**This post will be updated throughout the show**


Your weekend inspiration:

How many more days until Bush is out of office? As of today, 86 too many. Keep an eye on when perhaps the worst president in modern history finally stops making mincemeat of this great country of ours.

Conservative Punk: Yes, Obama was a socialist New Party member
Why is this important? Because it explains Obama’s choice of friends, including Ayers, and his willingness to misrepresent himself or directly lie about his intentions for this country. WorldNetDaily also has coverage.

Obama staff in Ohio pull their bogus voter registrations

Barky is still trying to buy the presidency by spending an obscene $293,00 an hour through the first two weeks of October. It must be awfully frustrating to be spending this kind of money and will not be able to seal the deal. At the very least, wouldn’t you want a president who could actually get something done after spending this much money? Even the new Zogby Sunday poll has Obama and McCain in a statistical dead heat. Over a quarter of a million dollars an hour, and they have the gall to complain about Sarah Palin’s wardrobe.

McCain Makes Hay of Obama Inaugural Address Report

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
17 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Kris Laine says:


    I am a new listener. Your passion and energy is amazing!! I love the ‘Barky’ nickname! Question. Why has Obama not produced his Birth Certificate? There are so many unanswered questions about this clown that it is terrifying that he may be our next President.

    McCain/Palin Proud.

    Kris Laine.
    Fort Collins, Colorado

  2. ashleymatt says:

    Tammy, thank you for activating your listeners and fans to divest and cancel the NYT. Also, thank you for never linking to that joke of a tabloid. I don’t want them making one cent off of any of us. Let’s have a party when they file for bankruptcy.

  3. Mike says:

    Bush, the worst president in recent history? A bit of hyperbole, Tammy? While George Bush has indeed done a good number of things that were far from conservative (he never claimed to be a die-hard conservative, did he?), and while he made mistakes in the administration of a war, a war unlike any ever fought in American history, I suspect that history will think of him very much like Harry Truman, as a man who did his best, and who did was was necessary. Only time will make this obvious.

    Bush, the worst? How about Jimmy Carter, who started the ball rolling on a great many of the horrendous problems that Bush had to try to clean up. And if Jimmy isn’t bad enough, we may very well soon have a president what will make us long for the good old days of Jimmy Carter, when American stood strong and our economic engine purred like a Swiss watch by comparison.

  4. tjones says:

    Thank you for putting our country first! It’s what used to unite us all.So sad that political power and greed has corrupted so many,that they can’t see the major threats.Sad.

  5. Ednamode says:

    Yeah, Jimmy Carter was much much worse. I’d say Reagan has been the only good president since Carter.

  6. daredevilaccordian says:

    So, what to make of the reports about acrimony and backbiting inside the McCain/Palin campaign? http://tiny.cc/rgDnn
    I have never ever ever liked the inconsistency and wimpy lack of cohesiveness of Mc’s campaign. I am amazed that he continues to poll at the numbers he does, against BOs money, with these goofs in charge. I can only imagine how much ahead he would be if he had a competent campaign team. Now they are pissed at Sarah for being a “rogue” – stepping outside their lame “plan” and actually taking the bull by the horns, trying to win this thing. She is the only spark they have and now they are selling her out. Or is she the ‘problem child’ they are trying to paint her as? I wonder what the upshot of this is? Are Schmidt and his loser staff preparing for a loss and hoping to plant all the blame that they deserve squarely on Palin? Or is McCain going to finally do something bold (that he should have done a month ago) and fire these idiots in favor of the Palin style of campaigning? I will vote for him and I do think he would be a fine president, but I am having a hard time feeling inspired by his campaign decisions as we close this thing out.

  7. Dissentery says:

    What do you think is the TOTAL number of INDIVIDUALS who have contributed to the Obama campaign?

    Too many people are completely ignorant about this “grassroots” nonsense when it comes to where Obama is getting his campaign money. I’m going to use facts and numbers. I’m sorry, I hope that doesn’t get in the way.

    If you want to accurately gauge who is donating to the campaign, start with the following:
    A) Look up the number of registered voters in the United States. (140 million in ’06)
    B) Look up the percentage registered voters likely to vote (typically 60% in a presidential election year).
    C) Take 55% of Group C, which by liberal accounts represents Obama voters (assuming an Obama win)

    Let’s stop for a moment here. Do you think people who won’t vote on Nov. 4th will donate to a political campaign? Do you think people who aren’t following the elections but will still show up to vote on Nov. 4th will donate money to a political campaign? Are 2nd graders donating to Obama? Are Republicans or undecideds donating to the Obama campaign? You’re “undecided” about buying a car. Do you put a down payment?

