**This post will be updated throughout the show**


We continue to come off the economic steroids of the past 12 years: Retail sales plunge, wholesale prices fall

When once is not enough.

In the WaPo’s article, What Could Change the Election?, the presumptive position is that it’s already decided and Barry has won. They even use a graphic featuring the laughable CBS/NYT poll to make their point. It never ends.

Our Country Deserves Better ad featuring Barry’s associations.

Wow, who knew Rip van Winkle lived in Colorado and was so keen on voting he woke up??

Take a look at what Obama’s reading these days: (HT Marlee via the Free Republic)


He is reading “The Post-American World” — “This is not a book about the decline of America, but rather about the rise of everyone else.” So begins Fareed Zakaria’s important new work on the era we are now entering. Following on the success of his best-selling The Future of Freedom, Zakaria describes with equal prescience a world in which the United States will no longer dominate the global economy, orchestrate geopolitics, or overwhelm cultures. He sees the “rise of the rest”—the growth of countries like China, India, Brazil, Russia, and many others—as the great story of our time, and one that will reshape the world. The tallest buildings, biggest dams, largest-selling movies, and most advanced cell phones are all being built outside the United States. This economic growth is producing political confidence, national pride, and potentially international problems. How should the United States understand and thrive in this rapidly changing international climate? What does it mean to live in a truly global era? Zakaria answers these questions with his customary lucidity, insight, and imagination.

Here’s the update on Ratchet. Iraqi puppy in adoption controversy alive, military says Please add your name to the petition demanding the military allow Ratchet to be brought home with his soldier. Let Baghdad Pups and their sponsoring group the SPCA know you support and appreciate all their work to help keep our warriors and their pets together.

Lesson for the day: If you make squirrel sounds calling for the squirrel to come to you, don’t be shocked when it jumps on your head.

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11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Shawmut says:

    Buckley: All the qualities of dog with the exception of loyalty.
    Why should we believe Buckley’s assessment that Baraq has a first class mind? Since when has he been known for great peronality assessments – let alone mixing with the ‘prols?. He is little more than a kid mimicking his elder. Must be gene strain.
    High-born or low-born; prostitution is equal opportunity. Buckley is proof.

  2. Ferdy says:

    Chris Buckley wrote some really funny books, but his conservatism has been fairly mild from the beginning. It’s possible, ya know, that the whole endorsement is just a joke. It wouldn’t be the first.

  3. HALEY says:

    When it comes to Barack Obama, Sr. and Barack Obama, Jr., I think it’s pretty safe to say that the apple did not fall far from the tree. Obama, Jr. is a psycho leftist with a communist agenda just like his father.

  4. DogOnCrack says:

    Alan Colmes recently cited a poll which claimed that Barry was ahead in WV.
    As someone who grew up in that state, I can assure you that such an assertion is absolutely ludicrous and all the proof I need that those polls are complete and utter BS.
    I’m convinced that McCain and Palin will win easily.

  5. HALEY says:

    Regarding the ad: Our country absolutely deserves much better than Obama!

    Regarding the ‘What Could Change the Election’ – they’re not the only ones convinced that Obama is already president! Lots of people do.

    Dogoncrack – I hope you’re right. McCain/Palin better win! They deserve to be the winners for sure. They’re true, honest leaders!

  6. Tink says:

    I wouldn’t even pick up a book titled “The Post-American World”! Total Ivy League and Beltway reading. ugh!

    And I don’t think most other American’s would either. Because we know a post-American world is called the end of the world.

    More ad material for the McCain camp if they’re smart enough to use it.

  7. Nonnie says:

    All people have “feet of clay” and America has definately made mistakes, however, a person would have to be from another planet to believe that China, India, Brazil and/or Russia will take our place and make it a better world! How stoopid can people be?

    Also, thanks for showing what the Che Obama was reading.

  8. Nonnie says:

    LOL. The guy couldn’t possibly know what he was saying in squirrel language. He could have been saying “f u” for all he knew!

  9. pat_s says:

    What’s wrong with reading “The Post American World”? I’ve been meaning to read it myself. The title is a little misleading. I don’t think it’s a run-of-the-mill America-bashing book. The world is changing and we shouldn’t stick our heads in the sand. It doesn’t mean America is over. It means we face challenges. Hasn’t anyone noticed the rise of China? We can’t put ourselves on autopilot. For one thing, we are not the America we once were.

    A part of Mr. Zakaria’s thesis is that the “rise of the rest” is a result of American influence–open markets, technological growth, democratic improvements. At the same time we’re going in the opposite direction. It has been my concern for decades that we are abandoning our traditional spirit of adventure and innovation replacing those qualities with caution and inhibition. We’re crippling ourselves, rendering ourselves dysfunctional. An Obama Presidency will accelerate our transformation from a dynamic, exciting, creative society into a gray, senseless herd.

    I don’t think that’s what Obama will get out of reading the book. Mr. Zakaria is critical of unilateralism and other policies. Obama will probably just read those pages. I’ll read the whole book and post a book report. Some day.

  10. Nonnie says:

    You brought up a legitimate point, Pat. The guy could be reading it for the same reason you are. However, given his racially-motivated reactionary background, I really wonder why he would be drawn to that book. Doesn’t it, in so many words, claim that these countries would do the world a favor to take over our lead? I don’t know since I haven’t read but just a blurb. You tell me.

  11. brutepcm says:

    In the sixties, everyone was telling us that The Soviets would bury us. In the eighties, the Japanese were going to buy the U.S. and turn us all into tenant farmers.Old age doesn’t always bring wisdom, but I do have the advantage of having heard it before.
    Don’t hold your breath.

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