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PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama tax pledge up in smoke

This cigarette tax increase, btw, targets the very people B. Hussein promised wouldn’t get a tax increase–the poor and lower middle classes. Hopey McChange!

Official English plan clears Oklahoma Senate panel

The President Is ‘Keeping Score’
Chicago politics has moved into the White House.

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. LongviewCyclist says:

    They don’t need pleats…that is priceless!

    BTW, I love you, lady. but English is definitely NOT an easy language to learn. If anything, it is one of the hardest to learn. Mexican immigrants do have the advantage of sharing the same alphabet. But that only applies to the ones who can read (I have worked with some who couldn’t read any language). It seems that they handle basic education differently in Mexico.

  2. palin2012 says:

    Kim Jong-Ill (demented man) is capable of sending a nuke into the U.S. – why isn’t our defense secretary and the Pentagon all over this?? This cretin does not like being ignored and would love nothing better than to take credit for killing thousands of Americans. We know Barky isn’t interested – he’s busy loading Ipods for the Queen and other world leaders – so he can thank himself. Are they really this misguided to think that we are safe from the possibility that this rocket has a warhead and is directed at the U.S.? We need to blow this thing off the launch pad NOW!

    Breaking news this morning that the rocket is being fueled – tankers are in place. It takes 3 – 4 days to fuel the rocket before it is launched. What’s the plan – everyone in Hawaii “duck and run” on Sunday??

  3. LongviewCyclist says:

    Forgot to add, I do support choosing an official national language (English). From a legal standpoint, it makes sense to choose an official language for the country.

  4. DogOnCrack says:

    The issue of language is but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the problem that is compulsory public education.


  5. CinderellaMan says:

    Barack Hussein Obama on the world stage. Imagine that, The One, part of the G20! And Michelle, dressing down, and showing off those glorious biceps.

    I think we can now credit Him with a new word in the English language: “uhhhhhhhhhhhh….” to replace that which was previously overused when mentally strained to present competent answers with proper diction, the term “you know”.

    All these grandiose ideas about how to save the world. How to prop up the “global” economy. How to appease Germany’s calls for more regulation, and Browns accolades on traveling the road to socialism, all while ignoring the immense human rights violations in China, and a world now threatened by nuclear ICBM’s in the wrong hands.

    Tell me Messiah, what you are going to do about OUR problems here? I am a solid middle class citizen who has worked so hard all my life, as has my wife. We are professionals who scrimped and saved to pay our own way through college, and then paid for my son – 37 grand a year, and with a daughter yet to go. Our life savings in our retirement accounts was well on it’s way to 70% losses… at least I had the common sense to pull back into MM’s before it was too late, although we still suffered serious losses. And my little 2 bed, 2 bath future winter home in Florida? I paid 195K for it in 2006. I just tried to refinance it to a 15 year mortgage at 4.875%, and was rejected BY THE SAME BANK THAT HOLDS MY CURRENT MORTGAGE, AND MY NORTHERN HOME IS PAID FOR. Why? Because it now comps with all the foreclosures down there, and is now reportedly worth 69K! Yeah, you read that right, a 65% loss of 126K in 3 years!
    Guess what, I don’t want a bailout. I will manage myself, thank you. But just once can we expect a friggin government that just might place American’s first? You just might consider a trip to Florida to look at the utter devastation that has occurred in the housing market there. I know, only too well. AND THE NEXT TIME YOU THINK ABOUT FORKING OVER BILLIONS TO SEND TO OFFSHORE AND FOREIGN TAX SHELTERS, OR EXPECT US, THE MIDDLE CLASS TO PAY FOR SOMEONE ELSE’S HEALTHCARE, RUMINATE ON FLORIDA FOR AWHILE.

  6. RobK says:

    We are keeping score also Barry, and you are WAY behind.

  7. Sable007 says:

    Somewhen I heard that the Continental Congress selected the language for our natoin – and by very narrow margin chose English instead of German. Now all we need is more states to have the good sense and courage of Oklahoma so we can get complete instructions on boxes instead of having it diluted by another language.

    Try Mexico, Germany, Sapin, France or wherever else in the world and see how many have multi lingual signs and information. There you learn the language or yoiu do not get along.

    Time for congress to get us back on track instead of pandering for votes.

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