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Inspited by Townhall Patriots, local protestor unfazed by insulting media treatment.

Inspired by Townhall Patriots, local protestor unfazed by insulting media treatment.

Current list of upcoming DeathCare Townhalls, listed by state.

Approval ratings down in NY? Hand out ‘free cash’ from stimulus funds to every family on the dole.

UPS, FedEx, and Obama’s compulsion to confess:

Obama’s Post Office health care disaster

Post Office Vandalized With Obama ‘Joker’ Posters

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee really takes her constiuents seriously. Not.

Cash For Clunkers Backfires On Local Charities

More polls and obsession by an hostile Old Media about the woman they insist is irrelevant. Not that we’d expect any other result from CNN.
Boston Globe (owned by the New York Times Company): Palin’s popularity plummets
Americans Sour on Palin

And this genius has decided that 2016 is exactly Palin’s year. Why 2016? First because she’s gonna need yeeeeeeeeeears to study up on how to be prezuhdent (even though the current president just needed 142 days in the senate) and because he just can’t imagine that incompetent neophyte losing in 2012. You can’t make this stuff up. Yeah, sure wait 7 years. What could go wrong?

New Facebook Lite to take on Twitter with simplified messaging service

Dem Rep Who Opposes Photo ID To Vote Requiring Photo ID For Town Halls

ICE breaks up sex trafficking ring in Long Island

US official gropes to explain Clinton’s outburst

Scientists working on a computer with a ‘human brain.’ Question: Can we get liberals with a human brain first?

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15 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. CatB1 says:

    Oh boy…I can’t wait to sign up for my POST OFFICE HEALTH CARE!

  2. Palin2012 says:

    Hey Tammy Peeps – go to the contact page at Freedomworks.org and request that they invite Tammy to speak at the 9/12 rally for the March on Washington. We need her voice and message heard – what better venue than this?


    • naga5 says:

      done. that was fun!
      what an odd juxtaposition. palin’s popularity plummets (nice alliteration), yet the dems continue to use her name to raise funds. i was under the impression that she was an irrelevent “quitter” who posts on facebook once in a while as a private citizen.
      even paglia out of salon.com gets that sarah is the anti-urkel, especially with helping to coin “death panels”.
      why so defensive?

    • 1elder1 says:

      Done 2012!

    • Shifra says:

      Thanks for the link, Palin2012, to get Tammy as a speaker. BTW, signs held at a recent anti-Obama rally in Israel: “NO YOU CAN’T!”

  3. animalfarm says:

    How apropos, Sheila’s attitude and indifference is perfectly emblematic of the govt. worker! Her behavior just gives people a taste of how they’ll be treated under a new govt healthcare system. If this elected govt official treats you like crap in a room full of edgy, watchful citizens, the cameras rolling – how good is your service going to be when you deal with some no-name, low level, apathetic govt worker without any service skills or qualifications, and who is not held accountable for poor performance? Welcome to govt service! The govt’s first priority is to please it’s employees, not you, the taxpaying citizen. When budgets get tight what does the govt first do? It cuts services, not govt jobs. It will lessen garbage collection or incarceration time – hurting the taxpayer first, not its employees. When a govt is beholden to its employees rather than to the taxpaying citizen something is horribly wrong, and corruption and shoddy service is what you get.

  4. radargeek says:

    The Boston Globe and NT Times popularity plummets!!! Bankrupt already!!!

  5. franknitti says:

    I just got the O’Joker posters that I ordered. There might be a few more going up in the area where I live this weekend.

  6. radargeek says:

    Yo, Sheila is ordering a pizza! I can’t believe you citizens are missing up my order! Make that extra cheese, yeah, wait, I’m still listening…, yeah, sausage…

  7. jmucciola says:

    Coincidentally “Nazi Mob Cat” was the name of my band in college.

  8. ovovo says:

    There is one joker poster in the bronx. The front of my house.

  9. JHSII says:

    On Sean Hannity just now they were talking about how Obama DeathCare didn’t have any tort reform. It took me a few seconds to realize that everyone was missing the point. You can’t sue the government. So, once the government takes control of health care – and you still can’t sue the government – then you don’t need tort reform.
    I doubt it’ll put any lawyers out of business though. They’ll need somebody to write the rules complicated enough for private coverage that everyone will be driven into the government plan.

