**This post will be updated throughout the show. Refresh the page for additional links.**


Schumer: ‘Why quibble over $200M?’

‘Doom’ talk scored as ‘not presidential’

Arlen Spector ‘splains why he finds the Craps Sandwich sooooooo delicious!

Official: Yemen releases 170 al-Qaida suspects

EBay ex-CEO Whitman plans run for California governor

Polish man beheaded in Pakistani militant video

Michelle Obama’s nickname for hubby – ‘Pumski’


Jack and Emma, saved by our troops, in their new American home and beddie.

Afghan Dogs Reunited With U.S. Soldiers Returning From Deployment

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Michael in Michigan says:

    Arlen Specter, “I am supporting the economic stimulus package for one simple reason: The country cannot afford not to take action.”

    Translation – I AM SCARED.

  2. Shawmut says:

    Sure, let’s bring in some Palestinians to take the place of the Somali’s we settled here (read: housed, educated and provided health care) and have gone back to Somalia to pursue the Jihad?
    Hell, why not the dissolute Yemeni’s too? We can house, educate and provide health care better than their penal system. We can even open some Betty Ford Jihadist Clinics like the Saudi’s where they can learn finger-painting.
    Think of the stimulus all this can provide. As money, not supplied to Hamas by Iran and the Saudi’s, comes out of the United States, maybe some of it will stay here. Unlike those of us who attend churches and synagogues, this crowd will even have their mosques subsidized (at least in Boston – it’s cultural donch’a know).
    A parallel in history would be a glimpse at the story of the Tauro Synagogue in Newport, RI. http://www.tourosynagogue.org/overview.asp

  3. CHRIS HAHN says:


    I called Senator Snowe’s office today. I was told she supports the attached amendment. This amendment should be part of the original TARP not the Recovery package. This is why she will vote yes. I was also able to reach Senator Specter’s office. I heard him on Laura Ingraham, and it sounds like he is voting yes, regardless, of Americans calling his office and saying no.

    “February 9, 2009

    Washington, D.C. –

    Financial institutions that used “federal bailout” funds to pay employees bonuses in excess of $100,000 will be required to compensate taxpayers under a provision authored by U.S. Senators Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.). The provision – which was accepted Friday night by voice vote as an amendment to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – will require financial institutions that received funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to either repay the cash portion of any bonus paid in excess of $100,000 early – within 120 days of the amendment’s enactment – or face an excise tax of 35% on what is not immediately repaid to the treasury. The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that the Snowe-Wyden Amendment will raise as much as $3.2 billion

  4. Sgt Hardkill says:

    It took me about five minutes to write a letter and send it to Sens. Snowe, Collins and Specter. (Copy-paste, etc.). With technology as it is, it’s never been easier.

    No excuses. These people need to hear from an angry electorate.

  5. palin2012 says:

    Jack and Emma – something good that makes us smile. Thanks Tammy – we need that.

  6. pjb says:

    I miss Laura Bush so much, that woman had class and brought grace to the White House. Something that I think the Obama’s lack.

  7. HALEY says:

    I miss Laura Bush too, PJB, as well as the idea of Cindy McCain being the First Lady. What a blessing she would have been. The Obamas do lack class. I would never expect any class from a couple who were married in a hate church had their kids baptized in that same hate church and faithfully attended that very same hate church for 2 decades.

  8. HALEY says:

    On a brighter note, that Afghan dog story is heavenly! 🙂

  9. NavajoSierra says:

    I too am happy to see Jack and Emma on this page! Thanks for the rose among thorns.

  10. CinderellaMan says:

    “after signing pledges not to engage in terrorism”

    How would that work with a serial killer? A rapist? A bank robber?

    Makes about as much sense as Congress trying to provide ACORN with 5 billion in the name of community block grants. Makes about as much sense as Barak Obama taking the US Census out of the Department of Commerce and into the hands of his “political operative” Rahm Emmanuel( Glen Beck, on today’s radio show ).

    I saw a bumper sticker comparing Obama to Karl Marx. It’s not quite as funny anymore.

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