**This post will be updated throughout the show. Refresh the page for additional links.**


Congress, global warming and cow flatulence?

US government seeks to rein in executive pay

New GM Chairman: “I Don’t Know Anything About Cars”

After being confronted about the ridiculousness of govt controlling executive pay across the board, Barney Fwank tells CNBC to “find someone else for the interview” and walks off. Sure, and isn’t it time to also find someone else for the senate? Really, like all the rest of them, what a continuing embarrassment.

I had the pleasure of having Rebecca Mansour of Conservatives4Palin.com on the show. We discussed the David Letterman problem, Sarah’s recent activities, and their webathon on June 15-22 to retire Sarah’s legal bills after having successfully fought off 15 sham “ethics” lawsuits.

Another site you might be interested in re the Letterman attacks on the Palin daughters: http://www.firedavidletterman.com/

Since leftists have decided to use the tragedy of the Holocaust Museum shooting to smear conservatives (pathetic) I thought this article might shed some light on the truth of the matter. When it comes to liberals versus conservatives: James Von Brunn, Like Most Holocaust Deniers, are From the Left not the Right

Sarah Palin thanks the troops in video segment of Colbert Report. Good stuff.

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15 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. naga5 says:

    thank you so much for exposing the deafening silence on the attack of sarah palin and her family. tammy, you are clearly the exception- where are the feminists defending the misogyny? the sharia law illustration was quite an eye opener. i hope you have more to say this weekend.

  2. Shawmut says:

    The ‘Spoiled Brat’ of Massachusetts, Barney behaves that way because he’s been allowed to.
    Someone once said that Massachusetts has the “Best Men Money Can Buy” (and you can get one at discount if you buy in early).
    Barney Frank is the ‘Spoiled Brat’ of Massachusetts. Boston, The Athens of Attitude, bred him and it shows.
    From his appointment to the Mayor’s Office, to his run for the State House of Representatives to Congress – pampered all the way.
    The Democrats have more control here than the Wahabi’s do in Saudi Arabia.
    I’d like to blame him on Bayonne, New Jersey, from where he originates, but Massachusetts weed would just sprout another.

  3. helpunderdog says:

    Did Letterman’s mother raise him to have children out of wedlock? She didn’t? The SLUT! Letterman’s girlfriend, now wife, had premarital unprotected sex with Dave and got pregnant. Rodriguez should take her under the bleachers and teach her a thing or two, she has it coming.

  4. mrfixit says:

    Re: Sarah Palin: I’m afraid as much as I like her, she’s been Dan Qualed by media to the point where that’s all the press attention she’ll get…bad press or the butt of jokes. Quale is a good solid conservative thinker, he hasn’t a prayer to get nominated. It’s too bad for him and Sarah too. I don’t like it, but it’s reality.

    Re: GWFAO (Global Warming Fart Accounting Office): I found a fantastic website that reports all the science related to the current cooling trend that is now accelerating. It’s called ICEAGENOW.com. It has numerous articles and links that show most glaciers are advancing, and the government failed to count 193,000 sq. kilometers of increased sea ice in the arctic, admitted that they “missed” it, and then continued to say the sea ice is diminishing. Lots of good stuff. I can’t say I buy all of it, but I have to admit, I bought his books!

  5. hrh40 says:

    Sigh. Mr. Fixit, it most absolutely certainly is not reality that Governor Palin is unelectable. Are you going to let the media run this country? Are you going to roll over and let them choose our next candidate?

    Go ahead and sit back if you want to. But the rest of us will not do so. Check out the site Tammy linked to http://www.conservatives4palin.com. Check out http://www.hillbuzz.org. Check out http://www.teamsarah.org. Check out http://www.draftsarahforpresident.com.

    I could go on.

    As far as her never getting good press? Check out the MAJOR announcement regarding the gas pipeline, which came out today: http://www.adn.com/money/industries/oil/story/827548.html

  6. LynnJG says:

    Here is what I sent to the email addresses posted on Conservatives4Palin.com regarding the vile treatment of Gov. Palin on The Late Show with David Letterman:

    To Whom It May Concern:

    I am writing today to voice my disgust and outrage over the consistently foul, abhorrent and degrading treatment of women, especially conservative Republican women, that is allowed to permeate public media.

