**This post will be updated throughout the show. Refresh the page for additional links.**


Oil at $50 Looms as OPEC Plans Cut, Keeps to Quota It’s not just their quota, btw, it’s also the beginning of Obambi Inflation.

Saudis order 40 lashes for elderly woman for mingling

Obama pledges vigorous support for stem-cell research, strict guidelines and no human cloning

Obama White House chaos continues as Barkey insists to the NYT he’s not a socialist, and besides, everything is Bush’s fault, and he started all this crazy spending first.

The NYT wakes up a tiny bit and wonders if our Treasury Tax Cheat Geithner is in over his head.

More charges filed in Palin e-mail hacking case

And here we have No Reason To Build That Wall Reasons 18,598 and 18,599.

And two video to serve as your update on today’s Liberal Democrat politics. First, here’s Jason Mattera being sworn at by Charlie Rangel for daring to question that freak about his corruption.

Combine that with this video of a Chicago councilman swearing at a constituent and trying to throw him down some stairs because he dared to complain about a crazy tax scheme.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Shawmut says:

    And watch the leveraging of oil as our inflation grows. Every percentage up and OPEC tightens its grip.
    Then as the barrel rate soars, and it’s as costly for China and other industrial consumers that hold our notes, watch our credit line – well debt – move accordingly.
    Then think. Who will hold the cash and who controls the oil?

  2. Ken says:

    I heard a person from industry talk about Stem Cell research. This person made the point that adult stem cells are already ‘imprinted’, whereas embryonic stem cells are not ‘imprinted’ and have a very high rate of cancer as they grow.

    He said that for this reason, industry wasn’t willing to even touch the embryonic stem cell work, as they knew that it would likely result in massive lawsuits. And they were having huge positive results working with adult stem cells.

  3. jeweytunes says:

    If there are so many great opportunities in a crisis, then shouldn’t Obama be praising Bush instead of criticizing him for creating it?

  4. Shawmut says:

    Good Point, Jeweytunes. Hell, wouldn’t it be great to have so much to do?

    I’m glad to hear mention of the MExican situation today because just 93 years ago:
    At approximately 4:17 am on March 9, 1916, Pancho Villa’s troops attacked Columbus, New Mexico, USA, and its local detachment of the U.S. 13th Regiment. (Note Please: attack by Mexican Bandits across the US Border) They killed 10 civilians and 8 soldiers, leaving 2 civilians and 6 military wounded, for a total of 18 killed and 8 wounded.[1] The raiders also burned the town, took many horses and mules, seized available machine guns, ammunition and merchandise, before they returned to Mexico.
    General John J. Pershing led an expeditionary force of 10,000 men into Mexico to capture Villa. (Of course Wilson in Washington made a deal and called them back.)


  5. RobK says:

    Tammy, you mentioned today Sarah Palin’s selection of a Pro-Choice person to sit on the Alaska Supreme Court. I personally don’t understand why there is any emphasis, or even mention of whether or not someone is “Pro-Choice”, or, “Pro-Life”. Both terms are Liberal buzz words and shouldn’t ever be a concern to anyone. The problem is abortion in itself, and the words should be either “Pro-Abortion”, or “Anti-Abortion”. I don’t know if Palin even knew the woman was “Pro-Abortion”, but either way, I have now yanked my support for Sarah Palin. In fact, our 5,000 member group here in my small town have all decided to yank our support. Our grass root organization extends to just shy of a 500,000 people who all will now pull support for Sarah Palin. She has become a disappointment. We believe, along with the majority of Conservatives that it is impossible to be a Conservative and be Pro-Choice.

  6. ‘THere are no secrets in the entire universe. The answers are always right in front of us.’-Robert Graham

    There is absolutely no way President Obama or any Obalosi for that matter could possibly comprehend the basis and the objectives of any stem cell research. I will concede that my knowledge of medical research is most assuredly minute by comparison to those who seriously persue the methods and real basis for such an extraordinary project. As a believer in God, I personally feel that there is no barrier to providing humans with the ability to be ‘complete’. There is no persuit more christian like than ending human suffering by all means necessary.
    As a conservative, I personally feel that life begins at conception. That life is where you were at. We were all once not here. We were all once not part of existence.
    If you are sitting comfortable in your home, and you are sitting near a nice fire. If you are drinking a perfect cup of coffee at day’s end. If you are able to reach out and lightly pat your dog’s ear, just as I am doing, think about yourself. You are part of existence. You are here in this world, on this planet. and to further boost your ego, you are whole just as your children are. You are able to comprehend and you are able to be objective.
    Imagine all you have in this world. It is almost impossible for any of us to be anything less than self appreciating and self important. And yet you were once, just as I was, an embryo.
    Embryonic Stem Cell research has never produced anything. Adult Stem Cell research is producing positive results.
    I want the future of my six children to be full, happy and pain free. Am I selfish?


