**This post will be updated throughout the show**


Schmidt: McCain ‘within striking distance’

McCain: Ayers will come up in debate

Man Names Baby Daughter ‘Sarah McCain Palin’

What does The Messiah think is the most important thing to talk about? Pie!! And this man wants to be the leader of the free world. Besides, he doesn’t even mention Chicken Pot Pie.

Last name: Mouse. First name: Mickey.

30,000 Florida Felons on Voter Rolls

An Ohio group has filed a state RICO action against ACORN
, alleging a pattern of corrupt activity that amounts to organized crime. Bravo. Every other state need to follow suit.

McCain has announced some details of his economic plan, including a guarantee of all savings accounts for six months.

After endorsing Obama for president, Christopher Buckley’s offer to resign his column for the National Review was accepted. Apparently he was hoping it wouldn’t be. Look, there’s never been a more distinct difference between presidential candidates: Obama is the most liberal senator in the senate, and avows clearly Marxist economic theory, such as his comments about “spreading the wealth” to the tax-strapped plumber. Anyone who thinks socialist ideas which have collapsed every country they’ve been implemented in should be supported is not a conservative. It’s as simple as that.

Congressman’s $121,000 Payoff to Alleged Mistress Here’s the audio of this bum “firing” her, as he notes “you work at my pleasure.” Apparently not.

A New Wrinkle (or Unwrinkle) in the Campaign: The Biden Brow

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16 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. daredevilaccordian says:

    This is scary, no?

    Jesse Jackson on Obama’s America

  2. HALEY says:

    Yes, that is VERY scary, Daredevilaccordian! What a load of crap that was. Every word out of Jesse’s mouth was from extremely clouded judgment. It just goes to show you what kind of people are voting for Obama – the uninformed and unaware!

    Regarding the “pie” video….Tammy, this was on our local news yesterday. They were glorifying Obama because of it. They thought he was so cute and sweet, ha! It was so bad, I had to turn it off. Oh, the media and their love affair with Obama – YUCK!

  3. Nonnie says:

    LOL I LOVE Swanson’s chicken pot pie! I love it so much I actually broke down several times and baked one from scratch. I got the receipe from a person I was doing a job for.

    You get two pie crusts. Broil large chicken breast,cut it up after done. In one of the pie crusts add chicken, can of Cream of Chicken soup, peas, carrots & a couple of dashes Louisiana Hot Sauce. (For the hardcore a couple of dashes pepper vinegar!) Cover ingredients with one of the pie crusts and cut off the outer edges (I eat the edges lol) and bake until crust is golden brown. Yummie

  4. Shawmut says:

    RICO statute is the best way to pursue this. But the toothpasete is out of the tube now. Does anyone believe a Baraq DOJ will pursue ACORN?
    Has anyone been watching to see when the issue of fraudulent votes would be reflected in the primaries?
    It’s peculiar that the issue is only intensified on the eve of the final election. It’s usual that party affiliation is noted for primaries, not general elections. Usually (Massachusetts), if one is not registered to vote for the primary,
    one has just not registered to vote.

  5. mrfixit says:

    We can fix this pronto. $250,000 fine and up to five years inprisonment for voter fraud. Authorise the FBI to investigate claims of voter fraud, and authorize them to conduct undercover stings of all registration organizations, get out the vote drives and so-on. The above fine and jail is what you can get for photocopying a recipe out of Good Housekeeping magazine, it ought to do to end voter fraud.

  6. LongviewCyclist says:

    I second that, MRFIXIT!

    Your Mama named you well.

  7. Tink says:

    That video clip of Obama saying pie over and over is a perfect summary of him and his campaign.

    It reminds me of when he blew his nose and the crowd cheered.

    p.s. I love that guy in my homestate of TN naming his little girl Sarah McCain Palin. I’m sure he’s just the beginning of a baby “Sarah” boom. (I don’t know about the McCain part though)

  8. Ripper says:

    Regarding Christopher Buckley and his endorsement of Obama and his resignation at National Review – all I can do is quote the great Union General George H. Thomas when an unpopular corps commander sent in his resignation “Accepted and heartily recommended.”

  9. KWH says:

    Interesting short read: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=77556
    All hail the ACORN!

  10. maldain says:

    Firstly, I’m glad to see that somebody is finally starting prosecution of the ACORN thugs. It’s about time considering they’ve been doing this for a couple of decades at least.

    On the Chris Buckley thing well, he’s let some kooks drive him out of the party his father fought for and helped define. He’s proved he doesn’t have the stones his father did when confronted with the Nixon era liberal Republicans.

    Gee a Democratic Congressman who ran on a morality platform caught with his pants down and his wallet out with a woman not his wife. This is a shock? It’s always do as I say not as I do with the Democrats.

    McCain needs to bring up Ayers and Wright and the rest of the motley crew that mentored Obama. And he needs to ask some very pointed questions about wealth redistribution and Karl Marx. Put Obama on the hot seat and let the country see him get angry when called out. When he starts to foam at the mouth ask him why he voted to allow living breathing infants to die in pain without treatment. And when that starts to simmer ask him about his followers tee-shirts that say Palin is a **** (very bad word in my household one of the few where my wife would wash my mouth out with Life Buoy if I ever said or even wrote it and that’s as it should be). I’m curious if his followers are aware of the type of cur they are slavishly following.

  11. pat_s says:

    In order to dissolve ACORN or revoke its licenses the Ohio AG has to sign on to the RICO lawsuit.

    Unfortunately, the interim AG is Democrat Nancy Rogers, who isn’t staying in the post. Since she doesn’t want to keep the AG job, she has no incentive to intervene in the RICO suit. She has nothing to lose by ignoring Ohio voters’ anger over ACORN. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the Ohio Attorney General to take any action against ACORN.

  12. Maxine Weiss says:

    When questioned on the strategy of his campaign to raise expectations of a “landslide” victory in order to cover up massive ACORN-driven voter fraud….Obama responds:

    “It’s above my paygrade.”

  13. Dave J says:

    “RICO statute is the best way to pursue this. But the toothpasete is out of the tube now. Does anyone believe a Baraq DOJ will pursue ACORN?”

    DOJ only needs to pursue if it’s criminal. Both the federal RICO statute and every one of its state-law analogues that I’m aware of provide for civil enforcement by private parties, usually with very loose standing requirements. That’s what happened here.

  14. infidel says:

    Chris Buckley,
    Clearly seduced by his Hollywood benefactors. Something happens, apparantly, at cocktail parties that transforms formally principled conservatives into groveling, craven school children seeking the approval of bullies who will never really respect them. Do you hear me George Will?

    William F would have died if he hadn’t already.

  15. N_Campbell says:

    Frankly, given that Senator Obama had no idea that Rev. Wright was a conspiracy-theory spouting, race baiting hatemonger, that Bill Ayers was and as an America-hating radical with no compunctions against using violence against his fellow countrymen, and that Rezko was a crooked fixer. I think the RNC should put out a new ad comparing Senator Obama to Mr. Magoo.

    It seems to me that the Obamassiah has steeled his Opastles against being afraid of anything in his past. Maybe we should try humor and hyperbole.

  16. Shawmut says:

    Once again, we have reason to consider review of the Selective Service System in universal application upon an American Citizen turning eighten.
    It may have been for the sake of military service at one point, but it would be a helpful tool for census vetting and voter registration verification.
    One’s status A1 to 9XYZ would matter little. It would only be a factual verification.

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