
A Tammy Peep’s Report and Analysis on the State of the Tea Parties
By Ashley Matt

UPDATE: Since this writing, a Freedom Works activist named Mary Rakovich has taken over planning, and the Cape Coral Tea Party is apparently back on*

This past week, Tammy had me on her show to discuss the massive Orlando Tea Party on March 21st (which had over 5,000 in attendance) and the national Tea Party movement. She had been skeptical of what the ultimate point of these protests was, but I reported that the event I attended served several purposes. We discussed how it 1) provided a networking venue and booths to sign up with conservative groups, both national and local (such as Freedom Works and Americans for Tax Reform), 2) gave motivation and direction to many who were beginning to feel discouraged by the state of the government and the ignorance of the electorate by showing them thousands of defiant, proud, history-minded compatriots, and 3) how the event speakers explained that March 21st was just the beginning and that we must rededicate ourselves to activism for America, especially with the upcoming 2010 elections.

Particularly inspiring was the story of the prime organizer of the Orlando Tea Party, Lisa Feroli. Ms. Feroli does not work in politics or media; she is a mother and an office manager at a construction company who simply decided to take matters into her own hands. Using the publicity she got from boldly giving out her email address on a local talk radio show, she set out to organize a rally where at first a few hundred were expected, and ended up with a production that turned out over 5,000. Since the rally, Lisa and her organizing partners (her sisters and her friend Shelly) have been interviewed on national television including Fox and Friends and Glenn Beck where the story of “ordinary Moms making a difference” has taken on a life of its own. And with the upcoming Tax Day Tea Parties, the momentum of the Citizens Unite to Take Our Country Back concept has reached fever pitch.

But now we have heard news about what may become an obstacle to the budding cause. A ripple of outrage went across the internet Sunday with the story that a city council in Cape Coral, FL, cancelled an April 1st Tea Party at a public park because they expected too many people. After the announcement of the event at a city council meeting, a subsequent e-mail blast by the Republican Party and local media coverage led the local government to believe that more than 500 people would attend, which would require a permit and insurance. The woman planning the tea party was not willing to pay. No one offered any alternatives; she simply encouraged people to attend a nearby April 15th Tea Party.

The first lesson of this story is if conservatives are going to become grassroots activists, the would-be leaders need to take responsibility for all planning requirements and contingencies. Collective agitating may not be our cup of tea (I had to sneak that in somehow), but if we truly believe this is for the sake of the country, it is extremely important that we do this the right way. Immediately after reading the Cape Coral Tea Party story, so many questions came to mind: Why didn’t the organizer request donations and postpone the party until she got them? Why didn’t she move the event to private property? Why couldn’t the county Republican Party who stood to benefit from this ante up a couple hundred bucks for a permit and come out as heroes? Anything would have looked better than, “Yay, Tea Party! Oops, never mind.”

Perhaps some have gotten caught up in the romance of Lisa Feroli’s “ordinary citizen” organization and have begun to think that anyone can throw together something like that. But Lisa worked seven days a week around the clock for over a month, using every business contact, family member, local media outlet, and volunteer she could to achieve what she did. She got assistance from Bud Hedinger, the local radio talk show host who took her call announcing the event, who ended up being the M.C. and whose radio station helped promote it. She set up a website to give out information and request donations and sponsorships. In short, she saw the project through to a triumphant end by being prepared to take on all that came with it. It’s much easier to promise the world than it is to follow through on a small commitment, and an undertaking of this type is huge, not only because of the volume of people but also because of the importance of its impact.

Some perturbed blog commenters have opined that the permit requirement is in itself an infringement on First Amendment assembly rights, but the party planners and attendees have to stay focused. Yes, it is ironic that a protest against government intervention and taxation has to pay the government for a permit, which is a tax on the protest. But right now, our task is to have rallies that are as successful and enormous as possible. The mainstream media, finally unable to ignore these events, are doing their best to try to discredit the Tea Parties; the last thing we need is for them to report that a bunch of thugs illegally trespassed on city hall and blocked the streets. (If you doubt that would be the headline, remember that more people can tell you that Joe the Plumber is unlicensed than can paraphrase the question he asked Obama). So the cameras are on us, and we have to shine. Even through the filter of the media who is going to keep us “honest” by pointing out any flaw they can find, the Tea Parties must appear fun and rousing but sane. There are many skeptical patriots out there still watching to see if this is a serious model for action or a charade of expressionist chaos. For now, we have to play the media’s and the respective local governments’ little games because we are still in the stages of growing the list of supporters and getting the movement’s message out. We cannot let technicalities prematurely collapse it before our potential cohorts’ eyes.

