palin cartoon lipstick.jpg

As a Sarah Palin supporter (unless I find out she’s just like John McCain and we really can’t be sure yet until she releases a position paper), I present this in good humor.

Now go forth and discover, what, indeed is your Palin name?

Me? Apparently I’m Soap Critter Palin, which I immediately changed to S. Critter Palin for extra added mystery.

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31 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Kelly says:

    Hmm…mine was “Bounder Driving Palin”. I have no idea what that means. I know Bounder isn’t a new car model, so what is it? Moose? Caribou?

    What do I know? I’m a city girl.

  2. John says:

    I’m Sort Cracker Palin. I guess Cracker is appropriate since I’m white, though I’ll probably just call myself Sort.

  3. LauraVW says:

    All right, here’s what I got:

    Sack Shade Palin


    Forget it, I’m S.S. Palin, the sleekest ship of them all.

  4. NavajoSierra says:

    I love mine: Topper Cruise Palin! Whoo hoo!

  5. LongviewCyclist says:

    Hot tub Zip Palin.

    Hell yeah, gurl.

  6. April says:

    “Sort Station Palin” here!

  7. Larry says:

    I’m Counter Glow Palin 🙂

  8. pat_s says:

    Grass Spriggy Palin. Refreshing.

  9. 1akn says:

    Tammy, great comments today re: Gov Palin on Laura’s show. I agree we must rally around her because the critics will continue this partisan political bloodsport if we don’t. Since Aug 29, the attacks on her and her family have been relentless. Now that she’s back in Alaska the frivolous ethics complaint and FOIA requests from critics, and tasergate have put the governor on the course to personal bankruptcy. Her personal legal debt is $500,000 and growing, and the cost to the state is unquantifiable at this point. Just a couple of examples of the hundreds: one complaint was filed by a fictional soap opera character, and the latest complaint was filed because she wore Arctic Cat snow gear at the Iron Dog start. Here’s a link to her press statement:
    By the way, I’m Flow Typer Palin.

  10. M Mansker says:

    Beach Scrat Palin LOL
    Scrat was my favorite in Ice Age 🙂

  11. Tink says:

    Cuff Baggage Palin.

    Sounds like I’m a baggage handler that got caught.

  12. anenigma2u says:

    Twin Engine Kapow Palin

    OK, the girls make me a little top heavy, I admit. But Kapow? I’m thinking this might be my Palin stripper name.

  13. wilde1 says:

    I am Glow Tub palin

  14. artgal says:

    Montego Nord Palin

    For some reason, that sounds about right.

  15. Sgt Hardkill says:


    Pistol Mile High Palin it is. ‘Cos I love guns and, well, you know the rest…

    Hardkill Out.

  16. Padrooga says:

    My Palin Name….

    Battery Betcha Palin

    Well U Betcha I love it…

  17. claudia in ny says:

    i think i got first prize:
    Barracuda Thong Palin!
    wow…i feel honored.

  18. Padrooga says:

    If the place where bikes race is a velodrome,

    And the place where planes hang out is an aerodrome,

    Does this mean that where the Palin family lives is…. a Palindrome?

    Does this also imply her kids keep her going backwards and forwards all the time?

  19. Kimj7157 says:

    Bam Standing Palin.

    Hmmm… . 🙂

  20. Sean H. says:


  21. KatieSilverSpring says:

    Gateway Carpet Palin here. Like Tammy I will make it more disgustingly mysterious by just middle initialing: here is Gateway C. Palin – that’s my name, whaddaya ganna do about it?

    Kelly, I think bounder is a dog type, not a breed, a type.

  22. calamity says:

    Rail Skoot Palin I like it. Lots of fun. I think as hard as the left is working to destroy Governor Palin, there must be a there there. (sorry for mangling Alice)

  23. palin2012 says:

    Tangy Beach Palin – too funny.

  24. Shawmut says:

    Before we consider Palin and if 2012 elections are not blocked by White House interpretation of the Constitution, I’d like to witness some real grit; walk not talk, by Republicans and conservatives.
    Palin may find herself as the “Prosecutor on the Hustings”, leading the effort to expose the nonsense. (Compare her grit to “victory gardens, teleprompted spontenaity, White House Hair-burner, the macho-tenselim of Baraq’s gym workouts [compared to her day to day work in a near-frontier environment]).
    I’m not discounting her as a 2012 candidate. She has my vote.
    But remember something: Throwing the block that helps the team make a touchdown is a dynamic move.
    But, the real issues are here and now. That is TODAY. Wake Up. The coffee is getting too cold to smell.
    This guy in the White House has to be trimmed back, day-by-day, hour-by-hour, relentlessly; made a fool, a fop, a deceptive chameleon.
    A sophisticated voter really sees the truth. Ironically, he could be taken down intellectually by a hat stand. Even that intellectual dynamism is canned.
    Here’s some hope:
    “A wave of voter disgust at business as usual on Beacon Hill has swamped Gov. Deval Patrick, (D)dealing the first-term governor a devastating credibility blow that leaves his re-election hopes shaken…”.
    He’s threatened from within his own party. A great friend of Baraq, Patrick’s campaign was seen to be the prototype for his chum from Boston (who landed here anonymously) via Chicago.
    OH yes, I should mention that he served in a financial institution as a legal counsel or VP.
    Small wonder.

  25. josai says:

    SILENCE!! You will now refer to me as Santa Soap Palin instead of King Richard! XD

  26. marleed says:

    Back Button Palin here… not exactly sure about the significance of it, but I like alliteration!

  27. pjb says:

    Tack Skirt Palin
    HA HA HA

  28. Larry says:

    I put in BHO’s name and got Back Wand Palin

  29. Sat Toy Palin. That sounds like a name for a Cambodian monk. Can she see the Angkor Wat from her house?

  30. Condignity says:

    Mine is better than yours: SKRAT CHEERLEADER PALIN!!! I LOVE IT!!!

  31. Perry says:

    As someone who lives 12 miles from Denver, Colorado, “Wait Mile High Palin” was most perfect. How did it know? I love it.

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