    D) Take 60% from Group C, which by liberal methods represents likely donors for Obama after subtracting Obama voters who would never donate money to his campaign

    Even by liberal methods, you are left with perhaps 30 million “possible” (not likely, possible) individual Obama donors.

    Now the $64,000 dollar question. What percentage of that 30 million is opening their wallets for Obama? 25% 10%? 5% 2%

    7.5 million
    3 million
    1.5 million
    0.4 million

    2 million Obama supporters donating $50 bucks each could explain the spending for the first half of October. And that’s a stretch. A HALF MONTH OF SPENDING.


  8. Tamster says:

    Bush, the worst?! Come on, that’s not like you Tammy! Carter, the president who won’t go away, is the worst–followed by Clinton, as a close second! Remember, 100% Al Qaeda-free since 2001!

  9. Shawmut says:

    What is not being said about the funding and sources is the “in kind” value from the media that chooses to exercise it’s “freedom”.
    Along with “spending an obscene $293,00 an hour”, the advocacy of the media grants a 2X force multiplier to funds and then add subsidized ACORN workers.
    So being reasonable, let’s consider nearly 600K per hour and then add the total payroll of ACORN; per diem, weekly or annually.
    Now how much per hour?

  10. snowcloud says:

    I don’t think Bush is the worst president of all. My choice is Jimmy Carter by a longshot. I am old enough to remember quite well what a disaster he was. America was humiliated for all the world to see with the Iran situation and he did nothing. He made us look so weak and I can’t forgive him for that. At least Bush has kept our country safe and had made the pay for what they did to us on September 11th – at least in part.

    By the way, is anyone surprised that the Barkie campaign is denying the allegations about the New Socialist party? They are expert liars.

  11. rockproud says:

    Does anyone have more info on this New Party stuff? It’s difficult to find more info on the web, and I’m wondering why, in my debates with my “friends” – not that we really should need more proof that Obama is a socialist…but the more info we have, the better. Wanna make sure its not bogus info.

  12. artgal says:

    If Bush had a ‘D’ by his name instead of an ‘R’, how many would be sticking up for him right now?

    I have to say that Bush is running about even w/ Carter in my book. We don’t have double digit interest rates, inflation or unemployment (not yet, anyway), but we do have a war wherein our soldiers have been subjected to criminal court hearings on the basis of a reporters lie; we have classified information leaking and no accountability; we have two border patrol agents suffering senselessly in federal prisons because Bush does not have the balls to pardon them or confront the vulgar liars in the DOJ responsible for this injustice; we have a border that is wide open for all to see and cross at will; we have rampant corruption because Bush refused to grow a spine in the face of such; we have the largest growth of government occurring in this administration thanks to Bush’s willingness to commit tax dollars to bail out everything and everyone who does not deserve it; we have a war that has kept our troops from fighting forcefully and has allowed our mortal enemies to recapture some areas and boldly show their faces (acknowledging weakness on the part of our leaders); in an effort not to appear anti-Muslim, we have accommodated behavior and activities on the part of Islamic groups in this country instead of holding them accountable; we have also watched this administration fail the American people’s security and health by allowing trade with rogue nations, de-funding the FDA leaving humans and pets in America vulnerable to poisoned goods. Plus, our infrastructure is for crap right now.

    People, we may not have been bombed on our soil after 9/11 (and I do thank President Bush for that security), but we are still in the midst of attacks from our enemies. They cheer when we suffer economic hardship. They cry (along with the Dems) that ‘Capitalism is Dead!’ as if it’s a good thing. They are conscious of the fact we are looking for physical attacks on our institutions and land; who would think of our vulnerable economy as warfare? Well, it is. We also could not fathom the thought of commercial planes being used as bombs just 8 years ago, now could we?

    I won’t deny Bush was served difficult events and circumstances much of which he inherited; it’s what he has done – or failed to do – since receiving such. Because he was not forceful – especially after 2004 – the climate became ripe wherein a radical from the slime of the Chicago political machine could emerge. What are the chances we would even be dealing with Obama right now if Bush had conducted himself these last 7 years as forcefully as he did in the immediate aftermath of 9/11?

    We can acknowledge that Jimmy Carter was a complete failure and invited the terrorism the West faces today. But we must also hold Bush accountable for trying to appease our enemies instead of destroying them as forcefully as our military is capable of doing. And we must also confront the disastrous spending spree he and the Republicans failed to control over 6 years. They lost in 2006 due to Bush’s lack of leadership, and the country is where it is presently in the elections for the same reason.

    Therefore, so sum it all up: Tammy is not wrong in her observation AT ALL!

