Now that’s a phrase we’d like to hear 🙂 Yes, she can beat Urkel running. Running in the mountains and running for president. You betcha. She makes some promising comments in an article for Runner’s World, which includes a great slideshow.

One of my favorite elements, which I think just about sums up one of the main problems in last year’s race:

“I used to joke around with John McCain during the campaign about coming jogging with me. And once I asked him what his favorite exercise was, and he said, ‘I go wading.’ Wading. He lives on a creek in Arizona, so he goes wading. That cracked me up.”

The New York Daily News quotes Palin in the article saying something very interesting about the impact of running on her view of politics. It should give those who think she does not have the stamina some pause:

In a recent interview with Runner’s World, the governor of Alaska expressed how she’d do in a race against President Obama.

“If [it] were a long race that required a lot of endurance I’d win,” she said, boasting that while she may lack the physical strength to take on the President, she could outlast him by sheer will power…The one-time vice presidential candidate also spoke on how much running is a part of her life, and has impacted her view on politics:

“You have to have determination and set goals, and you don’t complain when something’s hurting because no one wants to hear it,” the 45-year-old Republican said.

“You get bummed and burned out sometimes in running and in politics, but if you’re in for the long haul and you’re in it because you know that it is a good thing, then you get out there and you do it anyway.”

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
28 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. mmeusa says:

    This woman really “gets it”…what matters in life, and in this country. Palin for President. No matter what they say, she has the ability to close any learning curve, and what she has that few others do, is the character for which there is no learning curve one can close.

  2. haley2222 says:

    Sarah Palin rocks! She is exactly what this country needs. I wish she was president right now. Our country and the rest of the world would be so much more prosperous, safe and just 100 times better in general.

    Does anyone remember Urkel complaining he was tired after a week (it may have been a little more or a little less than a week but I remember it was shortly after his coronation)? This post made me remember him complaining. A pathetic embarrassment he is.

  3. coldwarbaby says:

    What a super web page to open to!! Sarah Palin is the bomb. My username ‘coldwarbaby’ is my statement against the use of ‘babyboomer’ that I see as antiamerican, nontraditionalist, woodstock type, history revisionist, clintonista, Obama cool aid drinking, roid types that have never read the book “Witness” by Whitaker Chambers.
    Time to rock on!!
    Thank you Tammy

  4. sparkyjr says:

    I have been a runner for a while and I can tell you Palin hits the nail on the head. Good for her.

  5. JLThorpe says:

    John McCain jogging? I get the feeling McCain would have a heart attack due to the strenuousness of sneezing.

  6. Dave J. says:

    I was for Sarah Palin before 95% of the talking heads (present company excluded, of course, Tammy) had even heard of her. She is awesome beyond words. As has already been said, how I wish she was president already. Part of me says this country is so far gone that we don’t even deserve her anymore, but God knows we need her.

    “Wading. He lives on a creek in Arizona, so he goes wading. That cracked me up.”

    In fairness to McCain, he can’t swim because his shoulders were wrecked by years of torture. I’m not a fan politically, but give the guy a break.

  7. CatB1 says:

    RUN SARAH RUN…..I was lucky enough to be at one of the Sarah rallys (Estero, FL) I can tell you she has IT!

    • mmeusa says:

      Some of us were lucky enough to see her at one of her rallies, too (Carson, Los Angeles, CA) and it was one of the most moving days of our lives, honestly. When we worked for the McCain/Palin Campaign, we were really working for Palin.

  8. mmeusa says:

    Oh, and when the Old Guard (this is what I call the stick-in-the-mud Republicans who have been systematically destroying the party, whether intentionally or not, and refuse to support Palin let alone Palin/Bachmann (maybe we can come up with a catchy name for these Republicans)) starts bashing Palin in favor of Romney, perhaps with an obtuse argument that he is better qualified because of his business experience and, therefore, judgment, be sure to remind them of this shining example of Romney’s “judgment”, not to mention how he views the famly pet:,8599,1638065,00.html

    • Dave J. says:

      As far as I’ve been able to tell, Mitt Romney has only one principle: the political advancement of Mitt Romney. He was a RINO further left than Ahnuld when he was governor of Massachusetts, yet somehow claimed to have metamorphosed into a conservative as a presidential candidate.

      That said, what I would like to see Romney do is run for Governor of Michigan next year. He has name recognition and goodwill there, and would be only the second person to be governor of two different states, after Sam Houston. If he were governor already, he could help Sarah win the state in 2012, a state she publicly regretted the McCain campaign abandoning.

  9. cubachi says:

    Mitt Romney is the Obama of the republicans. Fake. Liberal, with a facade of moderate.

    Sarah is the Reagan of the republican party. She is real. Honest, conservative, strong, and smart. Doesn’t need to bow down to the establishment. All the reason I will support her in 2012 (if she runs or not)!

