**This post will be updated throughout the show**


GOP chair ‘appalled’ by ‘Magic Negro’ CD

Jeb Bush poised for Florida Senate run

Here’s the Reagan video I played.

Snippets from Caroline Kennedy’s NY1 interview.

‘Viagra lure’ for Afghan warlords

Taleban ‘will kill school girls’

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
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  1. Young American says:

    No better way to start a day than to hear some inspiration from the great one. Thanks for the Reagan clip Tammy. RWR always gets my batteries charged and gives me hope. And boy are we going to need the will to fight come January 20th.

  2. Sean H. says:

    I concur heartily with the Young American.
    I never tire of hearing from President Reagan. It easy to tell that he truly believed in all that he spoke of, each and every time.
    I am fortunate to have lived in a time when he was President. I am also fortunate in the fact tha I live close enought to the Reagan Library, I can go there often for Inspiration, and I do.
    I doubt that we will see another like him, any time soon.

  3. Dave J says:

    I’d love to see Jeb run for the Senate: he was a good governor and by far the smarter of the Bush brothers. But what I really love and had me in stitches were the quotes from Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who I assume will be in the Dem primary:

    “…literally the most inflexible public official I’ve ever encountered in my 16 years in office.”

    “…does not play nice with others,”

    Those are great descriptions…of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Projection much? I’m still appalled that one of my colleagues actually left her on a jury: is it really THAT surprising that a far-left Congresswoman was the foreman and got them to acquit?

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Since Jesus gives me the head-shake so much, I thought it was time for me to get a bobblehead.

The Problem for Gays with Rick Warren — and Obama

Here’s Ann Curry asking Rick Warren about gay marriage and his bizarre response about wanting to sleep with every attractive woman he sees. He has no problem not acting on that, as last time I checked sleeping with someone was a two-way street. Oh, the best part of this? The various looks on Ann Curry’s face. Priceless.

Q. and A.: Caroline Kennedy’s Platform

The Patriot Room: Good News: Congressional Approval Back Down to 9%

Woo hoo! A Sarah Palin sound board!

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
25 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. auspatriotman says:

    Hi Tammy
    I listen to you every Saturday nite on KABC internet. I love ya! I think what Ricks point about “what is right” is that just because two male or females want to have that kind of relationship it “doesn’t make it right”.

    I don’t think he is necessaryly casting any dispursions but as a male, Christian and hetero, I know that the homo ‘lifestyle’ is a choice. The whole issue continues to be clouded with so many ‘straw man’ type of morality examples but it is unfortunetly to the chagrin of same sex people the ‘wrong’ thing to do.

    I know you are unabashed about your lesbianism but that doesn’t change my respect for you for the great job you do on your Talk Show and the commneting you do on TV.

  2. Ripper says:

    Rick Warren is an asshat who visited Syria and praised that fascist regime.


  3. ashleymatt says:

    Just FYI: gluttony is not in the Ten Commandments, but it’s considered one of the seven Cardinal Sins. [lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride]. These are not explicitly listed in the bible but were used by early Christians to denote the main vices in which most sinful acts are rooted.

    Speaking of lust (which does not refer to sexual desire but to the act of seeing someone as a sex object rather than a human being), Mr. Warren is equating his lust (for women who he’d never have a chance with) to the love of gay people who want to get married.

    People with his position confuse the sex issue with the marriage issue, defining gays only by their sexual acts rather than their whole relationships.

    And I hate to burst everyone’s bubble, but “traditional marriage” was arranged marriage as a business deal between two families. It’s fairly modern to think of marriage as an act of committed love; to the government and its tax laws, it’s still a business deal. I’m one of those who doesn’t believe in marriage licenses to begin with, but if we are going to have them, we have to treat all people equally under the law.

  4. DogOnCrack says:

    “I’m naturally inclined to have sex with every beautiful woman that I see”?
    No pun intended.
    To hear that coming from a world famous pastor of a megachurch is classic!
    There are more jokes in that than there were about Swaggart.
    I’m a devout Christian from the heart of the Bible Belt and the preachers around here have a bit more fire in the belly and a lot less lard.
    These supersoftspoken, overweight, watered down guys like Warren and Huckabee seem laughable to put it mildly.
    In addition to gluttony, I also seem to recall that being a busybody is a sin as well and sticking ones nose into what consenting adults do in their own bedrooms definately fits that description.
    Warren should spend more time talking about true Christian principles like charity and unconditional love.