    In recent days, its writers, editors and producers, allowed The Late Show with David Letterman, to use the public airwaves to viciously attack, in the guise of humor, the elected Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin and her daughter(s), via its “Top 10 Highlights of Sarah Palin’s trip to New York” and in the shows monologue.

    What had been said and suggested in reference to Governor Sarah Palin and her daughter(s) is absolutely revolting.

    9: Laughed at all the crazy-looking foreigners entering the U.N.

    This is nothing more than a blatant attempt at labeling Governor Sarah Palin as an elite racist. Fits are being thrown at the calling of Judge Sotomayor a racist over her “Latina women” comment. Yet, where is the outrage by any liberal, Democrat or women’s organization when there is absolutely nothing Governor Sarah Palin has said or done to make anyone believe she is an elitist or a racist?

    7: Keyed Tina Fey’s car

    In and of itself, this one is a bit amusing. But, when viewed within the context of the entire list of 10, this is another attempt at labeling Governor Palin as engaging in retribution and criminal behavior.

    6: After a wink and a nod, ended up with a kilo of crack

    This is another attempt at suggesting Governor Palin is engaging in criminal activities: the purchase and/or use of crack cocaine.

    3: Finally met one of those Jewish people Mel Gibson’s always talking about

    This is another attempt at labeling Governor Palin a racist and an anti-Semite in a poor attempt to tie her to the ravings of a drunk Mel Gibson.

    2: Bought makeup at Bloomingdale’s to update her “slutty flight attendant” look

    To categorize the image of Governor Palin as a “slutty flight attendant” is repulsive, disrespectful and demeaning to both the Governor and all women flight attendants of all nations. Governor Palin and women flight attendants are hard-working women and do not deserve this type of blatant disrespect.

    In a monologue, David Letterman said of Governor Palin’s daughter, “… during the 7th inning her daughter was knocked-up by Alex Rodriguez.”

    Regardless of which daughter the supposed “joke” was directed at, there is absolutely nothing funny about teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is a huge problem and is nothing to make light of. A huge, sincere apology is owed to Governor Palin, her husband and her daughters. An equally huge apology is required to Alex Rodriguez for suggesting he’d participate in the outrageous act of an adult impregnating a teenager.

    I understand that Mr. Letterman has issued an apology, citing, “…in an act of desperation to get cheap laughs, which is what I’ve been doing for the last 30 years.”

    The problem with the “cheap laughs” argument is that in order to keep the laughs coming, the “cheap laughs” must continually get cheaper and cheaper. The Late Show with David Letterman has obviously descended into the abyss of classless, tasteless gutter humor that does not belong on the public airwaves regardless of the hour.

    The degradation of any woman based solely upon her looks, her gender or her political leaning is repugnant. I respectfully request that you require a higher standard of your writers, editors and producers to use better discretion to not write and air such tripe.

    Edison, NJ

  7. naga5 says:

    and by defending, i mean highlighting the MSM’s hypocrisy and double standard about the rights of conservative women and teenagers.
    listen, i was writing the earlier post at work where my boss hasn’t figured out i’m listening to you and i was in a rush. i do like what i read somewhere-that todd palin ought to have a little one on one with letterman and “counsel” him on saying that about his daughter. i have two daughters and if letterman said that about my girls, well, three letters come to mind-ICU.
    and i am emailing his sponsors…

  8. Will it make a difference? Probably not… After sending a brief and polite note to CBS yesterday, I feel compelled to follow up with this one.

    From Misogyny to Judgment

    David Letterman, under what I am positive was great pressure, made the lamest attempt at an apology that I have ever seen. The supposed logic at work here was that he was actually talking about “the 18 year old” daughter of Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin, and not the 14 year old. On the surface, one might accept his sorry excuse for an excuse and “move on.” I’m sure that was the attitude of Ms. Joy Behar, of The View, when she also made excuses for Mr. Letterman when she argued that it was really alright because, after all, Sarah Palin “…is a hypocrite…” because of her conservative views. But wait a minute, doesn’t that same 14 year old still have to live with the fact that this dirty, old man said these things about her beloved sister; not to mention the fact that he, in effect, called her mother a “slut?” Is this young woman (still a girl in this mother’s opinion) going to be stigmatized for life because she made a youthful mistake? Her youthful mistake, by the way, was Mr. Letterman’s adult decision. Would Mr. Letterman have this girl wear a “scarlet letter” for life for her mistake? I grew up in the 1960’s and it seems to me that the harsh judgment of this girl was just the kind of thing that people were fighting against in those days. I guess the next step for people of this mindset is to start stamping “illegitimate” on birth certificates again because, after all, let’s have the children pay for the sins of their parents. What is our society coming to? Her mother’s “sin” or “hypocrisy” was that she did what people back in the 1960’s and 1970’s wanted parents to do – she stood behind and sheltered her child. The young woman in question, although she had planned to marry, ultimately decided not to compound her mistake by marrying the father of the baby. She is already paying dearly for her error in judgment and will continue to do so for the rest of her life. I have a young daughter and several nieces. I fear for their future under these “thought police” if they have differing political/social viewpoints.