  7. artgal says:

    ROBK –

    I hope I can provide some clarity for you regarding Palin’s Supreme Court decision.

    Under Alaska’s constitution, the governor can only appoint from the names given. In this case, there were 2 finalists. I trust that Palin gave the job to the person who was most qualified for that position. I do not believe for one moment that Palin was ignorant of Morgan Christen’s view of abortion. But just as we on the prolife/anti-abortion side do not want a litmus test placed on qualified prolife appointments, we must also refrain from placing a litmus test on those who are qualified for a position but hold a prochoice stand. Remember – there are pro-choice individuals who do not want tax dollars used to fund abortions, who do not support partial birth abortions or expansion of the abortion industry itself (making sure as many abortions are performed as possible). I do not claim to know every aspect of Christen’s past activities or judgements on such matters, but I am confident in Palin.

    As a committed feminist prolife activist, I would never say that someone cannot be pro-choice and conservative. If you want to take the pro-choice term literally – in the context of individuals making their own decisions – then, yes, pro-choice qualifies as being conservative! In the context of abortion, ‘pro-choice’ is a euphemism as pointed out by Gloria Steinem herself. It was a term created in 1972 for the McGovern campaign so he would not have to say he was pro-abortion, but supported a woman’s right to choose. The funny thing is, we cannot simply say ‘we choose’ – we have to have an object because we’re choosing something. In this case, it’s life or death – no in between, and if people are intellectually honest with themselves they have to admit that permitting death as a ‘choice’ has reaped nothing but harm to our society and for the women it is touted to ‘help’.

    I am heartbroken that our government inserted itself in the abortion argument and set a ‘standard’ in 1973 of devaluing life in its most vulnerable stages. Once the Supreme Court took away the constitutional right of an unborn citizen’s right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, it set the stage for the devaluation of ALL human life as demonstrated today with the expansion of human embryonic stem cells research. Though Bush allowed for funding of EXISTING strands of embryonic stem cells in 2001 (those embryos already destroyed), his was not a license to fund anything beyond those existing strands. Granted, many things Bush began have proven to be jinxed. Anymore, I refer to Bush as Cousin Oliver from the last season of The Brady Bunch – the little cousin who had great intentions and really wanted to do good and help others, but just mucked everything up and got people really mad at him.

    Anyway, ROBK – I hope you & the others you cited in your post will reconsider your decision to abandon Palin. Had Palin fought to get her own appointment in there, it would have backfired on her. You have to realize the names that were given to her may also have been a test for anyone who wishes to challenge her decisions. I believe Palin is keenly aware of the microscope she’s under, and instead of wasting taxpayer dollars and time on court battles, she made her decision playing by the rules, and I trust that she made a good decision for the people of Alaska.

    I don’t think you will find a greater friend to humanity than in the leadership and character of Gov. Sarah Palin. Do not dismiss this woman! It will be to this country’s detriment if you and others become reactionaries instead of the thoughtful, reasoned individuals I believe you to be.

  8. hrh40 says:

    RobK, please do not be so reactionary and pull 5,000 people away from Governor Palin on a knee-jerk reaction. Did you learn nothing about biased media coverage during her VP run?

    Please see Artgal’s comments.

    Please also see the Governor’s own statement and the article she posted by a lawyer explaining the situation she was in:


    Please also see this post, which thoroughly explains the situation:


    Lastly, remember that the Governor leads by living her prolife convictions. She governs by the Alaska Constitution that binds her actions.

    “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s.”

  9. MVH says:

    I think that poor Ricardo Munoz was under a lot of stress because his father, Elias Munoz, was recently sentenced to four years in prison for his part in a fake ID ring. The alderman didn’t even attend the sentencing. Maybe he’s still smarting, and that’s why he . . . uh . . . mistreated that poor constituent [“God bless you.” Really, what nerve!]

    Apparently, papi was part of a fake ID ring that operated in Mexico, Chicago, Los Angeles, Denver and other cities.

    Oh, well. It’s Illinois. What did you expect?

  10. RobK says:

    HRH40, Thanks for the comment. I think we are going to continue to support Palin. We have a meeting tonight and will discuss this.

  11. RobK says:

    I hope Munoz isn’t still sitting on the City Council but rather sitting in jail. When the citizen asked him “why are you doing this”, and the reply from Munoz was “because you’re being an a**hole”, well, looks like Munoz has no defense. Does Munoz realize he assaulted the man? Why weren’t the cops called immediately and a Police Report filed? Either way, I’m sure this citizen had alot of attorneys showing up at his door handing him their cards and saying “I’m your attorney”.

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