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Audio: An arrogant, patronizing, condescending B. Hussein speaks to the CIA as though they’re bumbling 5-year-olds.

PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama and black farmers

McCain facing 2010 primary. Minuteman will announce candidacy tomorrow at border.

Another reason that 4th bullet should have been used. One happy Islamist Jihadist arrives in New York. The one surviving “pirate” that took Captain Phillips hostage looks awfully pleased to be in the U.S. I bet he’s gonna get some long overdue dental work, too, all courtesy of the American taxpayer. Oh, in the NYT story, take a note how many times the words “boy” and “teenager” are used. And that rag wonders why its collapsing.


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13 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Paul Snively says:

    In fairness to President Obama, it would help a lot if the CIA quit acting like they were bumbling 5-year-olds.

  2. SlimFemme says:

    I have no sympathy for this terrorist. He should have been shot. Not only will he get dental work, he’ll have three square meals, a shower and nice prison cell all at taxpayers expenses. This is offensive and everyone should be mad as hell!!

  3. Tamala says:

    Q: Hey Slumdog pirate! You just pillaged and plundered but got a ticket to paradise… what you gonna do now??? A: I’m going to DISNEY WORLD!!!

  4. Shawmut says:

    Great to hear you mentioned Rich Lowery, His new Book, “Banquo’s Ghosts” is dynamic. He is absolutely correct about taking pride in our interrogators.
    The original and intentional damage to the CIA began with Stansfield Turner under Carter, using the Church Committee for support. He dried up human assets throughout the Middleast.
    (Just so you know, it takes as much as 3 to 5 years to locate, recruit, train and vet and asset. Then an officer and source hope thier bonds will last. And, it goes two ways. He or she (the asset or source), has to have trust in his handlers as well. When word gets out that he’s been dropped; cut-off, or compromised by some slip of the budget or reports that contribute to ‘collateral’ {deductive} intelligence perceived by counter-intelligence agencies of the ‘other’ state, we won’t be welcomed recruiters.)
    This is the current potential crisis. Bonds of trust are at risk. Behold the lack of intelligence of the past thirty years. It’s not the source’s or assets problems, not the agency (ies); usually it’s administrations governing them.
    Clinton, wouldn’t even meet with the DCI Wolsey whom was then replaced with John Deutsch who with Nora Slotkin tried to turn the agency into a PC beacon, demoralizing it and causing many capable people to walk out.
    When Bush was only 8 months in office, he had a CIA with Clinton hold-overs wedged into permanent positions, a DCI chosen by Sandy “Burglar”.
    When a president wants the basic questions answered; who, what, where, when, how and why he must rely on the CIA, not his NY Times subscriptiion.
    A matter to consider: the CIA may be all that’s left. But, he’ll probably appoint their ‘journalists'(?) as Deputy Directors. Sure, disinformatin is part of operations – but it’s suppode to be directed against targets, not our own citizens – – Hmmn. No, I’ll stop there. Napolitano is doing enough on that front.

  5. Ripper says:

    “An arrogant, patronizing, condescending B. Hussein speaks to the CIA as though they’re bumbling 5-year-olds. “

    Be careful Tammy, the guy who runs the once great Little Green Footballs blog will claim that you are a hater because you want Urkel to fail.

  6. LauraVW says:

    Did anyone see any footage of who or what was sitting in the audience of the Obama CIA briefing? For a secret organization of highly intelligent and solitary operatives it sounded amazingly like a union-worker primary caucus.

  7. ffigtree says:

    How are the “gruesome” interrogations used by us so “gruesome” as compared to lopping off heads, holding people at gun point, killing and maiming military personnel and civilians okay? And now the one and only surviving teen pirate gets free room, board and dental work???? Next Obambi will have a bromance going between totalitarian dictators around the world…oh, wait…

  8. CinderellaMan says:

    Dick Cheney has asked the CIA to release numerous memoranda outlining major attacks that were thwarted through the use of coercive interrogation techniques. Funny the Obama administration only wants us to see one side of this issue.

    This is the worst president in history. Blames the US for the cold relations in Europe… but forgets to visit the 51,000 American military graves in France. With his Secretary of State, has the “Audacity of Hope” to place equal blame on the US for the problems in Mexico, when America has to bear the burden for all of the illegal drug trades and billions in social support for millions of illegals still entering this country. A man who shakes hands and accepts a book outlining the views of a dictator in Hugo Chavez, a man who has welcomed a Russian military presence to the western hemisphere while forging backdoor oil deals with those OPEC nations who fully intend to squeeze the US into submission.

    And finally, a man who opens lines of communication with Raul Castro rather than stand in solidarity with the 100’s of thousands of tortured and imprisoned freedom fighters in that country.

    This should have been no surprise. This is a man we all were told was the most leftwing senator within the US Senate. A man who has never refuted his relationships with black liberation theologists like Jeremiah Wright, radical convicted terrorists like William Ayers, the importation of radical teaching in our communities by Saul Alinsky, and other supporters of radical Islam in this world. Only one month before his election he was videotaped at a Hamas fundraiser for God’s Sake, in full and open support of his good friend, Rashid Khalidi.

    Your way of life is changing imminently, America, to the subservient totalitarian form of a socialist visionary, Barack Hussein Obama. That the left and the leftwing media bias in this country are in lockstep is particularly worrisome.
    As Earl Pitts would say, “Wake up, America!”

  9. CinderellaMan says:

    Off topic, but I heard on our local news today that two NYS legislators had introduced a bill which will mandate reapplication and review of existing handgun permits, every five years.

    Yup, that’s going to go a long way toward getting all those saturday night specials off the streets.

    It’s started. Many of us said it would come, and some were in denial, but the battle for our Second Amendment rights is underway. Hell, the battle for ALL of our constitutionally held rights is underway… speech, federalism, the right to keep and bear arms, on and on.

  10. Dave J says:

    “He should have been shot.”

    No, he should’ve been hanged while still at sea. That’s what used to be the universal penalty for piracy.

  11. NavajoSierra says:

    “This is the worst president in history.” Well-stated Cinderellaman. Just a simple declarative sentence that speaks volumns! He is more than an evil leftist, he is a demon raping the American tradition. What he is doing is incredibly abusive to both living and dead patriots. And, he gets away with it, because of the moral relativism that has corrupted our culture so that anything goes, including this novelty president whose true intention is to destroy America. And, even more pathetic, there seems to be no one to stand up to this sick piece of trash. What a tragic time in our history.

  12. RobK says:

    This freak Somali TERRORIST only smiled when he saw the cameras on him! Hmmm, I say let him go in the mountains of North Carolina and we can play hide and seek with him, but we will have arms. By the way, this idiot is AT LEAST 23 years old.

  13. Evil Roy says:


    I really think a big mistake is being made by not keeping a clear line between pirates and terrorists. This kid is a pirate in the classic sense of the word with absolutely no interest in religion. He’s in it for the money, just like Ann Boney, Jean Lafitte, Calico Jack Rackham or Harry Morgan. The piracy he is practicing is exactly like what was done in the Caribbean in the Golden Age of Piracy. We need to understand that. Terrorists are the scum of the earth, but this kid was just trying to make a dishonest living.

    Evil Roy

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