**This post will be updated throughout the show**


The beginning of the end for ACORN?

The Messiah Admin? Complete with chart! Al Gore, Colin Powell, Caroline Kennedy in Obama’s Administration?

Fred Thompson may try for RNC post

John McCain: No 2012 White House run

Plus, here’s a clip from the Jay Leno appearance. His comments about the smears of Palin were, shall I say, less than aggressive in condemning the attempts by some jerks to diminish her. He answers at one point that ‘these things happen’ in campaigns. They don’t have to if people have integrity. And last time I checked, smears weren’t coming from the Palin team trying to smear McCain, so I guess it doesn’t happen ‘all the time’ does it John?

Morrissey: Get ready for mandated health insurance

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14 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. whitney says:

    McCain, was just the biggest jerk of all the candidates we could have nominated; I hope he retires or the damn opporsition party can go back to their conservative roots; RETIRE Yosemite Sam, and get out and support your friend: Lieberman…he’s taking it on the chin for having supported you you Has been….weren’t you the one who refused to allow drilling in ANWR, Mr. McCain?

  2. HALEY says:

    I’m appalled that McCain won’t stick up for Palin. After all, she fought for him when he wouldn’t fight for himself!

    Regarding mandated health care: What’s wrong with these Dems in Congress who are pushing for this? Why don’t they take a look at Canada? Haven’t they ever wondered why Canadians come to America for medical procedures, and pay for them out of their own pockets, so they don’t have to wait 6-9 months in Canada for the medical treatment they need?

    The Obama presidency is upsetting all the way around.

  3. Lamplighter says:

    The next administration is toying with the volatile idea of employing egocentrics Al Gore as “climate czar” and Robert Kennedy EPA chief. I can see it now:
    Gore: I AM the environmental movement!
    Kennedy: I”M a Kennedy!

    I still prefer Michael Steele at the RNC. As Dick Morris pointed out, Thompson is lazy and ran a lazy campaign. I like Thompson and there’s a place for him somewhere, but we need energetic leadership at the RNC position.

    McCain won’t run for president in 2012? Imagine my disappointment.

    Sen. Max Baucus, remember that name. We have already seen what government intervention (more like strong arm tactics) can do to free markets. Now Baucus wants to do the same with health insurance. The same people who held a gun to the bankers head and told them “you WILL loan money to these people and if you don’t we’ll call you a racist and sue you!” now want to do the same to insurance companies. There they go again.

  4. JeanStateDefenseForce says:


    I just want to say… that I love coming to your website and seeing that pistol in your hand. Im glad we have people that Pro Gun around.

    PFC IN New York State Guard
    and Future Firefighter 🙂

  5. ffigtree says:

    McCain was less than aggressive during the campaign too. He had ample ammunition and opportunity to go on the offensive with Obama but missed the mark. Sarah, on the other hand, hit the bull’s eye time and time again calling Obama to task every chance she had. Sarah isn’t afraid of straight talk but McCain seems to be. McCain, again, fell short of doing the right thing.

  6. storytold says:

    Tammy,I know you blame Bush for us losing the White House but alot of that blame should go to McCain.Yes,he has a graceful pretty wife but not much else. John McCain was never comfortable attcking his buddies on the other side of the aisle,so it should come as no suprise that he lost. He even went so far as to tell an audience of supporters that they had nothing to fear from an Obama presidency! That’s like catching the football and running to the other team’s goal line. Sarah Palin is the only good thing that came out of this debacle.

    As for Fred Thompson,I just don’t think that man really wanted to be President. Same goes for Rudy Giuliani. It seems like they both sabatoged their campaigns,making sure they wouldn’t win. At least that’s my opinion. Fred waffled around,wondering if he should run,then announces his decision on the Tonight Show,of all places. Throughout his campaign,he seems lifeless. It seemed to me like he was pushed into running by his friends and family,but his heart was never in it. Rudy seemed enthused about his campaign but he shot a hole in the Rudy Express by waiting out his opponents in Florida,while they gathered steam and votes! I think that Giuliani enjoyed the game more than the prize.

  7. I’ve already said my piece about McCain’s abandoning of Palin. All I want to say here is: Go, Fred, go! Please.

  8. Marie says:

    I totally agree with FFigtree..this is what has bothered me about McCain right from the beginning…he never really came out with guns-a-blazen…he just kept ’em in his holsters…good thing that Sarah knew how to draw…shows ya just who was the Maverick…it was very disappointing when he didn’t immediately come to her rescue…dang…my Dem friends were right about him…you can’t imagine how difficult it is to admit that one…dang

  9. Hawkins1701 says:

    “John McCain: No 2012 White House run”

    Gee, sure glad we ended the suspense over that one.

  10. Ripper says:

    One of the worst GOP candidates the idiotic GOP primary voters ever foisted on us (Bob Dole being the absolute worst) is not the man of integrity I thought he was. Go away Maverick!

  11. Nick&Nora says:

    WEAK AS WATER! He could have taken the opportunity to say (in a charming tone) “The late-night shows have been ripping Republicans for the last eight years, the last 2 years of the campaign, and they were 10 to 1 against us. The few about Obama were softball if ever. People think these shows are NEWS. Then MSM further paints us as greedy, cruel, and slick blue-bloods who help each other to keep everyone else down. I’ll defend Sarah Palin against anyone who tries to smear her, even from my own party”

  12. Nick&Nora says:

    WEAK AS WATER! He could have taken the opportunity to say (in a charming tone) “The late-night shows have been ripping Republicans for the last eight years, the last 2 years of the campaign, and they were 10 to 1 against us. The few about Obama were softball if ever. People think these shows are NEWS. Then MSM further paints us as greedy, cruel, and slick blue-bloods who help each other to keep everyone else down. I’ll defend Sarah Palin against anyone who tries to smear her, even from my own party”

  13. Nick&Nora says:

    WEAK AS WATER! He could have taken the opportunity to say (in a charming tone) “The late-night shows have been ripping Republicans for the last eight years, the last 2 years of the campaign, and they were 10 to 1 against us. The few about Obama were softball if ever. People think these shows are NEWS. Then MSM further paints us as greedy, cruel, and slick blue-bloods who help each other to keep everyone else down. I’ll defend Sarah Palin against anyone who tries to smear her, even from my own party”

  14. Nick&Nora says:

    WEAK AS WATER! He could have taken the opportunity to say (in a charming tone) “The late-night shows have been ripping Republicans for the last eight years, the last 2 years of the campaign, and they were 10 to 1 against us. The few about Obama were softball if ever. People think these shows are NEWS. Then MSM further paints us as greedy, cruel, and slick blue-bloods who help each other to keep everyone else down. I’ll defend Sarah Palin against anyone who tries to smear her, even from my own party”

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