On Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor tonight. Not sure yet what the subject will I’m sure it will be enlightening 🙂 Hope you can join me.

**Update video added

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24 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. jmucciola says:

    Can’t wait to see the Tamster on the tube. Always makes us proud!

  2. RuBegonia says:

    Tammy, at what point does O’RF give you the subject? Just curious…ever have to go in “cold turkey”? Bet u can make the turkey fly in any case.

  3. Tinker says:

    My vote for TAM phrase of the night… “ask McCain what it feels like to be caught in our jet stream.”

  4. cellis says:

    We’ll be watching as usual!

  5. mjollnir6344 says:

    After that segment on O’Reilly, someone get Tammy a Burger! I off to KFC 🙂

  6. Shifra says:

    Tammy, Great jacket! And you look terrific! But, am I the only one who finds this Leslie character, or whatever her name is, more than a little annoying? Still, a really good segment, as always!

  7. suede123 says:

    Great appearance on The Factor. You have been working out.

  8. General Power says:

    Tammy….first time poster here as I’ve watched you for quite a while, but when I saw you tonight on O’Reilly, had to sign up…you are INDEED the best…great insights and I’m your newest fan….retired (2006) 2-star General from the Air Force..Bomber Pilot (B-52s and the B-2 Stealth Bomber)…thanks for providing quality commentary…it DOES make a difference and I REALLY appreciate your viewpoints.

  9. dogtown1 says:

    Why does Tammy never get to talk first?

  10. Young American says:

    Excellent Tammy. You made great points and looked fantastic. Again, they need to give you more air time. They don’t know what they’re missing 😉

  11. Maynard says:

    I’ve got no problem with the spirit of the PETA “whales” campaign (other than the technical note, as Tammy points out, that avoiding meat doesn’t necessarily shed blubber). Notching up the social pressure against obesity is just fine. My concern is always about public policy and the coercive hand of the state in micromanaging our lives. If PETA tells us to skip meat or get thin, that’s cool. When Obama goes there, he’s advocating a new tax or regulation. And this is a huge social pitfall in public healthcare: If I’m paying for your heart attack, then I’ve got the right to tell you what to eat. Without public healthcare, I may have opinions about your weight, and I may voice my approval or disapproval — which you can ignore or even chastise me for; it’s all okay, because we’re not a threat to each other. But with public healthcare in place, your gain (ha!) is my loss. I will start to resent your excesses, and will eventually come to hate you, because you’re dragging me down. We will transform from a nation of debating adults into a world of squabbling children. This suits the government that aspires to become our daddies, but it’s an offense against our humanity.

  12. miller57 says:

    Hi Tammy, Saw you on O’R tonight. You’re right on with so many opinions – it just too bad you’re prochoice.

  13. naga5 says:

    whiskey tango foxtrot
    leslie marshall again with her second grade dutch girl attire against tammy with leather accoutrements?
    tammy, you DID get panda bears and broccoli and set on fire and death care and nanny state in the PETA segment.
    you rule!
    look leslie marshall’s face at 4:46.

  14. thomaslhill says:

    Great Job Tammy, that is one of the problems with the nanny state. Just think, the government will have even more control over diets if they provide health insurance.
    Dang lost my train of thought, George Noory just announced on his show Ted Kennedy is dead. Perhaps the Kopechne family can finally have closure.

  15. daredevilaccordian says:

    1. McDonald’s has been trans fat free for about 18 months. That ditz needs to have facts on hand before demonizing an American institution. Oh yeah, she’s a bleedin’ lib, when do facts ever matter. Also, it is a travesty that in the US that you are forced against your will to eat a bigger Big Mac than they do in Scandinavia, and don’t have the personal choice to purchase a smaller burger, or no burger at all. That said, I rarely eat at Mickey D’s, but I can if I want to. But, when it is double-taxed, then I won’t… I will be boycotting the govt, not McDonald’s. But sadly McDs won’t know that.

    2. Tammy – exactly what I have suggested for the last 7 months – taxes to “adjust” lifestyle are incredibly transparent. I imagine that when all of these taxes are enacted, we will actually see a ramping up of advertising for said products. It’s that good old Ingsoc doublethink, and it’s scary how many imbeciles are unaware of the manipulation and willing to buy into it. Downright disturbing.