  5. Kelly says:

    You are even more feisty and passionate than usual tonight, Tammy, and I for one, LOVE IT!

  6. Snake45 says:

    To remember the Seven Deadly Sins, you need to learn the Warren Zevon song “Mr. Bad Example”:

    “I’m very well acquainted with the seven deadly sins,
    I keep a busy schedule tryin’ to fit them in;
    I’m proud to be a glutton and I don’t have time for sloth,
    I’m greedy and I’m angry and I don’t care who I cross.”

    See how easy it is? Learn the song and you’ll own it forever!

    Tammy, you looked yummmy on Fox TV last night.

  7. palin2012 says:

    I always find it curious and nauseating that the so called heteros are the ones that “KNOW” being gay is a choice. How would you KNOW that??? You don’t have a clue what you are talking about – so stop pretending you have any insight.

  8. storytold says:

    Tammy,if you don’t believe in Jesus,what does it matter what he thinks? I believe in Him so it concerns me if he shakes his head….but why do YOU care what he thinks? Just curious.

  9. DogOnCrack says:

    It should be noted that Christ himself NEVER addressed the issue of homosexuality.
    He DID say judge not lest ye be judged.
    He DID say love thy neighbor as thyself.
    He DID say let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

  10. DogOnCrack says:

    Homosexuality is no greater a sin than Rick Warren’s gluttony or my own smoking and drinking habits.

  11. Talkin Horse says:

    Okay, I’m going to get reamed for saying this, but that’s okay.

    I don’t know Rick Warren from Adam, so for all I know he’s a complete creep, but the point he’s making here is valid. He’s simply observing that we all have weaknesses and temptations that we must choose to resist, and he offers himself as an example to illustrate that he’s not a saint and has to struggle along with the rest of us. Civilization rests upon a strong element of self-control; if we fail at that, then we descend into either savagery or a police state. So when asked about the possibility that some males are biologically wired to seek other males, Warren broadens the specific question into an analogy that almost all of us, gay or straight, can relate to: Human males are biologically wired to seek as many sexual partners as possible. Yes, we want it and we can’t help wanting it…and so what? Wanting a thing doesn’t necessarily justify getting that thing, or having the state validate our pursuit of that thing. Marriage is more than about fulfilling one’s personal needs.

    Note that Warren is defining an *internal* battle. That is, he’s not saying it’s the state’s job to prevent homosexuality, anymore than it’s the state’s job to prevent adultery. Obviously he considers both activities sinful; however his disapproval is irrelevant in a discussion of Prop. 8, since the law has no effect on what people do in their bedrooms or with their lawyers in terms of civil contracts. Prop. 8 defines an aspect of how the state sanctions marriages. Warren would certainly make exactly the same argument if he were discussing polygamy rather than gay marriage. As much as some people want to frame the battle in terms of homophobia, this isn’t really about homosexuality per se.

    Organized religion is getting a lot of hard knocks on Prop. 8, and in my opinion undeservedly so. In listening to a sample of sermons over time, I don’t particularly hear pastors complaining about “the gays” or any other outside groups. When they speak of marriage, they’re prone to lament the general damaged state of the institution…the increasing divorce statistics of the 20th century, and the broken homes and abandoned children, even among the supposedly-faithful. The main plea I’ve heard from religious speakers is for the audience to build strong families and care for them. That’s what marriage is all about: A covenant with the next generation, and a nest where children can be cared for by a mother and a father. From that perspective, gay marriage is seen as yet another step in the culture enabling individual indulgence at the expense of the common good. That was the prime question that Warren was asking: Is this a good step for us as a people?

    I would also argue with Tammy’s objection to Prop. 8 on the basis that it changes the Constitution. The fact is that Constitution was changed by activist judges who decided to make it say what they wanted, rather than following the law as it was written. Prop. 8 wasn’t changing the Constitution; it was putting it back the way it was before an out-of-control autocrat hijacked the law. And now our own Attorney General is trying to invalidate our election. Hello? Tammy, what’s that you said about the people being the sovereign? Who’s in charge here anyway? Judicial tyranny and tossing out elections should give a chill to everyone.

  12. LongviewCyclist says:

    Isn’t it wonderful how some folks seem to think that homosexuality = sex addiction?

    Jeez, Louise.

  13. lucy gardun says:

    I listen to you on my way to church. There was a conversation, and something was mentioned about chrominum–I think. It had to do with diabetes. Can anyone give me the info on this subject. It was today 12/20/08.
    Really need the info.