  10. Pat_S says:

    They were talking about Palin on the Fox Special Report panel tonight. The consensus (Fred Barnes, Mara Liason, Charles Krauthammer) is that she has to shore up her weaknesses on foreign policy and perhaps some other areas. She’s smart and able to that and there’s plenty of time, but it’s a concern she hasn’t yet started.

    I agree. I love Sarah and I think she is just the kind of person we are looking for as a conservative leader. Her honesty, her intelligence and her solid grounding in conservative thinking are magnificent. I love her instincts and her style but I was a little wary about her scholarship on geopolitics as a vice presidential candidate. I thought she could rapidly get up to speed and even surpass McCain. She absolutely needs more depth to be seriously considered as a Presidential candidate.

    I can already hear the arguments about the lack of qualifications of our current President and perhaps several others in recent times. That doesn’t mean lightweights are welcome as far as I’m concerned. Sarah in particular has a lot to overcome. She is openly hated and brutally ridiculed. She can take it herself, but it there’s a deep and lasting effect on the public perception of her. It is completely unfair that she has to prove herself more than any other candidate, but it is a fact. We have to deal with what is, like it or not.

    There is some doubt in my mind that she will be able to overcome the negatives. If she is mostly homespun common sense with management skills, I’m afraid it won’t be enough. In 2012, after finding ourselves in the inevitable mess Obama will deliver in the next four years, if the American people are not in the mood to demand a person genuinely qualified for the job, it will be a further indication that America has become a decadent and dying nation. Let’s at least give them the option.

    I wish Sarah all the best. Until she shows signs of getting herself in shape for what is needed in 2012, I’m still looking around.

    • carol276 says:

      Love Charles Krauthammer he is so smart

    • mmeusa says:

      Your comment is wonderfully written, complex, and I think fairly accurate to the situation. I do believe she can get up to speed and close those learning curves you cited, and those are some I had in mind when I made my earlier comment. She needs to invest the time and surround herself with the right team.

      We also have to consider that during the Campaign, her hands were largely tied by McCain’s handlers (there was unlikely much time to prepare for the areas in which we all noticed she was behind and his “team” could, and should, have briefed her). Nevertheless, she was upstaging him (and Obama, never mind Biden) without even trying, remember? And, she had the character and strength to stand up and call things as they were, which was more than McCain and most others were willing to do, especially ones who had anything at stake. She was even willing to reveal where she differed with McCain, and stand up for what was right. That is almost everything, in my opinion, one’s ability to do that. We all know that was not a well-run campaign in too many ways (they were a bunch of pansies compared to what we were facing and I was on the front lines to know it at the poll places against ACORN and all their mutations), and that combined with election fraud was a toxic combination…we just didn’t lose by that much when you consider that, but look how far it’s landed us off the mark?!

      Since the Election, she’s had to make Alaska her priority, and the appearance of anything less invites attacks on her by her own constituents. So, that’s part of the problem right now. Meanwhile, she should be educating herself on the obvious issues, and I hope she is because I don’t think it’s from lack of brains that she can’t kick ass in any debate once armed with the “information”. She has the qualities this country needs to return to its roots that made it the greatest nation on planet Earth.

  11. carol276 says:

    PALIN ROCKS!!!!!! If a clown can be a Senator , SARAH can be President any day of the week.

  12. KevinQC says:

    Palin does rock. And she’s hot!

    • carol276 says:

      She is, I think that is what a lot of Women (and Men) have against her. She is just to pretty to be smart, NOT. A smart and beautiful woman scares them to death!!! love it

  13. carol276 says:

    Tammy loved you filling in for Laura this week you did a great job.

  14. carol276 says:

    Have any of you guys looked at Fox Nation? They have a list of all Urkel’s White house a$$ kisses salaries. Poor folks, I hope they can get some free health care, oh wait, they do.

  15. ladykrystyna says:

    I agree with much of what everybody said above. I loved Sarah Palin from the moment she was first officiallly introduced to all of us. I agree that she can get up to speed with no problem if she applies herself.

    But the question is – is she shooting for 2012 or not? She may not be. She may be shooting for 2016. And while that may be too far away for most of us, it might work out better that way. More time to hone her skills and rise above the negatives.

    In any event, I totally respect this woman and I hope to see her on the national stage very soon.

  16. Kelly says:

    She is so refreshing and real! That’s what scares the Left so much about her. I must admit that I love the image of her cranking up the old Van Halen and AC/DC tunes on her runs. That’s hot.

    BTW, the new site looks great, Tammy, and I’m happy to be a subscriber and to support you in this new venture.

