyone.

  3. HALEY says:

    America sure is the best!

    I really do hope we can save ourselves, our beautiful culture, and our future from our enemy within – the Left and its war on America.

  4. Jennifer says:

    I also agree that Columbus Day is a day to celebrate. So do the people of Hispanola (The Dominican Republic) where he did land. They revere him over there. If it’s ok with the actual people he made contact with to celebrate him, then it’s ok with me. 🙂

  5. Shawmut says:

    Any guy who can orchestrate three ships crossing a questionably charted course deserves a holiday.
    Let’s remember that long before we were kknown to be a purpose driven nation. Columbus was a man of purpose, too.
    Sure, let’s be claimed by any who wish to argue the points; Italians, Spanish, St. Brendans Irish monks, Leif Ericson of the horney helmut, Portugese soccers players looking for a pitch.
    But, let’s not look outside for validation.

  6. jerocat says:

    Three cheers for our friend Silvio Berlusconi, PM of Italy who visited us at the White House today.

  7. WebDiva says:

    “What holiday can we co-opt as a commemoration for those who suffered as a consequence of Karl Marx writing a book?”

    May Day! It’s already been co-opted by communists and assorted naked bike riders and hoodlums. Let’s co-opt it back from them.

    They call it “International Workers Day”, and students who have never had to work a day in their lives to eat or support a family march in “solidarity” with the willfully underemployed.

    Only, we could keep the naked bike riders if you want. And we should not only commemorate the victims of communism, but celebrate the freedom and prosperity brought by capitalism and godliness.

  8. happ says:

    I just thought it was funny that when I called to make an appointment at the Indian hospital here in Albuquerque (half native american, half hispanic) last friday, they told me there were closed today, even though everything else is open.

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