**This post will be updated throughout the show**


JibJab’ 2008 Year in Review is ready. They send away 2008 and welcome 2009 in the way only they can.

Yea! Merry Christmas–New York Times Co November ad revenue falls 20 pct

You don’t say.

French Madoff investor found dead in NY office

Joe the Plumber Pens Memoir

Bush pardons a bomber seller and more drug dealers, leaving Ramos and Compean in jail for Christmas. Here’s the complete list.

Another thing the Guvmint and Our Friends the Saudis don’t want you to know–your love handles can power your car.

When Mexican beauty queens go bad.

AP: Blagojevich questioning takes up Obama’s time. And his “precious energies.” What, like the energy it takes to walk around a beach shirtless?

Iraq: ‘We will go to church without fear’ says Christian MP

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Ripper says:

    Any bad news for the New York Times is good news for me.

  2. PeteRFNY says:

    They deserve all the bad news they get, if for no other reason than for erecting that freaking eyesore on 41st and 8th. Blecch.

  3. Lamplighter says:

    Yet again, the princely ears of The Messiah (may he live forever) are assaulted by the profane insinuations of the political right (who all wear the collars of demons). These spawns of devils deviously imply a connection with the heretic Blagojovich (who blasphemed The Exhalted Name) and seek to tax the precious energies and aureate time of The Messiah (may he live forver). Fear not! For no scandal shall stain his Blessed Person. For behold! The Messiah (may he live forver) will make all things clean, for he is The One.

    (I’m one of lampighters numerous personalities and I approve this message)

    BTW, the Madoff scandal may cost the ACLU 850,000$ in donations. OMG!

  4. reddy says:

    George Bush leaves two Border Patrol heroes to rot in jail…he is not worth spitting on

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