**This post will be updated throughout the show. Refresh the page for additional links.**


Women, minorities fear being left out of stimulus projects

Conservatives embrace the Snuggie. Someone explain to me, why?

GOP offers alternative to Obama plan

Bachmann Bill: Don’t Replace The Dollar

Here’s the ad from Conservatives for Patient Rights encouraging you to call congress an tell them to stop messing with our health care.

Report: Improper anchoring caused boat accident

Michael Steele, aka Maxwell Smart.

Criticism over Obama invite mounts at Notre Dame


Natasha’s lesson helps save Ohio girl

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16 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. John says:

    I used to have something like a Snuggie years ago. Except back then it was referred to as a robe.

  2. Ripper says:

    The famous headline of the New York Times when the world comes to an end
    “World Comes To An End: Women, Minorities Hardest Hit!”

  3. RobK says:

    Tammy, Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann is a great woman. I have a friend who lives in her district in Minnesota and he and his wife love her proactive care of her leadership. She literally drove and walked door to door during her campaign for Congress. Many people asked to setup appointments with her to discuss their issues and she met with many people right in their living rooms. She began coming out more when Governor Palin was picked as VP and Bachmann became another prey of the left because of her Conservative, Nationalistic and Patriotic views. The Left went after Bachmann because she voiced her Conservative, nationalistic stance with pride. They call her “stupid” and “flippant” when none of this is true and these attacks are only Alinsky style attacks on women because Leftist men view women as weak.

    I notice these Conservative women get attacked even harder than Conservative men and I am very sick of it. The Left doesn’t hesitate to call attacks on Liberal women “sexist”, while attacks on Conservative women aren’t called anything. Should Conservatives now start calling attacks on our patriotic women “sexist?”.

  4. marleed says:

    I believe that conservatives are snapping up the Snuggies because they’re concerned about BHO metering out their energy in the Winter. A Snuggie is good for preventing hypothermia!

  5. DawnofAnewError says:

    I am reminded of this article from way back in 2001.

    The Immorality of a “Compassionate War” on Terrorism

  6. Shawmut says:

    As far as international currency, The US Dollar is an example of sovereignty.
    Furthermore, who would you trust with the plates?

  7. RobK says:

    Improper anchoring is probably not what caused this accident. You are supposed to drop your anchor up current so the boat drifts away from the anchor and doesn’t become snagged anywhere on the boat. The most likely cause for the accident is they gunned the engines to try to break the anchor free which is a big no, no, especially if the waves have become large. You untangle an anchor by actually steering around the anchor, getting on the opposite side of it in order to pull it away from what it is caught up on. If everything fails, then the anchor must be cut and you must head back to port. What really blows me away is this boat’s emergency beacon was on, so what took the Coast Guard so long to locate this boat?

  8. John says:

    Since we already have Obama as Urkel, I recommend that we compare Michael Steele to Pee-Wee Herman. In “Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure,” there’s a scene where Pee-Wee falls on his face and goes “I meant to do that”. Sounds just like the audio of Steele today.

  9. pat_s says:

    Maybe so they can attend one of these. Snuggie Pub Crawls.

  10. Tink says:

    God’s invisible hand at work… and the Natasha Richardson story has made me emotional one more time.

    P.S. Michael Steele needs to take his ego in for a CT Scan.

  11. CinderellaMan says:

    Fascism: Definition from Merriams-Webster: “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition”

    Three months ago I would have thought that even a definition of socialism wouldn’t apply. Now I’m not so sure. Consider:

    1.The “Fairness” Doctrine?!!! is fair? Whatever happened to freedom of speech in this country?
    Is it our fault that Al Franken tanked? Leave it to the democratic party to completely do away
    with our First Amendment rights.

    2. Without question Tim Geithner and the Obama Administration are vastly overreaching in that they now seek to give the Treasury, FDIC and
    the Fed complete control when investment banks or other financial institutions are in trouble. Did we forget about Obama’s corporate backers
    last August, and what they will expect from him? For a look at these banks and what they will expect, go to http://theprolific.com/2008/08/meet-obamas-corporate-backers/
    Goldman-Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Citigroup, UBS AG, Google, Lehman Brothers, and yes, AIG!
    The democrats clearly understand that more regulatory control over these corporations will translate to one-side political campaign support down the road, a fact
    which will only corrupt the system further. Dirty, dirty democratic politics at work.

    3.Why they are moving the Census into Rahm Emmanuels office, and the implications to Americans:
    “As you know, the Decennial Census is not only Constitutionally-mandated; the results of it are utilized in the allocation of federal funding and the apportionment
    of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. As such, the Census process needs to be completely free of political manipulation and interference, in order to produce
    fair, accurate and trustworthy results. This will be impossible if you follow through with proposed plans to outrageously and without precedence circumvent the
    Secretary of Commerce and place direct oversight of the Census Bureau in the hands of the hyper-partisan White House Chief of Staff. This decision will
    also jeopardize Census Program funding and trigger unanimous opposition to your next Census Director out of fear that a respectable Federal agency is being politicized.
    For these reasons we respectfully request that you not follow through with a course of action that will shamefully politicize the operations of the Census Bureau and
    jeopardize the fairness and accuracy of the 2010 Census.”
    – Reps. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.)