    Most of us understand how dangerous ‘hope and change’ will be under Obama (if he wins). But we should also be mindful of how ‘compassionate conservatism’ got us to this point in the first place.

  13. GenRach says:

    I must take exception to your wording, the worst President, when referring to President Bush. History will judge him as one of the most solid in the fight on the war against Islamofacism. Granted he has not been perfect, Lord, knows I have issues with the President. To say he is one of the worst is wrong. I respectfully disagree, strongly.

    In the middle of any war, it is hard to imagine that the choices made were right – especially when the ‘bombs’ are falling. How many despised Churchill during the blitz? MANY. (And I am not saying that Bush is Churchill).

    Nine days to go..let’s all take a deep breath.

  14. Ripper says:

    Bush is not even the worst President in the last 100 years – Jimmy Carter, LBJ, Nixon, – all far worse. Jimmy Carter will always be the worst President evah in my opinion. Bush went wrong in three things

    1. spending like a liberal
    2. loyalty towards disloyal incompetents – Powell, Rice, Brown, Tenet, McClellan, Gonzales, Miers – you get the drift
    3, failure to apply a figurative laxative to the State Department and CIA – to clean out the whole rotten, disloyal agencies.

  15. Ripper says:

    Also (and I am constantly critical of Bush so do not even think I am a lap dog of his, I also voted for him twice and do not regret it as Gore and Kerry would have been worse) after the first 6 months of a (God forbid) Obamanation – we will wish that G.W. Bush was back in the oval office.
    Have you ever seen Bush lose his temper against the obnoxious people in the D.C. press corps or over the personal and immature attacks and slanders he constantly had to endure for 8 years?

  16. ffigtree says:

    Sadly many people believe they are entitled to these vary things mentioned in the World Net Daily article:

    “Among the New Party’s stated objectives were “full employment, a shorter work week, and a guaranteed minimum income for all adults; a universal ‘social wage’ to include such basic benefits as health care, child care, vacation time, and lifelong access to education and training; a systematic phase-in of comparable worth and like programs to ensure gender equity.”

    The dems/socialists view equality as an end result. The republicans/conservatives view equality as equal opportunity for all. Equality as an end, where everyone is the same, crushes individuality and breeds resentment.

  17. ffigtree says:

    Oops. It should read very not vary.

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I’m re-playing the Meghan McCain interview from my weekday show. We talked about her book and what it’s like on the bus 🙂 Meghan is also the prolific blogger about life on the book and campaign trail at McCain Bloggette.


Barry seems to have forgotten, again, that there’s that pesky thing called the “election” on November 4th.

The new McCain ad focusing on B. Hussein’s relationship with Bill Ayers. Easily one of the best ads so far.

For those of you Hillary Voters/Democrats/Indies who are still wobbly on McCain/Palin because of certain social issues, here’s major Hillary supporter/Democrat Mrs. de Rothschild on why she supports McPalin, how the Democrats control women, and why pro-choicers and other liberals should vote for McCain/Palin. She also explains her background which is a perfect example of the potential and impact of the American Dream.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Shawmut says:

    Baraq’s NPD condition doesn’t allow him to wait until election day. Remember his Euro-Tour (where not one wounded soldier in a hospital was worth his time). The throngs in Berlin and Paris (who were already on their national summer vacation with no place to go) were more important.
    But, Wait – – We have a little flutter coming up over the Broadway Bank in Chicago. Tony Rezko is reported (Sun Times) to be re-thinking his prison schedule.

    Senator McCain is taking the least travelled route in politics – the high road.

  2. ahwatukeejohn says:

    I am not a big fan of my senator’s politics. I am disgusted by Berry’s politics.
    That aside, I can not believe that Americans do not see the differance between a man who can be tortured it the Hanoi Hilton, given the chance to leave and stayed of his own accord untill his commrads were released with him, and a Chicago thug (and punk).
    This election is pivital in American politica and who we are.
    By the way; I was in an Ohio union bar early this morning and the union take on all of this is quite different (and delusional). –I did spell check on that one–

  3. marleed says:


    I totally understand your point about giving John McCain room to win this election his way. What I don’t see, but would appreciate from McCain is an acknowledgment beyond, “I know you’re angry, and I’m angry too”. I’d like John McCain to defend my anger. If he can’t channel my anger then he, at least, could direct it. If he feels the need to separate the sin, from the sinner, fine. Love Barack(the sinner), but at least be outraged at the sins and call them (and they are legion) by name. I see some of that in McCain’s ads, I see less of it from McCain himself. We are angry for good reason, and the LAST thing we need to do if we’re to provoke solutions to those things that enrage us is for us to calm down. Remember, the immigration issue? It was only when we got mad enough to storm the gates of hell that something got done. The election is twenty five days away, we all need to remain focused and furious. We need to approach this election as if the future of our Republic depends on it, because the fact of the matter is, it does.

