A post by Maynard

Isn’t it weird that genocidal Palestinians tend to get better press than Israelis who want nothing more than a neighbor who doesn’t shoot at them?

To a large extent this isn’t going to change. Too many people believe whatever they want to believe, and facts merely annoy them. Driven by Jew-hatred on one hand, and fear of murderers who can pull the oil plug on the other, the world is ready to wink at evil and rationalize doing the wrong thing.

How do you get your message across in a world where the media shuns judgmental words like “terrorist”? The Israel Defense Force has joined the 21st century and opened this YouTube channel. Click and you’ll find, for example, this brief report on explosives hidden in mosques, or this video of terrorists firing mortars from a UN school. Click the “Subscribe” button if you’d like to show solidarity.

The YouTube channel is an offshoot of the official IDF Spokesperson page.

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Ripper says:

    “And now beware of rashness, beware of rashness but with energy, and sleepless vigilance, go forward and give us victories.”

    Abraham Lincoln
    January 1863

  2. ChicagoPablo says:

    I just read an item on AP, the Blame America First news service. Report says the Israelis have taken three high rises in Gaza “and killed seven children.” OK, leaving aside the fact that this is a sad event for someone (particularly the kids), how does AP know specifically seven children died? Was it by any chance info from an unnamed (and therefore unaccountable) “Palestinian spokesman”? Was it by any chance a relative of the guys who possibly put those kids specifically in that area for maximum media effect? The Israelis have bent over backwards to save their own lives AND Palestinians while Hamas lobs lethal rockets at them. The Israelis drop LEAFLETS warning the soon-to-be-targeted Palestinians that artillery/rockets/etc. are headed their way. Yet the AP still finds time to specify victims of Israeli attacks as if they are targeting children. I guess it might be too late to find out how many ISRAELI children have died in Hamas rocket attacks since this latest intifada? Just curious….

  3. RobK says:

    Tammy, you are a true hero by what you do. You are a great Conservative voice.

    “Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat”

    Teddy Roosevelt

  4. Young American says:

    Bits from an article I read in yesterdays paper : European protests condemn Israel. In Britain at least 10 thousand people carrying Palestine flags…In Paris 21 thousand marched through the streets shouting” Israel assassins”…In the Netherlands thousands marched and criticized the Israel attacks…In Germany more than 4 thousand demonstrated in Duesseldorf, 5,000 in Frankfurt and 7,000 in Berlin…In Greece 5 thousand threw petrol bombs outside the Israeli Embassy…and so on.

    What is this death wish the world seems to have for itself ? These Hamas cowards who will hide among their children and use them as cover don’t give a damn about any peace process. They want the Jewish people dead. Period. Thank you for the U-tube information Maynard. I saved it.

  5. Fox says:

    Well, Obama is about to take office soon… and he will need a new scapegoat after Bush is executed for war-crimes…

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