**This post will be updated throughout the show**


Denise Lee, the co-founder of Moms Ask Mattel for Accountability, was a guest as we discussed the extraordinary situation with the Mattel “Little Mommy Cuddle ‘n Coo” doll says “Islam is the Light.” At their site they have all the background, the audio, and the latest news. They also have action suggestions so you can get this doll off your local store shelves. The most extraordinary thing is Mattel’s reaction–according to Denise, suggesting that moms are ‘hearing things’ and denying the phrase is on the tape at all.

Good news for the week: The New York Times has to mortgage its building to stay afloat.

Blackwater Security Guards Charged With Manslaughter

One Barkey Birth Certificate Truther knocked down, one to go.

BREITBART: I believe Hillary’s cardboard cutout

At the exact moment Jon Favreau is receiving high praise in pre-inaugural media puff pieces, the 27-year-old chief speechwriter for President-elect Barack Obama (not Jon Favreau, the Hollywood actor/ director) finds himself in a minor mess over a photo from a recent private party showing him groping the breast of a cardboard cutout of Hillary Rodham Clinton as an unnamed pal wearing an “Obama staff” T-shirt kisses and feeds her beer…If the photo had exposed a Republican offender, there’d already be a full-bore media scandal and cascading resignations. MSNBC would be rearranging its schedules for a wall-to-wall 24/7 bonanza. Rachel Maddow would finally have her big story. Barbara Boxer, Patricia Schroeder and other righteous feminists would walk up the Capitol steps, reprising the time they tried to destroy Clarence Thomas – for nothing.

President George W. Bush & Barbra Streisand embrace – and it’s like buttah

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11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. palin2012 says:

    Unbelievable – Mattel should be required to tell the public how and why this phrase was incorporated into this doll.

    Here’s a link to the site where you can sign a petition requesting that Mattel recall the Islam promoting doll. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/ask-mattel-to-recall-islam-promoting-doll

  2. PeteRFNY says:

    Perhaps “Little Mommy Cuddle ‘n Coo” is merely a big Cat Stevens fan…

  3. Shawmut says:

    It is beyond my understanding, or , as Hillary would say “willful suspension of disbelief”, why this document cannot be presented.
    The longer the story drags on, the more intrigued I become.
    My first reaction was that this was just so much ‘pickey-pickey’ and that certainly he had to have been vetted by his own supporters. An acquaintance of mine even googled and doodled and super-searched to show proof of a birth-certificate; and he was oh-so-proud of finding the proof from Hawaii. Guess he got the same bogus proof positive that the nobody can affirm.
    So, what is it? A narcissistic thing; he’s an American born citizen; but being above it all, he doesn’t have to prove it as you and I do.
    He must have had passports issued. Were they US? If so what proof was used?
    Let’s face it, the guy loves drama – especially when it’s about him. It’s a trait often found in ‘adult children of alchoholics’.

  4. jerocat says:

    OBAMA’S ineligibility to be POTUS still before SCOTUS.

    Birth Certificate is an irrelevant smoke screen issue.

    Leo Donofrio:
    “My application was denied. The Honorable Court chose not to state why.

    Wrotnowksi v. Connecticut Secretary of State is still pending as an emergency application resubmitted to the Honorable Associate Justice Antonin Scalia as of last Tuesday. I worked extensively on that application and it includes a more solid brief and a less treacherous lower Court procedural history.”

    Case #1 thrown out (on a technicality?)
    Donofrio v. New Jersey Secretary of State

    Case #2 LIVES
    Wrotnowksi v. Connecticut Secretary of State still before the SCOTUS.

    Case #3 – FARCE
    Philip Berg v. Barak Obama.
    Here Berg argues about Obama’s secret birth certificate. It is irrelevant and will fail. Birth Certificate if revealed will most likely say nothing new but, will most likely remain a secret.


    As Obama openly proclaimed on his campaign web site, his father was a British citizen at the time of his birth. This singular fact DISQUALIFIES OBAMA from ever being POTUS.

    Obama if elevated to POTUS becomes a usurper of the presidency by definition. It is clearly against the law for a POTUS to have one parent or more who is not US a citizen at the moment of the candidate’s birth.


    For FACTS and not FUZZY MEDIA REPORTING go to:

  5. jerocat says:

    SPECIAL NOTE to Tammy:

    Forget about Barak Obama’s creepy birth certificate. It’s not the central issue in the one remaining SCOTUS case.

    The key issue is that neither John McCain nor Barak Obama are Natural Born Citizens of the United States
    and, are therefor ineligible to be candidates for the office of POTUS.
    This is according to our Constitution and over two centuries of case law on the subject. Natural Born Citizenship is the most rigorous classification of US citizen. It is required for one thing only and that is, to be POTUS. A POTUS can have no foreign allegiances
    or entanglements due to circumstances of birth.