That being said, this story may also foreshadow what will be a crossroads in the movement if it ever occurs. The national Tea Party networks as well as independent grassroots campaigners must be prepared for the circumstance where government on some level uses tactics to silence these protests. With how things have gone in the past eight weeks, and how more Tea Parties are rising, this is not an outlandish possibility. If it comes to being stifled by regulations, fines, or threats, the Tea Parties must defy these actions, or they are worthless. If that situation arises, it will be a test to see whether the leaders of the Tea Parties truly have the courage that our Founding Fathers did in the original Boston Tea Party and the Declaration of Independence or if they are just posing for attention and adulation. We the people must do everything we can within the legal parameters and maintaining the highest level of professionalism to be victorious. But if the very reason we are doing this–the overbearing government–tries to stop us, we must stand our ground and then advance. If they ban us, we have to show up anyway. Most of us pray that we will never have to do that. The thought of reaching the point where we resist the law is a frightening prospect to us regular, conservative, law-abiding folks. But if we really want the drastic shake-up we claim, and we look back at who else achieved such transformation–the Founders, abolitionists, and civil rights activists–they all did it, and we must be prepared to do the same.

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14 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Rod says:

    “Collective agitating may not be our cup of tea”
    Speak for yourself Tammy. As a college undergrad I was Pres of the campus YD. I earned this “elected” office by participating in many “rowdy” demonstrations against HUAC. My how I’ve changed in 50 years. I owe it all to *THE SPEECH* 10/64. I still love agitating (the blame lies with my Celtic ancestors not me). I will be glad to do some leg/tele work for a SoCal “Tea Party”!

    More excited about going and shouting, screaming, jumping up and dowm and making a fool of myself.

  2. CinderellaMan says:

    This is what the left in this country has come to. Even my wife, still a dem, understands that the democratic party of today bears no resemblance at all to the democratic party of the 60’s.

    Throwing up roadblocks against Tea Parties isn’t much different than their “Fairness” Doctrine. What’s more insidious are the inroads they are making through increased governmental intervention and regulation, by manipulation of the Census to their benefit, and by laundering campaign contributions and overt support of illicit groups like ACORN.

    Keep the faith. The next two years are going to be hell, but if we can manage to reclaim the House and Senate, maybe, just maybe, impeachment proceedings can be brought against this man.

  3. artgal says:

    Excellent post, Ash! I love your thorough research into the background of the hugely successful Orlando tea party – successful because of Lisa Feroli’s tireless hard work to make it count. We need to learn from Lisa Feroli, be inspired and apply that same committment to the tea parties we will attend.

    Be sure to contact your local tea party organizers and volunteer to register people, help at the events, pass out literature, etc. – whatever you can do to get the word out about the tea parties, working on the day of and continuing to educate the public long after the gatherings. We HAVE to be out there.

    This is our nation falling apart right in front of us. While we still have a grasp, we HAVE to be present, make ourselves heard and organize against tyranny. We have to be realistic when thinking about 2010, too. If we do not come together as a solid grassroots offensive against this very real evil, it will be possible for ACORN to manipulate voter registrations all over this nation next year. We’re going to have to be solidly protesting any and all efforts to ram amnesty down our throats – again! WE HAVE TO BE OUT THERE IN THEIR FACES!

    When I heard of tea parties being cancelled due to permits, I was ready to fight (still am). But Ashley makes a great point about being organized and not appearing as thugs in the media especially when everything is still in its infancy. And then I battle within myself the fact media are going to try to present us as nutcases no matter what. In all truth, I think we are closer to the last paragraph of your post than not, Ashley. These little permit challenges are just the beginning to see if some will retreat. We’d better not! I’m not at all opposed to taking to the streets en masse and making it impossible for elected officials to ignore us any further!

    Enough being polite, quiet conservatives. There’s a nation at risk and there’s no one else on this planet who will come to her aid. It’s up to us entirely.

  4. brutepcm says:

    Study your history folks. There was a Tea Party in Boston, but there was also a Boston Massacre when the demonstrations got too rowdy and tried the patience of those in charge.
    After we lose the rigged elections and stacked court decisions that follow in 2010, do we bow to our new ACORN overlords?
    It’s fun now, and everybody wants to be a part of the action. Later on- we best leave the kids at home.

  5. pat_s says:

    It’s true the First Amendment doesn’t say we have a right to peaceably assemble provided we get insurance and a permit. Nevertheless, given that marches and public demonstrations are the trademarks of the Left, I don’t mind those requirements. I don’t want the scale of justice to favor Rent-A-Mob tying up traffic and disturbing productive citizens for the purpose of wearing them down through harassment. The restrictions must be reasonable and equally applied, the fees nominal. I have to wonder who would issue insurance to some of those leftwing groups.