  10. Maynard says:

    “US official gropes to explain Clinton’s outburst”?? Yes, that is in fact the exact wording of the Yahoo News headline. Utilizing “gropes” and “Clinton” in the same headline cannot be an accident. Some anonymous goofball at the Yahoo news desk is guffawing hysterically to himself. Sir or madam, whoever you may be, I salute you!

  11. daredevilaccordian says:

    I went to Rep. Lloyd Doggett’s appearance yesterday late afternoon at the Holiday Inn. He is such an embarrassing weasel. All it was was a sales pitch to the teacher’s union who hosted it. He is the one who got all hot under the collar and kept trying to ramp up the tenor with constant references and whining that “the republican groups last week showed up to yell about the constitution and 10th Amendment and carried a sign with my picture on it…” and dropping the “trigger” names of Bush, Palin, DeLay – and blaming everything on the last 8 years, blah, blah, blah. He referred a few times to the nightmare of Medicare Advantage plans and Prescription Part D and how Tom Delay and Bush were at fault for those things being rushed through and that we “can now see in retrospect what horrible programs they are.” Which begs the question… “why are we in such a hurry to pass something much bigger, much more expensive and much more expansive that the govt will be administrating… when based on his example, the Govt can’t figure out how to run or reform those?

    He referred several times to all of the distortions out there spread by Republican operatives. It was interesting and sad. He had his talking points about the bill, and was very savvy about massaging the union teachers who were there, but there was no substance, just a sales job. One man asked just how the president and congress could believe that a govt entity was capable and efficient enough to run such a huge portion of our economy, and … and asked Rep Doggett to point to an example of a program the US Govt has run efficiently. Hilariously, he said that Medicare and the VA were shining example of programs that the govt runs well and we should all be proud of them, as well as the Post Office. (sound familiar?) He demonized private insurance companies, and could only defend a bureaucratic public govt. option by saying that “if you’re in a private system you already have a bureaucrat deciding things for you” ~ basically, you’re already used to it, so get over it, our bureaucrats can to it better than their bureaucrats.

    I got called for the last question and called him out about making it a partisan attack event when none of the people who disagreed with him brought up political parties or political differences at all? I made the point that I was there to talk about specifics of reform and what was in the bill. He whined about how mistreated he had been when he was “sabotaged” last week and how the last 8 years have brought us to this place. What? I then asked him about Barney Frank’s trojan horse comment that he hopes this bill is the first step towards getting us to Single Payer. He didn’t answer and said it was time for him to go.

    He then told everyone to join him on Sat Aug 29 at a church in Downtown Austin for another health reform meeting. So, I called his office today to get more info about it, and his intern/lackey was plenty proud to declare that is was a “Pro-Health Reform Bill Rally sponsored by Moveon.org and please come and bring your friends, it’s going to be a fantastic event…”

    Sat. Aug 29 at 3pm at the United Methodist Church downtown Austin. Moveon.org Pro-Health Reform Rally. Be there or be square. Please get the word out so that more of us can be there than them. I would love to overwhelm them. We had an Anti-House Reform Bill Rally at the State Capitol last Sunday here in Austin and over 400 ppl showed up… and only about 5 Pro-Reform Bill ppl showed up. It was lovely.

  12. mrcannon says:

    You know how climate change-obsessed leftists like to say that manmade global warming is a fact, it’s going to kill us all, there is nothing more to debate, and if you’re not on board you’re just practically a holocaust denier? Well, Barack Obama has been unsuccessful as president, dare I say, a FAILURE. It is a fact, there is nothing more to debate, and if you refuse to accept it then you’re an OJ Urkel denier. Housing, jobs, and now health care: three things most Americans hold dear because of the sheer fundamentalism pertaining to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In eight months, these three things have been infiltrated by our president and the stooges who support him, directly affecting every American citizen (unlike the war on terror, which had an indirect effect on far less people). The danger this man poses cannot be overstated, as he has taken his war on capitalism literally right where we live, an imminent threat to our way of life. Instead of making any attempt to get us to take him seriously, he jets of to NH for a pep rally in honor of himself, laughing along with the cultists who elected this fool to the Oval Office in the first place, and there is nary a difference between that and giving a toddler a knife as a toy.

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