**This post will be updated throughout the show**


A friend of mine noted the economy has been on steroids, and now we’re seeing a settling down to what I would consider normal. Gas prices have been way too high for way too long and have fueled the rise of despot states Russia and Iran. They’re now getting a big dose of oh-no!

Read this and believe him. Barone: The Coming Obama Thugocracy

Corsi falls ill after Kenya caper

Candidates differ on female draft

Here’s Barry explaining to a plumber how paying extra taxes, and “spreading the wealth around” is a good thing. As opposed to the idea that it destroys lives and countries. Oh yeah, and how “spreading the wealth around” is like giving people homes they can’t afford, collapsing economic systems.

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14 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Pathman says:

    RE: Economy on steriods. Sounds like Cody from Fox Business Happy Hour. Gov’t infusions cause bubbles that burst. Tech boom, real estate boom>>>BUST!

  2. Maxine Weiss says:

    “America is vulnerable to varying degrees of collectivism, wealth redistribution, “creeping socialism” (Ronald Reagan’s phrase), class-warfare rhetoric, and generally milder, more palatable (but still dangerous) forms of disguised Marxism. Why? How? The answer is simple: The history and truth about communism is not taught by our educators.”—-Paul Kengor

    Wow. I never thought about that. When I was in high-school Comparative Government was a required course. We read the Communist Manifesto, and learned all about Marxism, the seriousness and the threat of it, and how it was defeated.

    I guess students today just don’t know, and offered up by ‘The One’….think it’s nothing more than a groovy new system to share the wealth.

    Ignorance is bliss.

  3. daredevilaccordian says:

    Great post Maxine. I concur with you completely.

    Glad you saw the Michael Barone piece, Tammy. It’s a good one…

    I have been paying between $2.80-2.88 for a gallon gas for the last week here in the heart of Tejas… And with the Euro losing it’s cojones vs the $$, I might just get to take my on again/off again budget trip to Deutschland/Czech Republic next spring. I love that word Republic.

  4. Brooke says:

    Well, that’s it. There goes the motivation for anyone to work.

    I guess I’ll just put my feet up and collect Barry’s checks. After all, if I DO work, I’d be just as poor!

    Our Founding Fathers must be spinning in their graves.

  5. HALEY says:

    I agree, Brooke – our Founding Fathers have to be just rolling over their graves at the very threat of Obamanation!

    Let’s just hope that there are enough of us good, patriotic Americans to win this election…and defend America!

  6. LtDan says:

    What would you have thought just 2 years ago if someone had said to you this country would willingly and enthusiastically embrace communism? How has this even become a possibility in this country?!!!
    The root of this reality – a massive void where there was once patriotism and an understanding and of what makes us Americans, and a respect and appreciation for HOW WE GOT HERE.

    Look no further than our public schools and our universities, which by the way, is exactly where Bill Ayers had his sights set. “School reform” indeed.

  7. mrfixit says:

    Obama makes these comments that are just glossed over. Sad.

    I have heard him say: “It’s time to admit that free market capatlism is broken.” And variations on the theme. He claims not to be a socialist, but everything he says indicates that that is the economic model he thinks is the best.

    Every country that gets a truly socialist government eventually winds up with a dictator. The run up to socialism involves such things as eliminating guns in private hands, and then moves to nanny state care schemes, on to anti-“hate” speech, that eventually moves to can’t criticize the government, and then whammy, you’re stuck in a rotting situation, and you don’t have the means to put it right, because you got outvoted and had to give up the very means by which the populous can retake control. Our republic is giving up our rights against the tyranny of the majority to a Hunta, composed of judges. This must stop.

  8. HALEY says:

    Yes, LTDAN, you are absolutely right – Ayers’ plan for our schools is in the works and happening now. We’re right where he wants us. It makes me sick.