  14. STOICCAT says:

    “Stop talking about what a good person should be and just be that person” Marcus Aurelius/Mark Forstarter. Keep it simple, respect the inherent
    dignity of each person to make their own decisions.

  15. bstndance says:

    Mr Warren: For 5,000 years societies have relied on slavery. Just because something has been a tradition throughout human society doesn’t make it right. As a human society we continue to enlighten and develop our ideas. Without this enlightenment, we’d still be living in mud huts worshiping multiple and hunting our food every night.

  16. honored_dad says:

    “talkin horse” is right — and very thoroughly so!!

    Lifestyle IS, by definition, CHOICE.

    Tammy is a treasure of honesty, but in this case she has fallen away from some of her excellent analysis in “Thought Police” and “Right and Wrong”.

    One difficulty of women (and perhaps male homosexuals as well) is that they do not KNOW how most men feel about women.

    The micro-minority of males (who if they truly have no choice about their inclination, will never grow) who reject the sexual-attractiveness of women, are pitied and disdained by men who are not so biased.

    Even when those men wish they were not so tempted by their own natural inclinations to heterosexuality.

    After decades of monogamy, I still have to function as a “recovering heterosexual” — that’s the embarrassing FACT that all faithful husbands deal with, in spite of the lofty rhetoric about romantic exclusivity.

  17. CNYTammyFan says:

    Princess Caroline is an ole time Lib,who knew? We gets what we pay for. The old guard says she’d be great cause she’s Teddy’s niece. Does she drive an
    Olds? Being a life long NY State resident I refer
    to the Ebenezer Scroogle line: “I’ll retire to bedlem”.

  18. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    Speaking of low Congressional approval ratings…

    The previous Congress – a Congress controlled by Democrats – racked up the lowest approval ratings in history. The result was that the Republicans suffered heavy losses. How did the Stupid Party manage that?

    The fact that Bush is a highly unpopular President explains some but not all of this debacle. Any political party that controls an institution with an approval rating in single digits should be in mortal terror for its political life. But the GOP (from McCain on down) once again ran a thumb-sucking campaign that consisted of doing little more than whimpering in terror at the mere thought of criticism from the media. No wonder Democrats body-slammed Republicans – again.

    The ongoing slow-motion steal of the Senate seat by the Franken campaign is why we are probably in for many decades of wandering in the political wilderness. Democrats have stolen elections for decades, but why is the Republican Party putting up absolutely no fight whatsoever this time? Does getting the approval of the government-controlled media (formerly known as the MSM) really so important to GOP leaders? The McCain campaign was obsessed by reclaiming his “maverick Republican” status with the government-controlled media, which is one big reason he lost in a landslide.

    Republicans and independents who believe that the pendulum will soon start to swing against the hubris, arrogance and incompetence of the Pelosi/Ried/Obama axis are fooling themselves. What nearly happened in Florida in 2000 (and is actually happening in Minnesota right now) will go national in 2010 and beyond. Democrats will be as popular as HIV/AIDS in a little more than a year, but thanks to ACORN and the Obama Justice Department it will make little difference.

    Putting up a huge fight against the election fraud going on in Minnesota is almost certainly a lost cause, although it would be a welcome sign of at least a tiny spark of a survival instinct. But the Republican Party has chosen both dishonor and political death, and Democrats will be happy to oblige.

  19. DogOnCrack says:

    Lucy, chromium helps the insulin in your body to break down the glucose and burn it as energy.
    It’s vital for anyone who has type 2 diabetes or is at risk of developing it.
    Heredity is the most common indicator.

    The best natural source of chromium is brocolli.
    Others include garlic, basil, beef, orange juice, turkey breast, whole grains, red wine and green beans.

    I hope this helps you.
    Merry Christmas and God bless.

  20. N_Campbell says:

    Mwalimu, remember that survey a month or so back where they asked people which party was in control of Congress? What was the percentage of people who got their news from the EM that got that one right?

    Bstndance, remember Dred Scott? Just because the courts say something doesn’t make it right either.

  21. Mwalimu Daudi says:


    I remember the poll that you cited. But ignorant voters have always been a problem in the American political system, and I suspect always will be.

    There is a far more alarming poll from Rasmussen. The Blagojevich scandal has caused public opinion to shift even more against Republicans. In November voters trusted Democrats over Republicans by a 38%-31% margin. Now that difference is 36%-26%. The Democrat percentage has dropped by a statistically insignificant 2%, while the Republican margin has dropped by a significant 5%. Put another way: a Democrat scandal involving the President-Elect is hurting Republicans.


