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NYDN: More than a bad day: Worries grow that Barack Obama & Co. have a competence problem

Now that congress has solved all the world’s problems, Kucinich To Investigate “Executive Assassination Ring” And after this, he’s determined to catalog all the black helicopters out there and to find that ever-elusive Martian body still in the custody of the US Military. I’ve linked to HuffPo here just so you can enjoy the entertainment of reading someof the comments attached to this. Priceless.

When Models Attack! (Or maybe more when people in the vicinity of models attack…).

NYT is noting that Barkey and his incompetent mob are Bracing for a Backlash Over Wall Street Bailouts

David Gregory on Meet the Press nails an Obama economic spokehole. Watch the whole segment, around 3 minutes long. It’s really exposes how clueless and incompetent the Barkey mob is.

CDC Searches For Passengers On Flight From Germany

N.Y. AG Wants Answers On AIG Bonuses

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11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. JaxCat says:

    I thought he was investigating a ring to assassinate (former) President Bush – geez, what was I thinking, OF COURSE NOT. Maybe this is because no investigation of a Bush assassination ring is necessary since they made a movie and wrote all over HuffPo about it.

    At least this shiny object may keep him distracted from doing real harm in the meantime.

  2. IanTrouble says:

    You may find this interesting:

  3. John says:

    Meghan McCain said on The View that she didn’t know who Laura Ingraham was. Turns out she was interviewed by Tammy (or was it Monica Crowley?) on Laura’s show. So either Meghan’s a liar or she forgot (I doubt it’s the latter, as elephants never forget).

  4. Idiot#3 says:

    “Doing business in a different way…blabity bla bla..”
    Wow, did anyone else feel like an adult genius suddenly transported into the body of a seven year old in Miss Phatley’s second grade class?

    And she’s a doctor? God, I hope it’s only a PhD in Pre-Columbian Music and not American History.

  5. Shawmut says:

    Meaghan McCain needs a mentor. Nice kid and all, but her entry into the public opinion arena is a little pre-mature. Being exposed to the media by default of being a candidate’s kin doesn’t interpret well.
    Whatever one thinks of Caroline Kennedy, she could have used some help in making a case for herself.
    Frankly, the pro’s in politics and the media can put these off-spring to a good test. If passed, they’ll make you family. But if you faulter, “Get thee to a nunnery”, take a job as a librarian, bank teller, systems analyst, or go to med school.

  6. CinderellaMan says:

    On the NYDN article:

    The comments coming out of China are most telling… this was clearly a shot across the bow, that if Obama continues his unabated spending and incomprehensible plans to grow government, then they will no longer buy our debt on the basis of Obama printing more money.

    One only has to look back to the Carter administration for the historical example of maximum unemployment coupled with hyperinflation and a devalued dollar. I am of the opinion that they actually know this is causing catastrophic economic upheaval worldwide, they just don’t care. It’s all about getting their socialist agenda into an irreversible state. And they may have accomplished that already.

  7. ashleymatt says:

    Tammy on O’Reilly tonight! Don’t forget to watch.

    Meghan McCain has no standing on political issues. She has no conscious ideology (sort of like Dad, but at least he’d served the country). She’s just loyal to her family, which is admirable, but the only reason she’s getting any attention is that she’s a supposedly Republican person bashing conservatives. I enjoyed her behind-the-scenes blog during the campaign, but now she is just the media’s tool. Nice lady; no credibility.

  8. jgm219 says:

    My God! Just when I thought Arianna Huffington and her blog couldn’t be a bigger tool or joke! Have Kucin-nut Investigate for an Executive Hit Squad?!? I agree with Jaxcat about it keeping him from doing real damage elsewhere.

  9. Talkin Horse says:

    Forgive me if this sounds a bit paranoid, but I can’t help but suspect that Obama brought Dr. Romer on board as chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers in order to make ordinary Americans more sympathetic to the multicultural notion that maybe it’s not such a bad idea to put women in burqas. (Please ignore this comment if I have erred my evaluation of Dr. Romer’s gender.)

  10. N_Campbell says:

    JGM, I regret to inform you that this idea has really caught fire on the left. As far as they’re concerned, the former VPOTUS really is the Dark Lord of the Sith. Besides, remember their mindset. If they’re already convinced that the administration was either directly involved or complicit in the murder of nearly 3000 Americans on 9/11, what’s the murder of a few political enemies on top of that?

    To quote a very wise man, “Isn’t it just a little bit strange how every conspiracy people believe in just happens to involve a group they don’t like?”

  11. piboulder says:

    Oh geez. NOW they’re questioning competence! I had questions about competence before Obama was elected. Everyone else said, “Look what an amazing campaign he’s run.” As past senior officials of past administrations will tell you, campaigning and governing are two completely different areas of competence. They know full well (unlike the American people, apparently) that a good campaigner does not necessarily make a good leader, and vice-versa.

    This reminds me of a scene in the movie “The American President”. One of the president’s advisors is trying to get the president to answer charges being leveled at him by his opponent. He keeps refusing, saying it’s beneath him. His advisors remind him that his poll numbers are dropping. One advisor is desperate to get him to push back. He tells him, “The American people are looking for leadership,” and that they’re like a people stranded in the desert, looking for water. They’re so desperate for it they will follow a leader who leads them to a mirage, and when they don’t find water “they’ll eat the sand.” The president answers back, “The American people don’t eat the sand because they’re thirsty. They eat the sand because they don’t know the difference!”

    The lady on Meet The Press was clearly doing her best to try to defend the indefensible. Any administration official would be expected to defend the administration at all costs. I felt sorry for her. I think the message is pretty clear. Obama and Geithner had better get their act together NOW!

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