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Pentagon plans blimp to spy from new heights

Barky now admits McCain right regarding the economy. After he managed to jam 3 trillion dollars in social engineering spending down our throats.

Hey, let’s just call them “al-Qaida Cabbage Patch Buddies,”
or the more popular “Friends We Haven’t Met Yet.”

Petraeus: Iraq-Style Surge Wouldn’t Work in Afghanistan

Another little clever Barky effort at the redistribution of wealth. Workers’ Health Benefits Eyed for Taxation Revenue Would Fund Expansion of Coverage

’No yobs aqui’ signs at Yuma business draw criticism

Police find 7 bodies in Mexican border city

Reich: Geithner’s “Dithering” & “Incapacity To Speak Clearly” Is “Spooking Everyone” and “Making Things Worse”

A.I.G. Planning $100 Million in Bonuses After Huge Bailout

Can’t put a price on this. Acts of kindness move auctioneer Kaye to tears

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. John says:

    Glad to hear you live today. It sounded like you were away last Saturday (I only get to listen to the weekend show, but that may change soon). By the way, the “Psycho” killer was named Norman Bates.

  2. John says:

    Couldn’t Obama have done a line-item veto for the omnibus spending bill to remove the stem-cell research restriction? Oh, wait, that would involve actually reading the hundreds of pages of the bill and Obama is too busy entertaining to do that.

  3. pat_s says:

    Math quiz. When is two percent of $410 billion smaller than one tenth of one percent of $170 billion? Ans. when Congress says so.

    Both sums relate to taxpayer money. The first is the percentage of earmarks in the omnibus bill spending, the second is the percentage of AIG bonuses compared to the bailout money AIG is getting. Politicians who belittled complaints about omnibus earmarks by trivializing them as a small percentage are now livid over huge AIG bonuses. They are 100% hypocritical.

    The taxpayer gets mugged twice. The first mugger expects gratitude from the victim for shouting at the second mugger.

  4. daredevilaccordian says:

    Taxing health benefits was a bad McCain idea that really surprised me. It always seemed like a bad Barky idea, apparently now it is, and it is still a bad bad bad idea. No surprise.

  5. Shawmut says:

    Whether it’s AIG, earmarks, favored colleague’s husband clauses, the Constitution or the comics one must be able to read. Of course a memory span greater by second or two than an ant’s might help.
    Oh, fahggeddahboudit. They just dug up Anna Nicole Smith’s legal spaghetti again. That should
    keep the All American Ethic’s Disputation Forum busy.
    What? Ethics? Look it up. The meaning that is, not as a slogan or dropped word or phrase like; “like”, “ya know”, “Awesome”, “do”, “blah, blah..)

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