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Finally! A dating website exclusively for Obama Zombies.

Mark Steyn: Obama mythology could use some stimulus

Here is your contact list for the entire 111th Senate of Zombies.

F.D.A. Approves Drug From Gene-Altered Goats


Biden Gives Odds on Messing Up

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Wynn Marlow says:

    I have been calling and e-mailing all week. First to Boxer and Feinstein because they might care whether I vote for them in the future (although I doubt that they do). Then to Collins and Spector because I knew they were sleeping with the enemy. But the latter must be beyond the sound of my voice. Their staffs probably deleted my e-mails largely unread. I am so furious at those Republicans I could scream…. Thank you for making me laugh, Tammy. “Hopey McChange” indeed!


    PS My son works with Andrew Breitbart. We all adore you.

  2. Dave J says:

    Bombard brand-new NY Senator Kirsten Gillibrand with anti-“stimulus” e-mails and calls. She previously made some statements about being opposed to the bill. If a few D’s can be peeled away, Collins and Specter don’t matter.

  3. Robert Graham says:

    One thing that has bewildered me for a while now is exactly why in today’s world any Congressman has to be in Washington? All things considered, surely it probably best to have debate face to face. However, not unlike having an ever growing workforce working from home, could you imagine how much sharper and refreshed our Congressmen would be if they could do the same?

    This may seem naive to some, however I once knew personally a man who was our Representative and then our Senator. While a memeber of our state house, his accessability was something that simply could not have been any better. His resolve to improve our community was absolutely magnificient. His replacement was even more accessible and I believe a stronger leader. However, his ability to make things happen were stymied by, you guessed it, the man who went to Washington. My opinion, the only time in the eight years while he was a representative and a Senator that were productive were the few times he had to be here. Of course, he was on the campaign trail as well on more than one occassion of productive results. He was also defeated and is no longer a Congressman.

    That said, perhaps it is time to create a new tradition. As conservatives, we have historically created radical changes in both our Constitution and our world. Making Congress absolutely accountable for the people who DIRECTLY elected them is paramount to what our founding fathers surely must have had in mind. The world was not as large then, and yet technolgy makes it so much smaller.

    Just a thought from a pathetic imbecile (That is what our current State Rep. called me when one of his staffers told him I told them that Lincoln was the first Republican and Jefferson Davis was a Democackma. Even he thought I was a liar.)

  4. Sable007 says:

    Thanks for the list of Senators. The question is whether it is a Senate of zombies or a senate of vegetables. Maybe zombie veggies?

  5. Shawmut says:

    When Joe Biden goes public I can’t help but think of “Jubilation T. Cornpone”.
    “Who was it that led the charge that brought us safe to the rear?”
    Yeah, step right out there, Joe. With your eyes wide shut and your lips a’flippin.

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