As a pro-choice feminist I am sickened by this obscene argument explaining why there are hundreds of millions of dollars for “family planning” services in the so-called stimulus bill. What does Nancy say? “It” (the reduction of children as opposed to the reduction of politicians and bureaucrats) will reduce costs the states have for children’s education, health care, etc. Instead of arguing that families should start paying for their children instead of the state and federal governments, Obama (via Pelosi) argues the number of children are the problem, not the fact that government has simply gotten so massive it is now advocating eliminating those who are a ‘drain’ on “costs.” This argument is a hallmark in socialist-fascist states, and now it’s here.

UPDATE: There’s suddenly talk of the “family planning” money in the bill may be dropped. Not because it’s depraved, you see, but because it’s suddenly a tiny bit contentious. Regardless of what happens, never forget the depraved fascism revealed by this issue.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
28 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. NavajoSierra says:

    AND – I just saw a post on Laura that says there is included in the stimulus package a $4 Billion “neighborhood stabilization activities” amount to go to ACORN!!! How do we STOP THIS?

  2. ashleymatt says:

    Yeah, I heard there’s this great idea called the “One Child Policy” where the government pays for your birth control AND your abortions, whether you want one or not. I’m sure that would solve so many “problems.” I mean if we have gov’t schools, health insurance, day care, social security we’ve got to find a way to get rid of all those pesky little brats.

  3. Young American says:

    The total arrogance of this woman has come to a head. I believe she actually thinks she is a the supreme being. I wonder if she will encourage her grandchildren to abort their children for the sake of the economy. I agree with Don, why not just give everyone a gun. Starting with Mz. Pelosi. She can then take the advise of Scrooge and if she is going to die than to just do so and decrease the surplus population. I demand her resignation NOW.

  4. marleed says:

    Decent, just government requires a healthy respect of all human life. Whatever we do to the “the least of these” defines us as a people.

  5. Shawmut says:

    Good eye, Navajo. We can’t afford to blink. We’ll probably see these funds wrapped into the great civillan securty force. Think “Community activist”. Then think “Gauleiter”.
    This is classic adoption of first social, then political, then autocratic development.
    Someone, someplace in this country start reading history. Re-read it an learn.

  6. MontanaCowhand says:

    Tammy asked what possesses Pelosi, a mother, grandmother, successful bureaucrat to promote government over the lives of children?


    Because she can and subsequently, because “she said so.” that’s why.

    Another Tammy-truism, power, reveals the soul of the individual.

  7. pjb says:

    Meanwhile in Japan they are encouraging procreation.

    I swear Pelosi and the likes of her want us all to become China or some facsimile.

  8. DogOnCrack says:

    Is there enough botox on earth to make Pelosi look like a child?
    That might help.

  9. palin2012 says:

    This is obscene on so many levels. The terms “family planning” and “planned parenthood” are laughable. Maybe if these institutions were identified correctly – abortion clinics; people would be more reluctant to support this expansive, socialist-fascist legislation. From 1973 – 2005, 45 million legal abortions were performed in the U.S. Well, that’s obviously not enough – children are such a drain on our society. This cannot be happening in America.

  10. HALEY says:

    We are now Soviet America under our first dictator, B. Hussein Obama.

  11. Shawmut says:

    It’s happening, palin2012. And we’re right here to witness it. And this is what we see, or allowed to see.
    These are cases where we’ll hear, ‘You (Americana) saw what we were doing and didn’t stop us.’ These will be cases when we will be told ‘We said what we’d do and you let us’.
    Remember, “Mein Kampf” was a best-seller.
    Watch the practices become the arguments for their continuance; not much different than precocious kids with bad manners. They don’t outgrown them, but become borish adults; some even criminals.
    So, like history has shown us, we are only a foot-fall away from slipping into the criminal world.
    Sleep, fellow Americans, enjoy the apathy. We’ll awake in Hell.

