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New York fetes pilot who ditched jetliner in river

Passengers in NY plane ordeal marvel they’re alive

More Questions About Geithner
Were his tax problems a “common mistake”? And what about those accountants?

Darn. Fewer people to sell us drugs that do more harm than good.

“Iranian Unit” Destroyed, Hamas was Suprised

Jacob Dayan, Consul General of Israel, joined us today and we discussed the current state of the war with Hamas, and what Americans can do to help the Israelis in their fight against this terrorist death squad of Iran. Sign up for their newsletter as well to keep up to date on what you can do to support Israel.

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12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. RobK says:

    Oh booh hooh hooh, our little Iranian unit was destroyed! Oh, booh hoo hoo. Way to go ISRAEL!!! YEAH!!!

  2. Ripper says:

    Iranian unit destroyed – good! I hope they perished in great agony. More please!!

  3. marleed says:

    If you wander around in the book of Zechariah, you’ll find a verse that warns anyone who would touch the nation of Israel that they’re touching the apple of God’s eye. Historically and theologically it’s a fascinating concept . . . worth studying if you’re into that sort of thing.

  4. CinderellaMan says:

    I guess character doesn’t matter anymore. Geithner wouldn’t even have been considered 20 years ago.
    I think 8 years of the Clinton White House did irreparable damage to the standard of integrity required to occupy the sacred office of the presidency. The democratic party once had character and conviction, if not a poorly conceived view on fiscal issues. Today they are morally bankrupt.

  5. Fox says:

    “Hamas took a gamble. We thought, at worst Israel will come and do something from the air – something superficial. They’ll come in and go out. We never thought that we would reach the point where fear will swallow the heart and the feet will want to flee. You [Israel] are fighting like you fought in ’48. What got into you all of a sudden?”

    Gee, maybe they got tired of being shelled and realized the new Mistake-elect was going to hang them out to dry?

  6. daredevilaccordian says:

    Glaxo is expecting restructuring and layoffs, too, I think. And Roche is buying out Genentech, so that might also create Big Pharma layoffs. I have to say, being a cancer patient, I have had to rely on the R&D of the Big Pharma companies. They have kept me alive with a cancer that will never go away… but we keep it well at bay and well maintained. I get to live a reasonably normal life. I am not a Phama hater. They all have access programs to their drugs for folks who qualify and who aren’t insured (which I am, being the responsible conservative), who’s ins. is inadequate or won’t cover, or who fall in the donut hole of Medicare Part D. They aren’t all 100% evil as so many people perceive.

    And LOL, I thought the sentence above said Jacob DYLAN, consul general of Israel. I’ve been wondering what he was up to since seeing him in concert last summer….

    I agree totally, CinderellaMan.

  7. dasche44 says:

    re: new Obama appointee

    tolerance is the last virtue of a corrupt society

  8. GenRach says:

    It was a great show Tammy..and a perfect way to enter our long lost weekend. T minus 3 days..and counting until the reign of B. Hussein..Dang it, I am normally a very optimistic gal, but I confess, without shows such as yours and our fellow patriots I would be a bit lost this weekend. We shall overcome, we shall..

  9. Shawmut says:

    Like Wright, Ayres, his illegal immigrant aunt and Rezko, the Geithner matter should, according to ‘The Obama Ethics Index’ (OEI) be seen only as a “distraction”.

  10. Dave J says:

    Too much attention on Geithner seems to be allowing Holder out of the spotlight.

  11. RobK says:

    Geithner and Holder are both unqualified, not to mention Hillary Clinton. I mean, geez, is anybody qualified to serve on Barky’s cabinet? But I’m sure Senator “Goober” Lindsay Graham of South Carolina disagrees with me. Our grassroots underground campaign will have him replaced by a Conservative in 2010. And Barky, he said this regarding the Geithner pick “we knew about this prior to picking him”. Yeah, I guess Barky’s 800 page application to work for him hit the shredder around a month ago. In all of this, hats off to Jim Sessions of Alabama who is one of the few real Conservatives on the confirmation panel. Yep, Barky is unelected before he even takes office. 33% of the lemmings have already held back on running off the cliff after the whistle was blown.

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