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Senate rejects law on carrying concealed weapons

The new and clever RNC ad re Obama DeathCare “Reforma”

Carolina Mall Kicks Out Conservative Kiosk for Having Non-Neutral Merchandise

Schwarzeneggar lied about not raising taxes to solve California’s budget crisis. California budget cuts deep into healthcare, schools

The plan also raises $4 billion in part by accelerating personal and corporate income tax withholdings and increasing income tax withholding schedules by 10 percent.

NIH calls for several thousand volunteers to test if new swine flu vaccine works and is safe

Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston on comeback trail

As they bankrupt this nation, we’re supposed to more infatuated with Urkel’s “mom jeans” and Michelle Antoinette’s new do. Yeah, right.

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12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. JLThorpe says:

    While I think the guy in that mall kiosk is stirring up controversy with his stuff, he does have a point about the other stores selling the pot T-shirts and such. I wonder how many stores at the mall sell anti-Bush T-shirts. Is there a Spencer’s Gifts in the mall? They used to sell some pretty raunchy stuff. Do the book stores in the mall sell porno mags? Do they sell copies of Mein Kampf?

  2. RuBegonia says:

    Tammy Daily Podcasts Go Commando – Congrats on a picture perfect launch!
    Highlights from Today’s Broadcast

  3. JHSII says:

    It says that Amy Winehouse is on the comeback trail. Don’t you actually have to be somebody before you can come back?

  4. RuBegonia says:

    Yes…Thank you Tammy.

  5. MRFIXIT says:

    Re: The conealed weapon law.

    One of the most interesting debates on gay marriage is the assersion that if one state licenses something, under the commerce clause, all the other states must recognise it. The common reference is the driving license. (Imagine the hassle of having to stop at each state border to get a license to drive in that state.) Activists conclude that if one state grants gay marriage, all states must automatically recognise it. Yet, concealed weapon licences or permits do not enjoy the same automatic recognition under the commerce clause.

    • Dave J. says:

      It’s not the Commerce Clause. It’s the Full Faith and Credit Clause. Congress has the express authority to regulate Full Faith & Credit (hence DOMA) but the default position is that one state must recognize another’s legal acts.

      Full Faith and Credit, like federal authority over bankruptcy law, was one of the original reasons behind the drafting of a federal constitution in the first place: people could basically just cross state lines to escape their creditors, who at best would have to convince the state courts in the state where the debtor had fled to to enforce their out-of-state judgment.

      • MRFIXIT says:

        I shot that off without without checking. So congress can pick and choose what licence or category of license must be recognised from state to state. Can they also dictate the terms of the license itself?

  6. 1elder1 says:

    Years ago I worked for an end to Housing and Employment Discrimination against gays… This is going very piece meal as some “rights” have been left out ie.(legal)gay marriage. Seems to me we may need an Amendment to grant all rights to gays as we did for women’s right to vote after we did blackmen’s right to vote. We added Amendments then. An Amendment opens up some negative aspects but hey>>>> I foresee the 26th Amendment added. (is 25 the last one?)

    This is a waste of time and money to go through all those silly demonstrations for gay marriage. There would of course be a clause so that the marriages would not infringe on the 1st Amendment freedom of religous expression. One sate just voted in gay marriages and put in that clause. (Iowa?)


  7. 1elder1 says:

    it would be 28th Amendment


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