  12. artgal says:

    Government cannot afford to take care of all of us, so having government advocate for fewer people is a progression we have seen repeated in other societies – societies under totalitarianism. Only this time, the very people who said government was to stay out of the bodies of women are the very same advocating government help in eliminating those harmful children and yes, telling women what they can do with their bodies ultimately. It’s not a long leap from there to have government promote abortion as a duty to save the planet. Think I’m kidding? It’s already happening in other parts of the world.

    Listen, phoning representatives is all fine and dandy – but we HAVE to do more to stop this madness. If this package goes through, nothing will stop these people from dictating every aspect of our lives. How do we organize for a major confrontation in our cities – or better yet, in DC? I’m serious!

  13. Annie says:

    Pelosi is such a good Catholic…. NOT!!!! Where are my rolaids. This sickens me to no end!

  14. palin2012 says:

    ARTGAL – I’m with you. We need to make a stand in DC. How about it Tammy?

  15. artgal says:

    I also wish to add that Pelosi’s remark is focused on children – for now. How long will it be until we find that the elderly, differently abled, mentally ill, etc. are too costly as well?

    Once this door is opened, we’re all vulnerable.

  16. Sgt Hardkill says:

    Want to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy, eh, Nance?

    Turn the people loose. The productivity and initiative of the American people can get us out of anything. Get the government off our backs. And stop the micromanagement and the attempt to control every aspect of our lives.

    See how nervous Nancy became? She has no real answers. And George the Weepy? He and Tom Brokaw both make me sick, what with all the weepy, doe-eyed, effeminate attempts to show us all who was more moved by Barack Obama. My God–I was waiting for them to start slinging snot.

    Hardkill out.

  17. jerocat says:

    A one child per family limit may ultimately be helpful to the state when it gets expensive taking care of all of us. Euthanasia and organ harvesting are also ways to balance expenses after the government takes control of the majority of economic sectors. The health of government must be maintained.

    We will be called upon to make sacrifices for a strong country. Cast aside meaningless ideas about right and wrong, rational analysis or self interest. We must work together for the common good.

    How glamorous it will be to achieve high office. Think of the privileges they must enjoy at that level of command. Those lucky few.

    Hail to Pelosi.
    Hail to Ried.
    Hail to Obama, our Great Leader.

    Satirically yours.

  18. Lamplighter says:

    Tammy Bruce wrote in “The New American Revolution” that population control is a goal of socialism.

    Pelosi is modern-day example.

    Right again, Tammy.

    Don’t ignore the implications here.
    The direction I see this going is: the right to choose will become mandatory abortion, the right to die will become your duty to society to die.
    All in the name of “the common good”.

  19. Talkin Horse says:

    Tammy hit the nail on the head. This is frightening on so many levels. The rise of the nanny state necessitates control of the individual. When the government “gives” us health care, then it follows that the government can tell us what to eat or when to reproduce or control us in any other way that could impact our consumption of government-supplied resources. We’re being asked to forfeit liberty in exchange for a promise of security — a promise, by the way, that will fall by the wayside when the government goes broke. And of course the sick political prejudices of the era guide the hand of leaders like Pelosi. She’ll order *us* not to have children, but she refuses to plug the porous border against illegal immigration. It’s yet another expression of cultural self-hatred, coming from the psychologically damaged with a malignant need to project their personal demons onto others.

  20. reddy says:

    In a perfect world,Pelosi,Biden,Kennedy,et al, would be excommunicated from the Catholic Church

  21. piboulder says:

    One might think that this will lead to euthanasia for the terminally ill to reduce costs on Medicare, but I don’t think it will. Why? Because old people vote. Fetuses don’t.

    Pelosi’s interpretation of “family planning” doesn’t surprise me. Planned Parenthood was founded by people who believed in eugenics.

    I guess the Democrats are depending on illegal immigrants to pay for the social programs. Perfect. A peasant class to pay for our benefits. As Animal Farm says, “Some are more equal than others.”