  17. morecowbell says:

    What? Why are we fawning over Sarah Palin like the liberals fawned over Obama. It’s patronizing to have our representatives marketed to us as celebrity. Don’t buy into, it’s a form of distraction. Sarah needs to clariy her position on policies in detail. She needs to have a sustained conversation with the country, rather than interviews while cooking or running, so we can deliniate how she deals with issues vs Obama. She needs to exploit the use of the new media to compensate for the logistical barriers. She should do exactly what Tammy has done with her show — grass roots and independent. The Obama campaign worked well in this last go round but your not going to beat these guys at their own game. She needs to push on substance, organize peeps using 21st century tools and engage with principal driven solutions on issues. That’s how Reagan did it back in the day and it worked ok.

    • mmeusa says:

      I don’t think our admiration and support of Palin is anything remotely close to the Kool-Aid campaign to get Obama into office, with the help of a lot of election fraud, thank you very much. I appreciate your comments, however, because you pose critical thinking questions about the process. But, many of us who speak as we do about Palin worked actively on the 2008 Campaign for Palin rather than McCain, and have kept an eye on her ever since. So, give us some credit where credit is due. You are correct that she needs to get up to speed on a wide range of issues and on an international scale, but her priority and duty are to govern Alaska, and hopefully she’s also closing those learning curves. She probably is not yet in a position to make her intentions clear on 2012, because of her duties to Alaska. Just wait. We’d be blessed to have her state her intention to run for President in 2012. Her actions seem to strongly imply that she is seriously considering it, if she hasn’t determined it already, privately.

  18. 1elder1 says:

    This jogging pictures of late make me think even more that Sarah Palin looks like Raquel Welch. Especially with the glasses on.

    SO ANYWAY ……I know I barely follow her technical discussions on energy resources available from Alaska; and I can barely comprehend her ability to multi -task. Does she have two blackberries in one hand and Trig in the other while she governs Alaska? Come on I have seen the pictures. She is busy servant of the people, for sure.

    With whom would you rather discuss the problems in Iran: Obama or Palin? He missed the point of what should be said as a leader from day one. She sent what to say to all of us from her Twitterberry. She supported the people fighting against their own opression ; while Obama and Clinton took a let’s- wait- and -see- attitude. Obama ,et al ,pretended that there was no blood shedding in the streets in Iran last week. What is more important is that most people are checking her Twitter pages to find out her take on the latest crisis. While the press is telling us, without our asking, what Romney ,McCain and Obama said about some happening ,we have to check with Gov. Palin on Twitter to find out what SHOULD be said .

    She cannot help that she has charisma. I was wondering , the other day: does one ever lose that?
    Even Romney said he noticed it . I am very neutral about Romney this year but I am not adverse to PALIN/ROMNEY in 2012.

    Tammy I like the way this site has evolved into being one of my favorites. I always panic when something does not work at first, but now the looks and ‘bells’n’whistles’ of the site are tip top.
    Our charismatic Tammy Bruce is very much available to her following , now. We can concentrate on her brilliant political analysis unimpeded.

    • Tammy says:

      Thank you so much! I’m glad things are working a bit more smoothly for you. We are, as you can imagine, still in the process of building so there may be the occasional glitch, and we really appreciate everyone’s patience during this very big and important time for my work in all its forms. Thanks again 🙂

  19. jerocat says:

    I remember my first impression of Sarah Palin’s Vice Presidential nomination speech at the convention last summer. I said, “Sarah pulls sword from stone” referring to the Arthurian like mythic proportions of her words and their delivery. The piece in Runner’s World magazine illustrates how well rounded she is. That she is negotiating the largest infrastructure project in the history of the US will speak for itself. That Alaska has a well balanced budget (contrast that with California and so many others) also speaks for itself. Plus, she’s apple pie. 🙂

  20. reaganrocks says:

    First of a gay woman I have to say I’m crushin’ on Gov. Palin a little bit, but that’s beside the point. Like you Tammy, I share a lot of your same values. As hard as it is for people to understand, I am a God loving, God-fearing Republican. But sometimes I can’t stand my party. I hate that the Republican “elite” are treating Sarah like she’s the ugly stepchild when in fact she is the only true charismatic leader this party has. I’m so tired of milk toast candidates (i.e. McCain) who yuk-it-up back and forth with the opposition as if there’s nothing at stake. We’re now seeing that Obama is truly dangerous.
    But that said, what I want to tell Sarah is to not let her “mom” voice surface when she talks to the American people—instead talk like the campaigner in Pennsylvania that I watched on my TV screen. For the first time since Reagan I got inspired watching her. We are just itching for a leader to follow, and we would fight to the death for her, but she needs to drop the careful tone she gets at times and speak with authority. I know the media is always waiting to pounce but worrying about that will be her achilles heel. We witnessed a reasonably confident George W. Bush turn fumbling and insecure because he became so careful with his words. In turn we lost confidence in him. The media is going to hate any conservative anyway..just concede that and move on.
    If I could give her any advice it would be to talk directly to us with reckless abandon because that’s when she shines.

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