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AP doesn’t like the fact that consumer spending is up, so they want to make sure to you get a little fix of ‘doom’ in their headline. Consumer spending rises in Jan., unlikely to last

Huntsman thinks the DOP needs more liberalism.

No wonder Barky doesn’t want to go to Vegas. He’s got all the partying he needs at the White House.

What are they gonna do? Arrest me?

Marine 1 Blueprints Found On File Sharing Network. In Iran.

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2 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Shawmut says:

    I’ve heard Huntsman’s appeals for years. However, in leadership, one should not have to reach down, infantilizing the public as the Democrats do, but to raise up, generate positive movement, and give reasons to do better. Leadership by appeasement is oxymoronic. However, compromise still allows one to advocate for priniples.
    The “Big Tent” has always been there. But it doesn’t mean that every camel at the oasis has to piss in it. Roaming camels dressed as elephants still want things their way.

  2. Fox says:

    And the DOW is doing wonderfully today:
    6815.70 low as of this post.

    It didn’t merely skirt past the magic 7000 mark it plunged through it. I’m predicting it to stablaize a little just before the option ARM Deathstar starts to implode.

    Change is coming.

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