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Look, why let a little thing like mass murder and poisoned exports ruin a great relationship?

Chicago Tea Party: Belated Revolt Against Stimulus Spending

Vietnam vets protest Jane Fonda’s Broadway showing

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. michelle says:

    Washington Tea Party
    Causes – Rally
    Time and PlaceDate:
    Friday, February 27, 2009
    12:00pm – 2:00pm
    Washington Monument
    Washington, DC
    This is fantastic. This should be an excellent way of communicating our view that Congress shouldn’t be wasting our tax dollars on failed enterprises. In the 24 hours this group has been live, we’ve gotten mentioned by Michelle Malkin’s website, and a number of TCOT (top conservatives on twitter) have helped us get more people. AmSpec thanks you all!

    I need to be able to talk big numbers to the press — the number of people planning on showing up. Please head to the event page and RSVP to let me know you’re coming to the Washington Tea Party. Thanks!


  2. RobK says:

    Tammy, Hillary’s change of mind boils down to what you stated about how Senator Snowe thinks regarding a hunger for acceptance. Once Hillary got a taste of being important again, her sense of security rose and she forgot about the human rights violations of China. It could happen to any of us, but you gain very few friends in the process. Sucking up to the enemy is a very dangerous thing.

  3. Lamplighter says:

    Hillary to agree to disagree on human rights overseas? Meanwhile, she’s part of an administration that is enforcing things on us most of us don’t want whether we like it or not.

    When will Hillary take Dick Morris’ advice and BE HERSELF? She might not have become the senator from NY, but she might have been the senator from Arkansas. And she might have gotten elected this time instead of Obama—-in spite of the MSM—-instead of being a victim of it. Hell, I might have voted for her.

    Yes, Jane, you will indeed carry the Hanoi Jane sobriquet with you until you die. Consequences are a bitch, and so were you. It could have been buried long ago along with the soldiers who died in Vietnam, had you made a genuine apology and were truly remorseful.

  4. CinderellaMan says:

    The “Stimulus” will not work:
    “AT THIS REMOVE, it’s hard even to recall the pre-Reagan economic landscape. Do you remember the gasoline lines? How about Jimmy Carter’s $50 rebate? Or his voluntary wage and price controls? Or even before that, Jerry Ford’s WIN buttons, Whip Inflation Now? For the mid 1970s witnessed a crisis of not only economic policy but also economic thought. The prevailing Keynesian orthodoxy had nothing to say about stagnation. It had pretty much distilled itself down to the Phillips curve: To cure inflation, a little more unemployment; to cure unemployment, a little more inflation. For high and accelerating inflation accompanied by high and accelerating unemployment, it had no explanation and no prescription.”


  5. CNYTammyFan says:

    As Howard Beal (Peter Finch) from the movie Network protested from his studio “Im as mad as hell am I’m not going to take it anymore!!” I never would have believed it but it’s time has come. I’m trying to clear the decks to make the 27th. Santelli’s Tea Party in July is a “got to”
    also. There is some signs of life in Calliefornia
    as well as the GOP is going to primary the 6 turncoat skunks who caved on the rotten budget from Arnold. E nuff already!!!!

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