  4. Pathman says:

    Bumper stickers, myspace, facebook. T-shirts yardsigns, phone banks, drive people to vote.

    The undecided are flaky and will sway, hopefully our way, as things unfold. Turnout and winning hearts and minds are key. McCain represents the best of traditional America, Obama represents the worst of Chicago politics. If this election were sane, it might be a blowout. We need to learn Ninja political action from Tammy. ;-D

  5. daredevilaccordian says:

    Check out this Facebook parody by the GOP called Barackbook… it is actually pretty clever. And all the links work and direct you to all of his “questionable” friends, etc… I find it infinitely amusing and informative!


  6. Ruth Anne says:

    Good speaking to you on air. Thanks for letting me on! As I mentioned, there is a federal law that prohibits candidates from directly or indirectly promising an appointment. And that probably explains why neither McCain nor Obama have done so. But, as you said, who surrounds the candidates are who will probably become key advisors in their administration. Let’s see a little more Mitt running this issue for the campaign.

  7. whitney says:

    Tammy Bruce should replace all that nutty stuff on Fox News, these days. The Tammy peeps, know what I speak. Speaking to the choir (us) are probably emailing the Fox News (Fair and Balanced team…who have gone overboard, in holding up the Fair and Balanced moniker, too much, already….what they could use is the practical reason of our Tammy girl…like the reason Sarah Palin has prevented the total crash and burn of the McCain campaign….he’s doing enough to crash his own campaign, “my friends”….((((wink)))

  8. IrishLad317 says:

    McCain needs to do a “big picture” ad on who Obama is. All of these associations he has are FAR LEFT, and he represents himself as centrist. Backed by (or a member of?) a socialist party in Chicago. Rev. Wright (America hater). Ayers, who was a domestic terrorist, but, just as disturbing and far more relevent in time, is Obama chairing the board that gave millions of dollars to Ayers’ failed attempt to radicalize children in schools. Throw in ACORN for good measure. Add the “most liberal Senator”… McCain needs to put ALL of this TOGETHER. This stuff defines the man, and also exposes him as dishonest about who he is.

    The point about Ayers is a good one, but in typical McCain fashion, he omits a point that most Americans would find very valid… Obama worked WITH Ayers (just a guy from his neighborhood… yeah, right!) recently and in a FAR LEFT project. The Ayers/Obama attmept to politicize education to turn out leftist radicals is an issue that is a win for McCain on two levels: It exposes Obama’s real far left tendencies, and it casts some doubt on whether or not we want Obama making education policy.

  9. 2T3MzooK says:

    IrishLad317, I agree with you 100% in this:

    “McCain needs to do a “big picture” ad on who Obama is. All of these associations he has are FAR LEFT, and he represents himself as centrist. Backed by (or a member of?) a socialist party in Chicago. Rev. Wright (America hater). Ayers, who was a domestic terrorist, but, just as disturbing and far more relevent in time, is Obama chairing the board that gave millions of dollars to Ayers’ failed attempt to radicalize children in schools. Throw in ACORN for good measure. Add the “most liberal Senator”… McCain needs to put ALL of this TOGETHER. This stuff defines the man, and also exposes him as dishonest about who he is.

    “The point about Ayers is a good one, but in typical McCain fashion, he omits a point that most Americans would find very valid… Obama worked WITH Ayers (just a guy from his neighborhood… yeah, right!) recently and in a FAR LEFT project. The Ayers/Obama attmept to politicize education to turn out leftist radicals is an issue that is a win for McCain on two levels: It exposes Obama’s real far left tendencies, and it casts some doubt on whether or not we want Obama making education policy.”

  10. lnbee says:

    I’m watching Chris Wallace, talking about the John Lewis condemnation of the few racist attendees at John McCain’s campaign stops (which McCain has nothing to do with and repudiated). McCain is a racist like George Wallace!!!??? This is the worst hypocrisy. What about the rampant sexism since this campaign started 20 months ago. What about Obama’s continual ageism against McCain. Continually insinuating he’s senile and out of touch. What a crock!

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**This post will be updated throughout the show**



Here is the part of the Carl Cameron interview with Palin where she discusses Supreme Court decision she doesn’t like. For the frist time, we hear a national politician utter the word “Kelo.” Thank goodness.

Palin says Obama ‘palling around’ with terrorists

The Luntz Focus Group after the VP debate. My favorite complaint: Sarah is “catering to her adorability.” You betcha!