    On this issue, as on so many others, the GOP has chosen not to fight back. When the RNC tried to hold the Chosen One accountable with its recent “Questions Remain” ad both McCain and Newt got their panties in a wad.


    The upshot of all of this is that even without the yeoman efforts of ACORN to turn this country into a Third World hellhole we have little to hope for. 2010 will be another huge disaster for the Republicans.

  22. Shawmut says:

    Let’s remember that when religion, education, family and life issues enter the political arena, personal sensitivities give way to the crowd.

  23. ladykrystyna says:

    As to the “gay marriage” issue:

    I see this argument devolving into a pointless circular thing that will go on for decades, much like the abortion issue.

    And the problem is this: We are asking the WRONG questions.

    With abortion, the question isn’t “Is it human?” Or “Is it a life?” Those are stupid questions because unless you just had sex with a gorilla or you are carrying an inanimate object around in your womb, the embryo/fetus is “human” and it is “life”.

    The question is: does it deserve to have separate legal rights as a “legal person”?

    With gay marriage – the question is not “Is it a choice?” I don’t see how anyone can view the bulk of homosexuality as a “choice”. Homosexuals, from what I can tell, love, romantically and sexually, people of the same sex. They do not, cannot and will not fall in love romantically or sexually with someone of a different sex. In the same way that a Hetero cannot understand homosexuality, the same is true for a Homosexual.

    It is not a “choice” in the sense that they’ve decided not to be romantically or sexually involved with the opposite sex. They simply get nothing from it and find themselves attracted to people of the same sex, in the same way Heteros find themselves attracted to people of the opposite sex.

    But quite frankly, one thing is clear – whether it is a “choice” or not IS NO ONE’S DANGED BUSINESS!

    I cannot help those that believe the Bible literally. I respect the belief, but arguing with them is pointless because the answer always is “God said so and that’s that.” For those that are not taking the Bible literally – it was written 5,000 years ago and there are numerous social reasons why homosexuality was frowned upon in many societies, including the inability to continue to procreate the species and particularly, one’s little tribe. There could have been “health” issues that people thought about, probably the same reason why Jews circumcise their boys and don’t eat pork (trichonosis anyone?).

    But it’s not 5,000 years ago. It’s 2008. We’ve learned alot in those 5,000 years – the Earth is not the center of the universe for instance. That women and men should be equal under the law. Respect for other religions and their beliefs (as long as they aren’t flying planes into buildings for that religion).

    So for me, and I’m being as respectful as I can, this just needs to end. Marriage will NOT be destroyed because two people of the same sex, who love each other very much and want to spend the rest of their lives together, get married.

    Frankly, the word “marriage” should be saved for ceremonies involving religious institutions. For those that are done by the state, they should be called Civil Unions for EVERYONE and with the same rights for EVERYONE. Then the religious people can cling to the word “marriage” (because that’s the heart of the argument – they have no problem with civil unions just don’t call it marriage. UUGHH!) and everybody else can have a Civil Union and be done with it.

    Seriously, the economy is in the crapper and we’re becoming a Socialist country. Crazy Muslims want us all dead. This is simply NOT a priority for me and frankly, it shouldn’t be for anyone. It’s distracting us from the real problems while local gov’ts and state gov’ts and the federal gov’ts are either already bankrupt or becoming bankrupt by the day.

  24. Arthur Wang says:

    I have totally fouled up my account so hopefully I have it fixed now. Anyhow, before you guys begin to think I’m a zealot I am actually a lapsed Christian, but I know what Christianity actually teaches and it isn’t a lot of the Jesus meek and mild garbage a lot of folks spew out.

    The problem with this thread and a lot of others dealing with this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the teachings of Christianity. In Christianity to have your sins, past present and future are forgiven you have to give up your life. You can hold nothing back. Jesus explicitly says that. That commitment dosen’t mean that you won’t mess up, sometimes willfully. It does mean that ones personal desires, wishes and passions are of no account.
    the minute you make the choice, and that includes your sexuality.

