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Despite the efforts of the White House to distract Americans with petty fights between Republicans, some people are noticing the Empty, Clueless Suit in the White House. Like:

City Journal: The Innovation Squelch

Obamanomics is bad news for American entrepreneurs.

Even major Barkey Fan and Cheerleader Maurreen Dowd of the NYT, like David Brooks, has realized Barkeyville isn’t shaping up to be what she expected.

In one of his disturbing spells of passivity, President Obama decided not to fight Congress and live up to his own no-earmark pledge from the campaign.

He’s been lecturing us on the need to prune away frills while the economy fizzles. He was slated to make a speech on “wasteful spending” on Wednesday…Team Obama sounds hollow, chanting that “the status quo is not acceptable,” even while conceding that the president is accepting the status quo by signing a budget festooned with pork.

President Obama and Economics 101

MPs’ fury as U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy gets honorary knighthood for Northern Ireland role

Free Health Care for Illegal Aliens Needs Improvement, Some in Congress Say

Give this man a slippery bar of soap!

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. PaTricia says:

    My my, the sheep hath no clothing! When are people going to get, that a good many of these politicians need to be sent away…far far away! I didn’t vote for Ron Paul, but the man was right! Right about everything. You should talk about that Tammy.

    The Obama team and liberals do not know what their doing when it comes to the economy.
    That includes Maureen Dowd and David Brooks. Their all clueless.

  2. DogOnCrack says:

    Tammy, I noticed that you quoted someone who used the word “neocon”.

    Here’s some recommended reading for anyone who employs that term.


  3. Shawmut says:

    The idea of free health care for illegal immigrants is just one more example of All-American-Innanity. Their health is screened at once upon apprehension; not only for our knowledge but for the health of their fellow inmates. Sure spread crime, but contain the common cold.
    As it is, with all the jihadists, (i.e. Minnesota guests from Somali alone), we are guaranteeing a fit force of people who hate us.
    That, I guess, means that the Mexican Border Area ‘transients; drug and human traffic brokers, only hold us in contempt.
    Oh, you noticed. I capitalized Mexican Border Area. Watch for maneuvres that will legitimize their violations. It will be called a “Trust” or “Interborder Autonomous Zone”.
    Thank heavens, their health will be provided for.
    Health exam provided on the US side. Prescriptions filled on the Mexican side.
    Thus a need to transit.
    We abide the only country that is guilty of treason against itself.

  4. Shawmut says:

    How many people think Jerome Corsi to be an extremist?
    Well, the “Black Swan” theory prevails. Improbable, but, yet, only improbable. Civil unrest happens. When that happens, “There will be Blood”. I wouldn’t mark it on your calendar yet, but be prepared to find it occurring.
    Could that cause a change in our form of government? If so that would be, indeed, “regime change”. Isn’t that what Democrats have been calling for?
    Think of the meaning of regime: a form of government. We haven’t change it since the ratification of the Constitution.
    Think of the extremes – if only to prevent them.

  5. piboulder says:

    I noticed that Daud used the word “passivity” WRT Obama. I don’t think he’s been passive. I heard that he didn’t do much “crafting” of the “stimulus” bill. The word was that was the work of Nancy Pelosi. However, I got wind of Obama’s $3.6 trillion proposed budget for 2010. This is HIS plan, not the congress’s, and it’s a lot larger than the “stimulus”. He is NOT being passive! This is his agenda. During the “stimulus” fight word “leaked” that Obama was not happy with the level of spending in it, and then he goes out and sells it likes it’s the best thing. More recently Newsweek reported that there was “friction” between Obama and Pelosi, that she was being too partisan and spending too much. I think he’s ginning this up to make it look like he’s the victim of congress to try to court conservatives. “I TRIED! You’ve gotta help me!” He’s not fooling anybody.

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