  16. ranchoevans says:

    Can’t BOR have you on his show without pitting you against a libtard waste-of-air?

  17. 1elder1 says:

    Re: O’Reilly Show-You looked great . Hair was perfect makeup just right..sigh.

    Sometimes you are a friend, a leader, a heath advisor, a Confessor you name it you are those things to the Tammy Army.
    But now I ask you to be a MOMS for us and protect us from this sight: http://conservativeblogscentral.blogspot.com/2009/08/caption-contest-michelle-obama.html

    I am sure this will enter into my subconscious and cause me nightmares !
    I try not to get too upset before I fall asleep so I play your posdcasts or Mark Levin’ podcasts or other soothing people who are sympatico.
    I must confess- I leave the computer on all night for the light and the voices.
    We all must create our own safe world.
    Thanks for being in mine.

  18. Tinker says:

    I don’t get the cracks about Leslie, I think she’s the least annoying person they have ever put Tammy up against. I actually kind of like her.

    • JLThorpe says:

      Personally, I think Leslie is kind of attractive. She reminds me of Lisa Marie Presley a bit. That said, I think she has a bit of liberal delusion, and I, like a lot of other TAMs, would prefer to see Tammy by herself instead of sharing time with an opposing viewpoint.

  19. animalfarm says:

    I sympathize with PETA’S ad in that I am disturbed by animals needlessly dying when consumed by overweight people. Why kill animals just to cart their converted flesh around as exploding muffin tops or bulging saddlebags? It’s inhumane.

  20. Charles_TX says:

    Tammy hit the nail on the head when she brought up the fact that there are businesses that hope to drive the obesity agenda. The same has been true of Cap-and-Trade, Cholesterol, ADD, Alcohol, Cigarettes, … The unfortunate truth is that for each of these “crises” the solution is always involved greater taxation and regulation, and less liberty for Americans.

    One interesting comment came from Leslie Marshall when she said that she was skinny in the rest of the world but chubby in Los Angeles. She inadvertently brought up the danger of having governmental control over what people eat and how much they weigh. Who is obese is going to be set by people who have varying definitions of average. Consider the following scenario: The Federal BMI czar, also from Los Angeles, decides that the obesity threshold should be reduced from 30 to 20 to be consistent with the people she knows who are “normal”. She can do it with the stroke of a pen – kinda cool! What does that decision mean? Overnight, the nation’s population will go from 25-30% of its members being obese to 70-80% being obese. The “obesity problem” is now much worse than the day before, therefore, civilization is about to collapse. More federal intrusion is required. More federal research dollars must flow, new regulatory regimens need to be established, more taxes collected. Bariatric medication use wil increase. The newly obese will need to be made to atone for their new-found gluttony. But the problem will never be solved.

  21. snailz says:

    Tammy I was disappointed that you did not stand up for the first amendment on O’Reilly last night. PETA has every right to put up that billboard. You and Bill were acting like Liberals last night, only wanting the first amendment to apply when you agree. But PETA and the billboard sort of went on the back burner and it segued into Obesity. PETA putting up that sign was not the same as the government putting up that sign. They are 2 different things. I’m all with ya that I don’t want the government in healthcare – I’m a Libertarian I don’t want the gov’t in anything! but I usually agree with you Tammy and you have never not made me proud before on O’Reilly. BTW, I’m sure PETA meant to say “meat and animal products” but you can’t put that on a sign it’s too long. and yes, vegetarians are usually thinner. The American diet of meat, eggs, cream, milk, ice cream, dips, yada yada do make us obese. Who are y’all kidding?! Do y’all think we’re eating too much salad?! C’mon! I’m all for health and support PETA. Why Conservatives are so willing to cede compassion and humane treatment of animals to the Left is beyond me. Your turning away voters. I don’t want the government mandating these lifestyle choices. I do support PETA for speaking up for animals and their humane treatment. But with your constant bashing of the many people who try to help animals you are just throwing away one issue voters. Why do that? The Left doesn’t care about animals either. But pay some lipservice at least and you will gain alot of votes. That’s all they do. I know lots of Conservatives too who care about animals and are sick of the bashing of anyone who speaks up for animals by many Conservative pundits. I do not support forcing lifestyle changes on anyone. except of course, people like Michael Vick. but I do support free speech.

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