    The Kingdom of Heaven is a dictatorship. There are lots of verses folks in church find very inconvenient and you don’t hear preached from the pulpit much. One of the most concise is Mt10:37-39 where Jesus says: “Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

    A lot of people get real upset about this stuff not because they think it’s wrong but because they are afraid it might be right. It’s really scary to think that if that which you treasure in the world, and that includes family, friends, money, sexuality, prestiege, power or reputation, stands between you and the Almighty you have the choice of admitting that and turning from it or being in rebellion against the will of God. The most fundamental teachings of Christianity is that to be “right with God” you can have no pride, no self esteem, no achievement that does not come from being, as Paul put it, a “slave” of Christ. To cater to our modern sensitivities that word is often mistranslated to “servant” in our Bibles.

    A “Slave of Christ” owns nothing. Everything is on loan including his/her life.

    When it became ovbvious what following Jesus would cost the crowds turned away from him and he was rejected by the vast majority of the crowds that followed him early in his career. At his death he had only a handful of followers.

  25. wannaberocker says:

    I personally am not a fan of rick warren. However, i think its a silly notion to say that if you do not support or agree with Homosexuality. Then you should not be included in a prayer. So basically what is the standard now? Agree with all or you are not allowed in? whats next if obama gets a homosexual pastor to pray, should the christian’s start complaining?
    if rick warren’s religious teachings say homosexuality is wrong. then should not be allowed to say a prayer at any govt gathering? if its that big of a deal then, let not even have a prayer.

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Never spoke to the guy…

Suspicious fire at Sarah Palin’s church.

Grover Norquist with Americans For Tax Reform joins us to talk about the BlagoBarky debacle.

For a guy who has pardoned mostly drug dealers, and has put two of our border patrol agents in jail for trying to stop a druf trafficker, this story is the funniest I’ve seen in a long time.

President Bush on Saturday emphasized his administration’s role in curbing the nation’s drug usage during his time in the White House…“Through our Access to Recovery program, addicts receive vouchers they can redeem at treatment centers of their choice, including faith- based centers,” Bush said. “So far, this program has helped more than 260,000 addicts along the path toward clean lives.”

So let me see if I understand this–if you’re a drug addict you can get a voucher to go to any rehab center you want, but if you’re a parent, you can’t get a voucher to send your kid to whichever school you want? More of the brilliant GWB legacy.

Now here’s a bailout I can support! (HT Marlee)

Denise Lee, the co-founder of Moms Ask Mattel for Accountability, was a guest as we discussed the extraordinary situation with the Mattel “Little Mommy Cuddle ‘n Coo” doll says “Islam is the Light.” At their site they have all the background, the audio, and the latest news. They also have action suggestions so you can get this doll off your local store shelves. The most extraordinary thing is Mattel’s reaction–according to Denise, suggesting that moms are ‘hearing things’ and denying the phrase is on the tape at all.

Could Caroline Kennedy Be in Line for Hillary Clinton’s Senate Seat?

Breitbart: I believe Hillary’s cardboard cutout

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Dave J says:

    “This is not the [Jeremiah Wright/Bill Ayers/Rod Blagojevich] I knew.”

    –Barack Obama

  2. sundodger78 says:

    Is Hillary’s senate seat going to be decided by an appointment or an election? If it’s an election I don’t see a problem for Caroline running just like Arnold ran and other politicians; they had to convince the populace they were “qualified”. If it’s an appointment then I can see why people are objecting. 1)It does appear as nepotistic in a sense and also has a smell of cronyism. She certainly has been around the players behind the scene for years. 2)Perhaps Hillary supporters object because they see Caroline as an automatic vote for whatever legislation Obama wants implemented instead of standing up to him in the rare occasion a Democrat could object.

  3. DogOnCrack says:

    Political correctness is condescension at it’s worst.
    I’d rather just call things what they are.

  4. whitney says:

    Strangest thing; heard the first hour of the Saturday show, on the web; then, the last hour was silent, Anyone else with the same?

    Well, all right, hope you all have/had a good weekend. 🙂

  5. piboulder says:

    Tammy, you know that if Bush could get school vouchers through the congress he would do it immediately. The Democrats, even when they were in the minority, fought tooth and nail (as if they were opposing one of Bush’s Supreme Court nominations) against any plans for vouchers, if you’ll remember, and successfully blocked them every time.

  6. BiasedGirl says:

    Where is the Outrage over the Fire at Sarah Palin’s Church? As I wrote in my blog last night, if this had happened at Obama’s ‘home’ church of Trinity, the MSM would be camped out until the Arsonist was found and exposed. Since it’s a Christian Bible Church where the members lack the essential melanin …the MSM yawns…

  7. palin2012 says:

    With Dogoncrack – taped the show and lost the last hour – total silence.

