**This post will be updated throughout the show**

Kool-Aid Edition!


In honor of not questioning the The Messiah, it’s quite unlikely his campaign will be audited, even though we have no idea where $200 million came from. Oh, but McCain’s camp will be audited. And the Kool-Air continues to pour…

Obama Chic: Kitchen Staff to Provide Favorite Foods for First Family

Blankley: To battle stations

Sad: NASA’s Phoenix Mars Lander tweets and blogs about its death

Lott: Minnesota Ripe for Election Fraud

Don’t wanna be registered to vote? Don’t worry, the Dems want to register you anyway. After all, the more government databases the better.

Yes he can! Obama Invents ‘Office of the President-Elect’


New Bond Girl Olga Kurylenko

Shocker! Bond Girl In Sex Tape?

You know, only 50% of the American people are on drugs, and we can’t have that! Here’s your drug pitch for the week to get the rest of you weird healthy people on the drugs you don’t need:

People with low cholesterol and no big risk for heart disease had dramatically lower rates of heart attacks, death and stroke if they took the cholesterol pill Crestor, a large study found.

The results, reported Sunday at an American Heart Association conference, were hailed as a watershed event in heart disease prevention. Doctors said the study might lead as many as 7 million more Americans to consider taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, sold as Crestor, Lipitor, Zocor or in generic form.

And you thought it was just the lemmings in the Republican and Democrat parties that were affected by global warming.

And finally, for Obama Zombies who just don’t want to do anything on their own, here’s the new robot that will help you walk. The only thing missing (so far) is the GPS tracking/map that will ultimately guide you to whatever The Messiah requires. Have fun! Oh, it appears it will also protect you Larry Craig in the even t you have to use the loo while in Washington, DC.

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. pjb says:

    Ok this takes precedence, if Obama can escape being audited by not taking public moonies, then maybe the next repub should refuse it too and be able to do what they want!

  2. pjb says:

    Wish I could design something for ya, I am not a graphics designer. Maybe grape flavored cool-aid, for the sour grapes that the left will feel when Obama lets you all down. Would it be sugar free kool-iad or not?

  3. Shawmut says:

    There are too many images; Alice in Wonderland, Monopoly Money…A ship leaking from the bridge…
    Maybe a stickman kissing his own ass.

    And that raises the leaks regarding the meeting between Bush and “Barky”. It signals how insecure the Braq in his “victory”.
    Why is he still campaigning in his ‘drug-store cowboy’ way putting down another only to enhance his own stature; courtesy as weakness; propaganda as truth and his vanity a virtue.
    Krauthammer referred to him (erroneously) as a “Self-made-man…” He should have added; …”in love with his creator..”
    Yeah, that’s it; Maybe a stickman kissing his own ass. Our logo: with a line through it.
    bove all, Tammy, your kind expressions for veterans and servicie members, today and everyday is appreciated.

  4. pjb says:

    Tammy here is a cool aid color chart

  5. Kelly says:


    Now, that I’ve picked my chin off my keyboard, I say we send a special invitation for Olga to join the Village. 😉

  6. pat_s says:

    change.gov has this at the bottom of the page:

    Content copyright © 2008 by Obama-Biden Transition Project, a 501c(4) organization. All rights reserved.

    A 501c(4) is a not-for-profit organization. I don’t think works for the federal government can be copyrighted.

  7. LongviewCyclist says:

    Is this the Obamabutt?

    [Yes indeed! Now posted with video on the main page–T]

  8. Fox says:

    Olga, Mmmmmmm… Sorry, I was having a male moment.

    Could you imagaine “Star Wars Episode VII: Resurgence of the Empire” now? There’s Howard Dean as the Sith Lord and Barky as his new apprentice; an army of Walker Obamabots at their disposal. The oval office gets that vader-life-support-sphere-thingy conplete with breather-helmet because of smoking-related cancer.

    Obama force-chokes Hannity saying, “I find your lack of faith in The One disturbing.” Palin can be the vixen that ultimately saves the galaxy… though right now, Olga Kurylenko is a little more enticing… what was I saying?

  9. Lamplighter says:

    Automatic voter registration= centralized(!) election authority(!!). “Centralized” and “authority”: the left’s two most favorite words. No more “bottom up systems” in this era, top-down is the way of the Messiah.
    You’re required to change your drivers license when you move to reflect your new address. If care enough, re-register to vote. Oh, sorry, there’s that personal responsibility thing again.
    Audit BO! It will only get worse in the future. Call me pessimistic but, I have a feeling the first person to get audited is going to be a Republican.
    Take Crestor, even if you don’t need it. I also recommend you have an appendectomy, even if you don’t need one. You never know when that ol’ appendix is going to flare.
    Office of the President-elect. That was bad enough but BEFORE he’s officially elected? Before that there was the campaign seal with the eagle, arrows, and branch with a great big “O” and the words “vero possumus” (yes we can). Good God! Malignus Narcissus.
    Audit BO! Impeach BO! VERO POSSUMUS!

  10. Shawmut says:

    Using the “A 501c(4) is a not-for-profit organization.” is more than a little interesting.
    We could have aconveniient commingling of funds – – and goals. Watch this repeat itself.

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