    I don’t understand how any American could vote for Obama and embrace the communism either. It is real and it is all around. I am surrounded by people who hate Bush and blame him for everything. They haven’t done their research and nor do they want to. They don’t want to know the truth. The lie is easier for them to accept. They hate Bush so much that they don’t care what Obama stands for and/or what he has done, who his friends are, etc., as long as they have a Dem in the House, they think they’ll be taken care of. And they’re dead wrong believing this. They don’t understand the impact it will have on this country…and I don’t think they care either.

  9. jerocat says:

    Obama and the three A’s, Acorn – Ayers – Alyski say,
    CHANGE will come after their efforts undermine
    the three pillars of Capitalism, Patriotism – Religion – Child Education.
    Their Child Education strategy says,
    let the children pledge allegiance to not to the flag of our Founding Fathers but to the Messia of CHANGE.

    On Jerome Corsi, he has damning news about Obama’s connection to voter fraud and ethnic cleansing by his cousin Odinga’s failed election attempt in Kenya. Turns out that Obama endorses Odinga and his pre and post election tactics including the support for the establishment of Sharia Law administered by Muslim clerics in that predominantly Christian country.

    Obama went to Kenya on US taxpayers’ money to advise and campaign for Odinga. Odinga and Obama are from the same tribe. Odinga is a Communist, same as Obama’s mother and father.

  10. Maxine Weiss says:

    Everything has a dark side, even the Free Market.

    But overwhelmingly, the entreprenurial spirt, the discoveries, the new inventions, the possibilities of progress……these things are uniquely American and wouldn’t have been possible with any other economic system.

    From Ford Motors to Thomas Edison to Alexander Bell….none of those things would have been possible without the Free Market.

    I’m afraid, under the “creeping Socialism” dressed up in a pretty package, under Obama, you can forget new discoveries and inventions that the world has looked to America for.

    Under…. The One, it’s all propaganda and suppression. We see that with Obama takeover by the Media chorus of Obama groupies.

  11. maldain says:

    LTDAN not everybody is enthusiastically embracing communism.

    MRFIXIT the good news is that not everybody follows the laws on these kind of things. Just look at what happened in Eastern Europe when the wall fell everybody and their brother were running around with AK-47’s and plenty of ammo. So just because a populace isn’t flashing it’s hardware doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any.

  12. LtDan says:

    Excuse me maldain, I didn’t say everybody, but obviously at least half of us will have, if this closet-marxist is voted into office of the president. As the voting majority goes, so goes the country, for at least four years.

  13. mrfixit says:

    The first phase of sociaism, the goal is to gain control of education. Dewey, the founder of public education stated that his goals were to infuse the teachings of Karl Marx into the subconcious of Americas’ youth. Woodrow Wilson, a university professor and president, said it was the job of the university, (and education) to make the youth of this country as unlike their parents as possible. (Mission increasingly accomplished.)

    The next phase is to generate class envy, and create the “vote myself a hand full of the other guy’s money” group think. The constitution says that all taxes must be equally apportioned. The 16th ammendment undid that.

    The next phase is the spread it around phase, where you punish the rich in order to pass out goodies and gumdrops. The problem is that those rich guys run out of money pretty quick, and some even resist being robbed! (How dare they.) With no incentive, they either shut down or leave, which brings us to the phase we will eventually see under Obama.

    When you can’t extract it from those who have it, you just print it up and pass it out. The Romans went to war to extract loot, wealth and taxes from other lands util they extended themselves hoplessly thin, and faced increasing demands for more more and more at home. Barry Marx will just crank up the printing press like his brother Mugabe in Zimbabwe. Eventually people will catch on, but they want more freebies, so they will get unruly.

    The final phase is shortages of everything, no will to earn, because earners are punished with confiscatory taxes. Everybody is dirt poor, but the government refers to them as a broad middle class. Civil unrest begins, civil rights end, and a strongman emerges to take control.

    It can be stopped, but it has to stop the same way it started. Run for the shcool board, city council, and local government. We have been asleep and let the Marxists tell our kids that forced sharing is noble, like Robin Hood who is exhalted. We can’t fight city hall, but WE CAN BE CITY HALL.

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