**This post will be updated throughout the show. Refresh the page for additional links.**


CDC: Rocket fuel chemical found in baby formula

Ed Failor of Iowans for Tax Relief joined me and updated us on their fight against a tax on a tax.

New Afghan law worries Nato chief

Venezuela’s Chavez offers to take Guantanamo detainees

Fox News reported this morning 36% of Americans plan on attending a Tax Day Tea Party, includes 46% of Reps, 29% of Dems, 37% of Indys. Searching for link…UPDATE: Here it is. The poll is on a variety of subjects. Page 10 is where you can find the Tea Party numbers.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Shawmut says:

    Great encouragement on the Tea-Parties. Especially encouraging people to accept that gullibility need not be terminal. As a matter of fact, we might just find among those coming back around, some new Patrick Henry’s. Remember, he was a Quaker, but knew what tyrrany meant. George III’s tyrrany is nothing compared to Obama. And to the end, he admired us. Obama holds this country in contemt.
    Oh, yes, I heard the comment from the Quisling in Chief: “Civilian Surge” (?)
    Whatever would a “civilian surge” accomplish? More candidates for hotage taking, beheadings?
    It’s serious enough – actually dangerous – that we have to saddle combat troops with legal advisors to implement the proper “Rules of Engagement”.
    If he wants to send a “community organizer” from an American city with a murder rate higher than Afghanistan’s whole country’s, I can think of one.
    Hell, Pelosi doesn’t need him for anything.
    This three-card-monty dealer out-does surrender maneuvers with less shame than Jimmy Carter and any three French governments. Pure Wishcraft, a state religion, practiced in Wimpydom.
    The problem is the “Wishcraft Fundamentalists”.

  2. DogOnCrack says:

    King George III kept a diary.
    On July 4, 1776 he made a brief entry.

    “Nothing important happened today.”

    I’ll be happy to quote Patrick Henry right to Obarfbag’s face!

  3. pat_s says:

    Just like the NATO chief, I’m appalled at the downward human rights trend in Afghanistan. I read these stories and ask what we’re fighting for. I’m also appalled he would exploit the degradation of women as a convenient excuse for lack of support in the war in Afghanistan when it is well known Europe was opposed to sending more troops for a long time now. I wonder if his first reaction on hearing about this was relief that now there is an honorable sounding excuse.

  4. Tim Peck says:

    Where is that poll on tea party attendees?

  5. ashleymatt says:

    For those not on twitter, Tammy is going to *HOST* the Santa Barbara Tea Party tomorrow!!!
    http://tinyurl.com/ceclrr Now you have even more of a reason to go.

  6. DawnofAnewError says:

    Oh man… Sometimes people talk trash, and then sometimes the trash talks. Seems like Obama and his goons never seem to fail to find ways to talk America down. America is a downright mean country. Gxd Damn America… and it continues, on foreign soil, no less:

    “…there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.”

    “In America, there is a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world.”


    Keep on like this, and bowing down to that Saudi goon… and we’re gonna have a good 2010.

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