  22. Nick&Nora says:

    I’m thinking of Pelosi’s frame of reference and how this genius idea popped into her pointed noggin. She and her wealthy hubby own a business in Calif. that they run on the cheap with no health benefits and no union allowed, most likely they have the requisite low paid Mexican labor.
    Here in California we’ve known the unspeakable truth for years, that Hispanics have lots of kids. Saying so out loud makes us hateful Nazi’s, except to those of us who are “Mexican American”, or as I call myself, American.
    Pelosi wants to control behavior and has an image in her head from something she’s seen. She’s seen uncontrolled births in her hotel staff, now she blurts out in conversations like this.

  23. Nick&Nora says:

    I’m thinking of Pelosi’s frame of reference and how this genius idea popped into her pointed noggin. She and her wealthy hubby own a business in Calif. that they run on the cheap with no health benefits and no union allowed, most likely they have the requisite low paid Mexican labor.
    Here in California we’ve known the unspeakable truth for years, that Hispanics have lots of kids. Saying so out loud makes us hateful Nazi’s, except to those of us who are “Mexican American”, or as I call myself, American.
    Pelosi wants to control behavior and has an image in her head from something she’s seen. She’s seen uncontrolled births in her hotel staff, now she blurts out in conversations like this.

  24. Nick&Nora says:

    I’m thinking of Pelosi’s frame of reference and how this genius idea popped into her pointed noggin. She and her wealthy hubby own a business in Calif. that they run on the cheap with no health benefits and no union allowed, most likely they have the requisite low paid Mexican labor.
    Here in California we’ve known the unspeakable truth for years, that Hispanics have lots of kids. Saying so out loud makes us hateful Nazi’s, except to those of us who are “Mexican American”, or as I call myself, American.
    Pelosi wants to control behavior and has an image in her head from something she’s seen. She’s seen uncontrolled births in her hotel staff, now she blurts out in conversations like this.

  25. Nick&Nora says:

    I’m thinking of Pelosi’s frame of reference and how this genius idea popped into her pointed noggin. She and her wealthy hubby own a business in Calif. that they run on the cheap with no health benefits and no union allowed, most likely they have the requisite low paid Mexican labor.
    Here in California we’ve known the unspeakable truth for years, that Hispanics have lots of kids. Saying so out loud makes us hateful Nazi’s, except to those of us who are “Mexican American”, or as I call myself, American.
    Pelosi wants to control behavior and has an image in her head from something she’s seen. She’s seen uncontrolled births in her hotel staff, now she blurts out in conversations like this.

  26. Robert Graham says:

    To be honest, the less PELOSIAMA’S born, the better off we will be. THen again, this obvious attempt to create a cradle to grave endoctrination by limiting the numbers making the government more controllable is indeed an absolute disgrace.

    Pelosi clearly demonstrates the weakening, inane and out of touch DNC. To me, Obama will have the support needed by the GOP to at least deter any further deterioraton of our economy. We cannot allow our country to become any more vulnereable than the election of the left has created. The 2012 campaign for the right has not begun yet. It must, soon.

    C’mon Tammy. We need strong candidates. If not you, who?

    Mrs. Peel, We’re needed.

  27. Russian leaders have also been encouraging procreation.

    Even from a purely financial perspective, children are not ultimately a drain on our society. Children *who never become responsible adults* are. Every person can be a worker, a customer, and an investor – all things we need plenty of for a strong economy.

    Even if someone is totally dependent on others for the first 21, 22 years of life, they are likely to live much longer as a contributor to society.

    Even if someone has a disability that prevents them for doing much work, they can STILL contribute SOMETHING to our culture.

  28. helpunderdog says:

    The U.S. birth rate is basically at the replacement level necessary to maintain our current population. What is causing the population to increase is unchecked illegal immigration. If Pelosi is truly concerned about the issue she would staunch the flow of illegal immigration immediately. It would be a sound economic decision to rid this country of those who strain our crumbling infrastructure, obtain social benefits like welfare, housing, medical care, utility assistance, and crowd our jails. The way this country is going is unsustainable.

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