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Video: Our gals Megyn Kelly and Ann Coulter talk Mortgage Bailout.

Obama’s Auto team drives imports

Bush goes to hardware store that offered him a job

Another massive spending bill on the agenda; GOP targets $410 billion omnibus

Rick Santelli responds to the White House attack.

The American Tea Party

Some advice on future “Tea Party” protests

Pethokoukis: Rick Santelli: The Man Who Talked Back

Which, do you suppose, would be the bigger draw right about now: a) a Barack Obama house party supporting the housing bailout package, or b) a Rick Santelli-inspired ‘Chicago Tea Party’ opposing the bailout package? Well, given that a) more Americans oppose the plan than support it, and b) Obama’s house parties in support of the stimulus package drew mere dozens of Obamaniacs in major cities around the nation, ‘tea time’ it is.

Major stock market indexes fall to 1997 levels

While Senator Bunning made some ridiculous comments about Justice Ginsberg in this speech, what interests me more is his statement that the National Republican Senatorial Committee is helping the Three Traitors while shunning authentically conservatives senators.

He also made a veiled attack on National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman John Cornyn of Texas, criticizing him for not using Senatorial committee funds to help him and conservative Sens. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and David Vitter of Louisiana.

Meanwhile, Bunning noted that the committee is helping moderate senators Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Olympia Snowe of Maine.

Whether this is accurate or not, it’s a reminder to add the NRSC to your list of Those To Be Annoyed. Let them know you expect them to shut out Specter, Snowe and Collins.

National Republican Senatorial Committee
Ronald Reagan Republican Center
425 2nd Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Telephone: (202) 675-6000
E-mail: [email protected]

UPDATE ON BUNNING 1:30p PT: The idiot has apologized to Ginsberg.

First liquid water may have been spotted on Mars

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. daredevilaccordian says:

    To start to see the media (well at least the business and financial media) start to stand up to the White House bullies is phenomenal. I have said from day one that the BO administration would be made up of playground bullies and Chicago street thugs… with a very arrogant, and elitist mafioso style. This admin will look murkier and darker the more it is held up to the light. I can’t wait until 2010, mostly because I don’t think I can afford to. Neither can the rest of Americans. It is time to coalesce behind these courageous men (and the GOA – Gun Owner of America) and if there was ever a time for a true civil uprising, it is in the coming months,

    KUDOS to Santelli and Kudlow. I have always liked them and LOVE them now. If the tea party comes to pass in July, I will be there. Funny that it might be held in Chicago. We’ll see how that goes with the Obama mafia running the city and passionate civilians gathering to rise up in opposition to the socialist ponzi scheme.

  2. Sgt Hardkill says:

    YAHOO! had a line that I had to laugh at: “Decaf for Santelli: The White House Fires Back”.

    HAH! (1) This Press Secretary is unable to fire back anything of any type at any person at any time. Gibbs is overrated. Woefully so. (2) Leave it to a bunch of snotty Yahoo-types to berate a man’s passion as a need for decaf. Mr. Santelli must be hitting uncomfortably close.

  3. RobK says:

    Gibbs needs to be ROLLED, along with Barak Obama down the Capitol steps and told to go HOME! This is absolutely crap that these thugs think they can strongarm anybody in this country and try to silence our Constitutional rights of Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech. Well, we won’t take it Obama! Everytime we turn around, this circus clown is running roughshot over the Constitution and it is grounds now for Impeachment. And listen Obama, this isn’t just a “Press Secretary in your neighborhood” because Gibbs says everything that comes out of your mouth and you know it! Kudlow is absolutely right, it won’t just be CNBC, it has already been constant attacks on FOX News, reporters from other networks, and it will happen with any network that somehow dares to question these freaks in the White House. Then it will be attacks on every American, regardless of race, sex, sexual preference, etc., etc., etc. I say get them the hell out of there now.

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