**This post will be updated throughout the show**


Rendell Open Mike 2: What he said about Palin

CEOs drive to DC for hearings; Questions persist

Big Three Spending Millions On Lobbying

It’s UAW Concession Time

One of the Silver Linings of the changing economy. When 50% of graduating college seniors are functionally illiterate (but have learned how to hate conservatives), this can only be good news.

George Will: Obama’s Jobs Lowball

Truth In Politics: Gun Sales Boom After Election

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. radargeek says:

    Rendell is a complete jackass. And again, the blind stream media ignores their buddys. I used to have confidence in the citizen politic in penn state, but after they re-elected murtha…their gov’s comments shouldn’t surprise anyone. No wonder people are leaving that state hand and foot.

  2. Ripper says:

    I have no interest in anything that phony, egghead, washed up George Will has to say about anything.

  3. Fox says:

    How exactley is Government going to creat jobs when they have no money and are not producers?… oh wait… Taxpayer dollars and burreaucracies.

    Let the Big 3 burn. Believe it or not, when they go bankrupt they’re not required to destroy their factories or (more importantly) tooling. Let them be bought-up on the cheap and move to a “Right to Work” state.

    The conservative ideal of Free Market doesn’t end when the road gets a little rough. Every market has a cycle and when government tries to mess with it it crashes. How do you think this mess got started in the first place?

    Maybe colleges will return to the business of higher learning instead of business as usual?

  4. GenRach says:

    Ripper, that was priceless!

    Welcome back Tammy! Now about this ‘loan’/’bailout’ – blackmail that is being forced once again upon us – I just want to know one thing: Where is my D*** check! I am in the process of learning the language of the marxist left and this seems to be the mantra. When I had to hear Dodd today actually being fiscally conservative during those hearings, I knew I entered the twilight zone.

    One more thing Tammy? Any good islands for sale where you were? I figure we can start the United States of Tammy there, what say you all?

  5. Ripper says:

    Thanks. Goerge F. Will served a purpose back in the 1980’s but now it seems that he wants to get permanent invites to all the best Georgetown parties so he goes the way of pseudoconservatives such as Peggy Noonan, Kathleen parker, and David Brooks in bashing Republicans. He is yesterdays news. Give me Mark Steyn over George Will any day.

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