    On the Caroline Kennedy for Senate issue – I’m with Tammy on this one. I can’t think of a single democrat that I would prefer in this seat. She has a history of truly “good works” and God knows we need a little of that. There is going to be a democrat there anyway so — why not put somebody outside the standard political realm. Yes, she is a Kennedy but why not give one of the very strong women of this family a chance to see if they can make a difference. I think she deserves a “fair” place at the table.

  8. Dave J says:

    Er, school vouchers are a state issue, except in DC.

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Maybe this is how Barkey expects to pay for everything? What an interesting idea–make money by destroying the food industry. What could go wrong?

Bill Clinton Speech in Malaysia Irks Investors

2008 will be coolest year of the decade

And then of course, Melting ice may slow global warming

Von Bulow dies after 28-year coma

Secret Santas in 3 states spread cheer, $100 bills

Here’s the new UAW commercial which, I suppose, is meant to make you feel guilty about all the people who work for the auto industry who are getting screwed by bad and corrupt management, which was facilitated by bad, corrupt and incompetent unions. Instead of using union funds for a union commercial to look at us with puppy-dog eyes, these people should be yelling and screaming at so-called union leadership which parasitically destroyed the companies they work for, and demand they make immediate and comprehensive concessions to help reverse the damage they’ve done.

In the meantime, Bush works with his buddy Pelosi and approves a $15 billion bailout for these failures, leaving congressional Republicans in the dark.

Pearl Harbor warning tale debunked

NYC urges marijuana users to quit

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. jammies says:

    Barky doesn’t know the significance of Pearl Harbor.

    In fact, Barky thinks that “a bomb” was set off there – didn’t know that the Japanese attacked using fighter planes….

    “But it is wonderful to be back in Indiana. In a few moments, we’ll open up the discussion. But I want to offer a few comments about some of the emerging threats that we face in the 21st century and offer some ideas about how we can face those threats.

    Throughout our history, America’s confronted constantly evolving danger, from the oppression of an empire, to the lawlessness of the frontier, from the bomb that fell on Pearl Harbor, to the threat of nuclear annihilation. Americans have adapted to the threats posed by an ever-changing world.”


  2. jammies says:

    Somehow, if you given a “super-secret” memo telling you what to talk about, I doubt that you could be cowed into “obeying” it, Tammy!

    You have more guts than Barky has counted on!

  3. GenRach says:

    Got Guilt??? Ah, no. Now this is just too much. My name is Rachel and I am freeing myself of all guilt – from all races, creeds, religions and sexes..and any other sub group that may be bestowed upon me. On this day December 6, 2008. Now, Where is my BMW?????

  4. Fox says:

    I want to scream everytime I read some idiot blathering about global warming being anything other than the sun getting hotter. Right now I wish global warming would work on the snow that’s in my driveway.

    “The oceans will rise 300 feet! ZOMG!”

    So there may be some truth to the story of Noah? Can’t imagine ‘scientists’ trying to confirm the Judeo-Christian story. The only problem with the ice caps is something that everyone should have learned in general science. Ice is less dense than water. i.e. Ice floats. When it melts in a closed system, like a glass of icewater filled to its ultimate capactiy, the water level will drop.

    We should stop sending probes to mars, too. Apparenlty all the activity by those dang polluting solar-electric cars over there is melting the ice caps.

    What the heck, I’m already on an eco-rant. Do you think someone with a set of balls and half a brain will stand up to the scientific community and denounce the ozone ‘hole?’ First, it’s not a hole as much as it is a thin spot. No one can seem to figure out why it’s centered over antartica. It’s not as if ozone is a charged particle and earth has magnetic poles or anything…

    The hole appears every September when the earth and the south pole is farthest from the sun. UV light is what’s used to create ozone IIRC. It’s halflife is around 30 minutes in ideal conditions so any slowdown in its’ production is going to be apparent real quickly.

    I think the real answer is thus:

    “The Holy Grail for most scientists is not truth but research grants. And the global warming scare has produced a huge downpour of money for research. Any mystery why so many scientists claim some belief in global warming?”

    “Time was, people warning the world “Repent – the end is nigh!” were snickered at as fruitcakes. Now they own the media and run the schools.”

    Check out this man and his other blogs for an extra dose of common sense.


  5. Dave J says:

    Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!!


  6. Ripper says:

    What are the odds that GW Bush actually voted for Barky? I would say it is at least 50/50 that he did.

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