    May God Help America, please.

  12. daredevilaccordian says:

    Tammy, thank you for posting the video from Conservatives for Patients Rights.

    Being a cancer patient who will live the rest of my life with cancer and in treatment of some kind, I am mortified by what will happen with my treatment potential when our new and NOT improved health reform takes place. So many questions…

    But first and foremost, we cannot let the legislators allow BO to ramrod through this 600billion+ plan without knowing the details. It is absurd. All they say is Universal Health Care, affordable and accessible to all. Health care is currently accessible to all, right? But that doesn’t tell us anything. How will the pie be split up under their new scheme? Will the sick and elderly be “opted out” because we cost too much to keep alive?

    I believe there are two sources we must look closely at for how they might approach this. Howard Dean’s plan and Zeke Emanuel’s plan (Rahm Emanuel’s brother).

    Tammy, please keep this issue at the top of your list. Knowing that one of the first orders of business BO took up was creating a Comparative Effectiveness Council regarding healthcare costs scares the ever-loving crap out of me. That is essentially what NICE is in the UK, and it is a council of bureaucrats who do cost/benefit analysis of new treatments and decide what treatment and who’s life relative to the cost of keeping them alive is worth it. I am currently in what is considered a research treatment for my cancer. It is not cheap, but it has been unbelieveably effective for me and I have lower tumor markers than at any other point in the 5 years that I have been fighting my breast cancer. We have killed metastasis in my bones, lungs, lymph nodes and brain, through a variety of treatments, including chemo, targeted agents such as monoclonal antibodies/tyrosine kinase blockers, and targeted radiation. I currently only have one small 5mm spot on a bone in the pelvic area. That is it. But, I must stay in treatment to keep it knocked back and stable. The treatment combo I am on is two of three drugs (the third is being researched and trialed feverishly) that may very well cure my subgroup of cancer within the next 5 years… or so doctors have told thousands the last two years at the annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. The two drugs I am on now have recently been denied either in part or in whole to women in the UK, due to cost, who have my diagnosis. I have been on these drugs for over two years, so I have to imagine that had I lived in the UK when diagnosed, I would not be alive at this point.

    If we go down the path of health reform that mirrors anything like the UK, I am screwed, as will be thousands of other women in my shoes. I know you are close with Laura Ingraham and I know that she will be all over this topic, but we need to be sure we are not railroaded into an behemoth of a collectivist health care scheme that will be antiquated and impossible to pay for.

    Just for all to know, under Dean’s or Emmanuel’s plan, we would pay for this new plan with at least a 20%VAT tax – added to everything you purchase, except for food…

    Thanks for listening.

  13. CinderellaMan says:

    My wife is also a cancer survivor… two melanoma surgeries ( first one didn’t get it all), but six years free! Local docs weren’t good enough.

    Local doctors also were directly responsible for causing her blindness in her left eye. We now travel to Wills Eye Institute in Philly for frequent visits… a 6 hour overnight commute, to get adequate treatment for her degenerative eye disease. One tends to get serious about seeing the best when you are down to deteriorating vision in your remaining eye.

    What Obama wants to do is force us back to those local doctors that blinded her to begin with.

    Keep fighting the fight daredevil, and keep a strong faith. Faith heals, of that I am certain.

  14. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    Speaking of Michael Steele:

    The GOP is on the verge of losing a GOP-leaning House seat in the NY-20 special election next week.

    Given the Won’s growing unpopularity, the economic death spiral, and rising gas prices this should the GOP’s for the taking. Kirsten Gillibrand won this seat as a Democrat pretending to be a moderate, and was appointed by Governor Patterson (another Democrat with dwindling popularity) to fill Clinton’s Senate seat. Even a campaign of modest competence would have delivered this seat back into GOP hands.

    Yet a lackluster candidate, a zigzagging McCain-style campaign, and an AWOL Republican Party will converge to return this eat to Democrats’ hands – probably for a long time.

    There are rumors – perhaps unfounded, perhaps not – that Steele will be out as RNC chairman if Tedisco loses. Winning this race should have Steele’s #1 priority, not this “hip hop” garbage and picking fights with Rush Limbaugh.

    Three predictions: (1) Tedisco will lose next Tuesday, perhaps by a huge margin. (2) The Won’s approval ratings will rival W’s in the last years of his presidency. (3) It won’t help, as the GOP will suffer yet another blowout loss in 2010, only part of which will be ACORN’s fault. So long as the country-club Republican establishment continues to run things, Democrats have nothing to worry about.

  15. artgal says:

    QUICK! Somebody unhook Michael Steele from the IQ Deflator before an entire nation – and not just an entire party – becomes irrelevant!

    I agree w/ MWALIMU DAUDI that Tedisco should have been THE priority. There is no excuse for this level of incompetence in such a desperate, pivotal time.

    I have no idea what’s in the water at the RNC, but if it’s that brain-eating parasite found in AZ lakes, that would explain everything. Maybe the upcoming tea parties would be a good time to make Steele walk the plank.

  16. Shawmut says:

    Oh! To be a student at Notre Dame. Just to snub the SOB.

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