**This post will be updated throughout the show**

Assud.jpgOne less bell to answer.

File this under the Let’s Hope It’s True category: IDF Kills Giant Jew-Eating Rabbit

Jeb Bush decides against running for U.S. Senate

Joe the Plumber to become war correspondent

House requires info on presidential library donors

Kemp diagnosed with cancer

Just. Say. No.

Obama’s Presidential Limo Will Be a ‘Rolling Tank With Windows’

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. DogOnCrack says:

    Is that another picture of Al Franken?

  2. RobK says:

    LOL! I guess the new Guerilla warfare is “Rabilla” warfare? Yeah.

  3. mrfixit says:

    What, no tricked out Escalade?! Why don’t they just punch a few windows in an M1-A1 Abrams tank? Oh Wait, that doesn’t come in a hybrid version. I seriously hope nobody takes a pot shot at Barkey. That’s all they need to make a run on the 2nd Ammendment.

  4. Lamplighter says:

    Way to go, Joe! Now comes the liberal outcry about Joe being an “opportunist” and not having a journalistic background, even though it’s not exactly the Times or CNN he’s working for. I’d list how many non-journalist liberals have gotten MSM jobs, but there isn’t enough room.

    As a Floridian, I agree that Jeb was a good governor. So was GWB. So was Jimmy Carter. Enough said. Jeb may be different, but I agree that he would spend too much time defending his unpopular brother and his association with Lehman Brothers (even though the guys that donned the golden parachutes and bailed contributed to Democrats.

    As for Jeb’s “surprising loss” in 1994, Gov. Lawton Chiles, your typical southern democrat good-ol-boy admitted after the election that his campaign had used scare tactics to mislead senior citizens to get their votes. Do democrats really do stuff like that?

    So BO supports legislation for public disclosure of presidential library donors. This from a presidential candidate who has never revealed the sources of hundreds of millions of questionable, possibly non-existent donors and never released his medical records.
    The disclosure period only covers the time that the president is in office until the time that the library is constructed and taken over by the National Archives.
    It smacks of a loophole and seems about as effective as McCain-Feingold. No wonder it got so much support.
    While GWB is exempt, more importantly, Bill Clinton is exempt, and we all know that story.

    Just.Say.No. I. Agree. McCain’s Country First PAC will help support McCain’s re-election and help him “determine the future of the GOP”. I’d rather support a Joe Lieberman PAC to support his re-election and help him determine the future of the Democratic party. Way to go, Joe.

  5. CNYTammyFan says:

    After twenty years of the Bush/Clinton/Bush rein
    I’m well…..bushed. Jeb may the best of them who knows but I’m glad he’s sparing us the temptation
    of supporting yet another one. Thank you for your service Mr. Bush.
    When is the razor wire going up around the South Lawn? How many body doubles alla Saddam Hussein is he going to have? The people’s candidate indeed.

  6. Ripper says:

    1. Pray for Jack Kemp

    2. I would have liked to have seen Jeb in the Senate (the GOP needs that seat) although I cringe at the thought of another Bush running for President.

  7. RobK says:

    Tammy, below is my reply to John McCain’s e-mail regarding his start of a new PAC called Country First. I’d support Country First if Sarah Palin was in charge of it, but i just can’t take it seriously. You know the rest.

    Hello Senator McCain,

    I’d like to support this, but this past election has brought to light many, many issues we Conservatives need to immediately address, along with the beginning of a true battle against Marxist type Liberalism and corruption that is now in full swing. We Conservatives have begun a fight that is in full swing to take back our original strong Conservative roots of Ronald Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt. Governor Palin is also part of that. Right now, we need you to stand strong in the Senate against the Liberal agenda of Barak Obama and other Liberals. That would be your greatest contribution to us for the next four years, along with supporting and pushing people like Ken Blackwell and others like him who carry our strong Conservative values. This is a time when limited Government, secure borders, and strong defense must be our stand. The days of reaching across the aisle are over because every time we do, as evidenced by Pelosi’s new House Rules, we Conservatives get our arms taken off. Enough is enough.

  8. Idiot#3 says:

    I tried to composed a poem about Pres. Elec. Obama’s new car, but got hung up on the very first rhyme.

    Smooth Ride One

    Prezidn’t Obama
    got wheels that’s a tank.
    They’s a seat for him
    an’ his wife, the… the…

    sorry, I’m just stuck. maybe I’ll give it another try later.

  9. Joe the Plumber needs to move to Arizona and challenge McCain’s seat in 2010.

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