  9. piboulder says:

    My goodness. Barney Frank does not like to debate. I’ve seen three instances now on TV where he berates and belittles anyone who confronts him. He acts like a petulant teenager. Barney can do no wrong!

  10. mrfixit says:

    Re: Sarah Palin, HRH 40: I like Palin. I like her libertarian leanings and her tenacity. She has done a fantastic job for Alaska. She’s shoveling water against the tide. That’s all I’m saying. The libs are making her the butt of jokes, the Democrats are chiming in, adding and reiterating all sorts of falsehoods of their own. The Republicans won’t give her the time of day. They don’t allow her to speak at their events. I understand she has to travel on her own dime to some of these events, while invited guests such as Newt G. gets their expenses covered. The Republican elite is increasingly liberal, and big government oriented, and they are freezing her out.
    That said, no real conservative, limited government candidate is going to get any break from the media, ever. I would love it if Palin could pull off the image rehabilitation of all time. If she can even get to the debates, I will send her money again. Look at what the Republicans did to Ron Paul. He’s been warning of the financial meltdown since the Barney and Cris show started deregulating bank leverage limits, and dropping the requirements that bond insurers hold reserves. Those are the two main causes of the the current financial mess. He got no play. Was shut out. Was excluded from debates, even when he was ahead of others in the debates in polling AND fund raising. If the media hates you and your party doesn’t want you, you’ve got long row to hoe.

  11. Helldogger says:

    Was an appology good enough for Imus? NO!!!! And it’s not enough for this baffoon either. I demand CBS fire this worn out old disaster. And all conservatives should do the same. If you folks like this sort of thing, just keep letting it happen. G.W. Bush let it go on for 8 years and just look what we got out of it. No it’s not lowering yourself to fight back against evil barbarians.
    “Your daughter got knocked up by a baseball player” HarHar! Where’s the fricking joke?

  12. Shawmut says:

    You got it PIBOULDER. He is absolutely certain that he is always right. He’s never been put down and guess what; Anytime he’s challenged on his competence (well, as we now know, lack thereof), he goes life-style, being vicitimized for being either gay or Jewish, and then does a targeted mailing.
    When I cited him as “The ‘Spoiled Brat’ of Massachusetts”, I speak from local experience.
    It’s quite an act he’s created. What we see is not all there is – behind that dumpy, puffing and sputtering image there’s viper.

  13. CinderellaMan says:

    Ben Stein on “Czars”… it’s a form of “despotism”.

    Cavuto had a great piece on the absolute immunity the new “Car Czar” has to the press. He apparently answers to the Messiah alone.

    Are American’s blind to what is happening? I’ll tell you what, when Glenn Beck starts to hit more points than I Ching, Merlin, and Nostradamus combined, we are in big trouble.

    This is clearly socialism, folks. And it’s upon us.

  14. Ripper says:

    You might want to tell your friend Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs that von Brunn was no conservative.

  15. Army Mom says:

    Thank you for sticking to this Letterman story. I simply cannot understand the mindset of the left and how they can defend this man’s so-called ‘humor’. There is not a line these people won’t cross or any slime pit they won’t sink into in order to demean and destroy the character of people they disagree with — and I am sick and tired of it. And now — any sicko who crawls out of the woodwork and kills and terrorizes people are immediately tagged “conservative”??!! How dare they?!

    Keep up the hard work you are doing, Tammy. It is paying off – I’ve finally got many apathetic friends to become politically active because of conservative thinkers like you. We’re building our own little army and like Beck says we’re not taking it anymore.

    BTW — love the picture of you dressed in black with the handgun. Mind you – I think I’m gonna do something similar and have the pic put on my MySpace page.

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