Rove: Palin, McCain and the Weeks Ahead

Kristol: Can They Catch Up? Of course.

New NRCC Ad on how the Dems are responsible for the sub-prime crisis

BBC: Saudi cleric favours one-eye veil

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Pathman says:

    An hour late and a dollar (or a trillion) short. What did I miss? I have Beaujolais from Costco and need to open a bottle.

  2. Idiot#3 says:

    I love the strategy of attacking Obama’s transparent lack of integrity and character. All they have to do is point out his associations and therefore his likely appointments. Who do you want on the Supreme Court, Malik Zulu Shabazz or Robert Bork?

    You betcha that brunette is adorable. And I love her Great White North accent.

  3. Ripper says:

    “The Luntz Focus Group” – a bigger group of morons outside of a Southern California jury room, the Berkeley City Council, or the Columbia University faculty dining room you will never find.

  4. Pathman says:

    Sean Hannity is doing the BO associations on his “America” show tonight. Sean will pull no punches.

  5. snowcloud says:

    Thanks for posting those videos, Tammy. I wanted to call the show but I was too scared. I convinced at least one other person to vote for McCain. I went to a cookout here in VA around Norfolk. Everyone there was terrified of an Obama presidency.

  6. Pathman says:

    I’ve thought for some time that it is a conflict of interest for lawyers to write our laws. ;-D

  7. Gary Rosen says:

    If they don’t like Palin’s “adorability”, why don’t the Dems just cater to Biden’s adorability?

  8. jerocat says:

    “Palin says Obama ‘palling around’ with terrorists “

    It’s refreshing to have a real voice.
    Sarah girl, you are free to move about the country.
    While you’re at it expose the Dems’ treachery too.
    Now that the Econ Rescue Bill is passed
    and the Dems are crowing about how they saved the country (NOT)
    throw some of your radiant sunlight on that bag of worms.

    “While it is known that Obama and Ayers
    live in the same Chicago neighborhood,
    served on a charity board together
    and had a fleeting political connection,
    it’s a stretch of any reading of the public record to say
    the pair ever palled around.”

    —Bill Ayers funded a Leftist organization he founded with a $50 million grant
    and hired Obama to run it.
    —Obama was employed by Bill Ayers.
    Ayers recently said he didn’t do enough bombing.
    Ayers bombing campaign killed a cop.

    According to Obama, “He’s just a college professor in my neighborhood.”

    Pound him under, Sarah!

  9. LongviewCyclist says:

    Hell fire. Even *ghosts* get 2 eyeholes.

  10. daredevilaccordian says:

    Hallelujah for the NRCC ad, FINALLY! KEEP IT COMING NRCC, keep it coming, hard and fast and sharp. And it is TIME to take the reins off of Sarah and let her go for it. Let her do her thing. The more she marinades in the election and all the issues, the more she is able to present cogent, cohesive arguments to the electorate. And McCain obviously gets energy and confidence from her exuberance – and if that is what it takes for him to grasp the art of campaigning here in the final month, then so be it.

    We know he will be an effective and powerful president, we just need for him to embrace being an effective and powerful campaigner here in the final month. Sharpen his tools and come out swinging. It is time for McCain/Palin and the NRCC to start disassembling the glass house that Obama/Biden and the loony arm of the Democrat party have spent 19 months building.

  11. marleed says:

    I wanted to put this link where as many of you as possible might read it.  It’s a link to a new ad sponsored by the California Nurses Association.   Here’s a bit from the press release consering the ad, “A Heart Beat Away”.

    Earlier this year McCain permitted a select group of reporters just a few hours to review more than 1,100 pages of records, but not make copies, falling far short of the full disclosure that all major candidates to the presidency should provide, said NNOC/CNA today.

    “As nurses who see patients like Sen. McCain every day, we respect his wishes for medical privacy but his reluctance to make his records fully available only raises further questions and concerns about his ability to fulfill the obligations of the office he seeks,” NNOC/CNA co-president Malinda Markowitz, RN said.

    “As an oncology nurse, I’m very concerned about John McCain’s history of melanoma,” added CNA/NNOC Secretary Jan Rodolfo, an oncology RN at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Oakland, Calif.  “Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer and leads to 75 percent of all deaths from skin cancer.”

    Similar concerns have been voiced by a number of physicians across the U.S. in recent days.

     They’re warning us of the danger of a Sarah Palin Presidency, as they view her as unprepared for the task.  How they can look at BHO and then call Sarah Palin unprepared escapes me entirely. . . unless it’s attributable to mental illness.

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