    The EM will be looking for anything negative to report—one homemade sign with a questionnable message, one organizer who has a tax lien, one bystander who gets his toe stepped on. If the success of the tea parties increases, I wouldn’t put it past the Left to plant some goons amongst the protesters to provoke something.

    Our side always has the extra burden of biased scrutiny in the public square. That is unfair but we deal with it. Our side should and usually does place an extra burden on ourselves to maintain civility and truthfulness. The news reports I read about the Cape Coral tea party cancellation clearly referenced the insurance matter and the organizer opting out. Yet, many people passing the story around the Internet chose to slant it as though the government was ham-handedly preventing the gathering to suppress the message on the pretext of large crowds. Borrowing the Left’s tactic of street protest is a sign of the desperation of our times. Inflammatory half-truths or outright lies are also the stock-in-trade of the left. Let’s never go there.

    Thanks Ashley. Great write-up and excellent points.

  6. Young American says:

    Excellent job Ashley. Thank you. If these tea parties lead to a new American Revolution, than so be it !!

    I fantasize a ‘revolutionary’ crowd marching through the streets of Washington and as our past colonial patriots threw the tea into the harbor I can visualize throwing Pelosi & Reid head first into the reflecting pool.

    Freedom is worth fighting for in every way. These parties are a call to action and act we must.

  7. TC says:

    Unfortunately all these people are wasting their time. Politicians don’t care what you think because they know the game is rigged in their favor.

  8. ladykrystyna says:

    Ashley you are right on the money: we need to put our money where are mouths are and we need to remain civil, etc.

    I am ready for a SoCal tea party in my area (I’m in Northern L.A. County). I’ve thought about trying to start one myself, too, instead of waiting to be lead. I guess I’ll have to do some research and see what happens.

    Young American – I like your fantasy! Can I join in?

  9. Shawmut says:

    Rally by Quota?
    “But now we have heard news about what may become an obstacle to the budding cause. A ripple of outrage went across the internet Sunday with the story that a city council in Cape Coral, FL, cancelled an April 1st Tea Party at a public park because they expected too many people.”

    I suppose next year after the Obama Corps has undergone crowd control training there will be in place a registration form that rally participants will be required to fill out. Maybe bond or license fee.
    The Obama Corps (Blue Shirts) will be federalized as marshalls.
    Don’t think I’m just trying to be funny here. I’ve studied the format. And they’ve studied it harder than I have.
    We’d like to believe it can’t happen here. Well, my friends, let’s hope in a few years we’re not saying, “It wasn’t supposed to have happened here.”

  10. Nick&Nora says:


    We’re with you. My family will be there for the SoCal Tea Party. I don’t have time, but I’ll make time.
    Many years ago I passed thru the liberal corridor when I registered to vote and the signed up at the draft board. I got high-minded with my youthful arrogance and selfishness. Thank God I was cured by time and patient parents.
    Let’s go.

  11. Nick&Nora says:


    We’re with you. My family will be there for the SoCal Tea Party. I don’t have time, but I’ll make time.
    Many years ago I passed thru the liberal corridor when I registered to vote and the signed up at the draft board. I got high-minded with my youthful arrogance and selfishness. Thank God I was cured by time and patient parents.
    Let’s go.

  12. Nick&Nora says:


    We’re with you. My family will be there for the SoCal Tea Party. I don’t have time, but I’ll make time.
    Many years ago I passed thru the liberal corridor when I registered to vote and the signed up at the draft board. I got high-minded with my youthful arrogance and selfishness. Thank God I was cured by time and patient parents.
    Let’s go.

  13. Nick&Nora says:


    We’re with you. My family will be there for the SoCal Tea Party. I don’t have time, but I’ll make time.
    Many years ago I passed thru the liberal corridor when I registered to vote and the signed up at the draft board. I got high-minded with my youthful arrogance and selfishness. Thank God I was cured by time and patient parents.
    Let’s go.

  14. marez says:

    Hey Tammy,
    Writing from BOZEMAN, MT- tea party to start at 11:30 am-2:30 pm- town hall at about 1:00 until 2:30; They had 1500 tickets printed up and gave out only 650 to the locals. Wonder where the others may be.mmmmmmmmm Didn’t get tickets but friends of the tea party did-will be looking forward to seeing what they have to say. Also, a few of us got together and started a new newspaper called the Gallatin Valley Patriot. Would love to send you a copy. How can I get that done?

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