    The fallout is that both the Republican and Democrat Parties have committed fraud by presenting unqualified candidates to the ballots


    the Secretaries of State, all 50 of them, are both committing fraud and shrugging the sworn constitutional duties by allowing ineligible candidates on their state’s ballots and further, by certifying the election results.

    Civil offenses or crimes, I’m not sure. Offenses against the People of the US according to our Constitution, I’m sure.

  6. jerocat says:

    PS to Tammy

    George Washington and those of his generation were not Natural Born but became citizens as the result of the Declaration of Independence. They specifically required Natural Born Citizenship status exclusively for POTUS but grandfathered themselves in intending that when their generation of “Citizens of the Revolution” died off all presidents going forward must be Natural Born. In other words a Natural Born Citizen is one where at the time of birth both parents are U.S. citizens and the birth takes place within the borders of the USA.

    Barak Obama was at the moment of his birth a British Citizen by his own word and by all known accounts no matter where he was born. His U.S. citizenship is flawed. He is not a Natural Born Citizen and cannot legally be president of the United States according to our Constitution.

    It’s just that simple.

  7. jerocat says:

    Tammy, Pat S., Maynard, and all,

    FACT – Here’s the second case in the SCOTUS demanding “Natural Born Citizen” status for presidential candidates:

    US Supreme Court Docket No. 08A469, Wrotnowski v. Bysiewicz.


    For follow up FACTS and not FUZZY MEDIA REPORTING go to:

  8. jerocat says:

    The following reference is by Emer de Vattel (April 25, 1714 – December 28, 1767). He was a Swiss philosopher, diplomat, and legal expert whose theories laid the foundation of modern international law and political philosophy. He is most famous for his 1758 work, “The Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law Applied to the Conduct and to the Affairs of Nations and of Sovereigns.” This work was his claim to fame and won him enough prestige to be appointed as a councilor to the court of King Augustus III of Saxony.

    It precedes our Constitution by only a few years. In Book 1, Chapter 19, page 212 Emer de Vettel says,

    “The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in country, of parents who are citizens.”

    In a letter from John Jay to George Washington dated 25 July 1787 he suggests to Washington during the Constitutional Convention that the Commander in Chief position be given only to a Natural Born Citizen.


  9. NavajoSierra says:

    Shawmut, thanks for making the Barkey – ACOA connection! I have been saying that all along to deaf ears! He could be the poster boy for (unrecovered) Adult Children of Alcoholics – the lying, the needing to be needed, the being anything anyone needs him to be, the hero, healer, saint projections. I have just returned from a trip to see my family in the southwest – where everyone still has an obama/biden poster stuck in the ground. Thank God for this blog! I have to say I am amused though … all those libs/lefties that are starting to be angry at Barkey. Gosh a guy that doesn’t have a track record or a resume — and they BELIEVED him! Tsk, tsk.

  10. STOICCAT says:

    McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone in a U.S military hospital. And the Canal Zone at the time was U.S. territory. Don’t contract Obama Derangement Syndrome. Our Candidate lost for now focus on regaining House and Senate. To minimize the damage that Barky does.

  11. jerocat says:


    Not deranged here, just aware of the three requirements our Constitution lays down for ascending to POTUS. One says that you must be a natural born citizen. Among the many Dept. of State rulings are that US territories, US Consulate offices and US military bases on US territories or foreign soil are not US soil. Only US embassies abroad are considered US soil.

    According to over two centuries of US case law involving generations of people, citizens and non-citizens alike, John McCain was born to parents who were both US citizens; he himself was born a US citizen but, he was born under the jurisdiction of a foreign government and is therefore NOT a Natural Born Citizen. He is not “of the soil born” and fails the Constitutional test.

    This is obviously a sad fact given McCain’s outstanding demonstration of service and loyalty. Sad too, the Republican Party turned a blind eye to the Constitution and helped to enable Barak Obama’s ascendancy with his own brand of mixed and corrupted allegiances and all. Obama freely announced that he was half British (Kenyan)at birth. It’s a natural fact not matter where he was born or what his birth certificate says. Our Constitution demands that he NOT be empowered to command our entire military force or be president.

    Friday 12 DEC 2008 SCOTUS will hear the complaint of a Citizen against Connecticut, his state, for presenting him with a ballot with ineligible candidates. It needs four Justices to move it forward. The Constitutional argument is simple, clear and damning to the candidates. The structure of the complaint may be flawed as is common most cases complaining to the SCOTUS.

    To date nobody has succeeded in structuring a proper complaint to compel enforcement of the Constitution. We’ll see.

    Since our Founding Fathers passed all American Presidents (and VP’s) were born on US soil of two US citizens.*
    On January 20, The Chief Justice will know for a fact that Obama is a usurper when he swears him in. Obama knows this too.

    *Chester A Arthur lied about the conditions of his birth and was elected VP. He ascended to POTUS through assassination.

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