
Today post pic and link because a lot of the news, today, unfortunately reinforces how the death of right and wrong must still be confronted and reversed.

Here’s the BBC interview with the leader of Greenpeace as he admits to “emotionalizing” the climate change debate to further their agenda.(HT Hot Air)

WSJ: The Death Book for Veterans

Jokes About Barbecuing a Cat Preceded Midair Crash Over Hudson

Want to buy a customized Michael Vick Eagles jersey for your dog? NFL says okay … for $39.99

Milwaukee man charged with attack on mayor

See The Maps Hitler Liked To Dream Of

SAfrican in gender flap gets gold for 800 win

Urkel tells rabbis “‘We are God’s partners in matters of life and death’.” Yeah, no Death Panels here.

Michael Jackson’s Doctor to Be Charged With Manslaughter

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15 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Artgal says:

    The Hitler maps are interesting. He basically envisioned a European Union http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/europe/european-union/map.htm

  2. Sam Joe says:

    RE: (SAfrican in gender flap gets gold for 800 win) Caster Semenya

    I believe she’ll have to pass a chromosome test also. Men have a Y chromosome, so they are XY, Women are absent of the Y chromosome so they are XX.

    I have flashbacks to freshman year science class but my speculation (and only a speculation) is she has an extra chromosome, like she’s XXY.

    if she comes up exonerated. then she’s just a manly woman.

  3. Palin2012 says:

    The Death of Right and Wrong should be required reading. Thanks for the links Tammy.

  4. Carol says:

    That was my first Tammy book. I was already a fan of columns on Newsmax and Frontpage, and wished you were on a local radio station. I’m glad I’ve finally been able to listen thanks to the internet! Commando is even better!!
    For the new Gestapo book, I’ll also go for the audio version or both.

    • naga5 says:

      i got a nice barnes & noble gift card for a mitzvah i do every year. so i purchased the triple crown of the tammy books.
      like we say around the house, go big or go home!!!
      read ’em all-if this were a college class, its required reading for life in america 101.
      my son, who has taken interest in politics, will be next in getting tammy’s books.
      (proud dad moment) he’s already read atlas shrugged twice and liberty and tyranny, so its tammy time!

  5. Maynard says:

    “God’s partner’s in matters of life and death”? There are possible benign interpretations of this, but I’m not sure they’re relevant. I’m remembering the words of a pastor who cautioned his followers to be on guard against the natural human arrogance of expecting God to ask us to assist Him in an advisory capacity. I’m remembering the words of a lawyer I heard speak, a prominent man who was considered a candidate for the California Supreme Court, saying that he liked the law better than the Scriptures because we get to make the rules ourselves. Well, I guess we’ve got to take the initiative at times. I wouldn’t want to side with the kooks that consider it an affront to God to slap a mosquito. But there are limits.

  6. 1elder1 says:

    I was highly criticized for saying that THE DEATH OF RIGHT AND WRONG was semi autobiographical. This is you: you are not a moral relativist. You from what I detect over all these months ,know the differnce between RIGHT AND WRONG which makes you easy for me to like. You know the differnce and with razor edge clarity pinpoint when others are hypocrites and perveyors of destructive behavior.
    I have since just deleted or blocked such critics. I know a moral person when I see her.
    I also have a habit of having some MENSA members close to me in real life. I find them more trust- worthy. More trust- worthy than myself with my poor memory.

  7. Shifra says:

    Nice try, Urkel, but only SJL’s (Stupid Jewish Liberals) fall for this crap. How dare you take words of the Jewish liturgy and use it for your twisted ideas? But thanks for wishing us a “shanah tova.” Yes, we will indeed have a good New Year when cap n’tax and Deathcare fall the way of “Cash for Clunkers,” which I hear is dying on Monday.

    • Count Crash says:

      Listen to Urkels’ speeches given at different group meetings and you will notice that he changes his manner, tone, gestures, articulation, etc… to mimic who he is speaking to. I find this very condiscending. I hate it when people try to become “one of you” when there is no chance in Hell that any intelligent person will fall for it. Buddy you aren’t me and you have no idea what I’m about and mimicing my persona isn’t gonna work. I’m Sorry, I guess I just insulted all those dumb people who fell for this two faced, forked tongued, rascist, Muslem, militant, facist, baby murdering, marxist, Soros puppet.

  8. ranchoevans says:

    Great show, of course. I’m new to Tammy. One drawback — That song, “I’m an American girl.” Can’t get it out of my head. lol

  9. Mary Val says:

    Re: the Michael Vick shirts. At least even Vick should be able to see that he’s only a commodity to the NFL, just like the dogs he tortured and killed were to him, and he has about the same value as those poor abused animals. I still want to know, does Vick set fires and wet the bed too ? Has anybody talked to his current and former girlfriends? I’d wager that Vick will make headlines again before long, either with a season ending injury and/or another episode of violent behavior. The NFL shares Vick’s disgrace voluntarily through their greed.

  10. yates009 says:

    regarding the unemployment rate, How long until the head of BLS gets invited to the White House for a “little chat”.

  11. Artgal says:

    Interesting how matters of faith are brought up by Obama regarding the healthcare bill. I don’t see that he included members of the faith community in drafting this hideous bill at all. Various pastors, rabbis, priests, etc. would have drafted a much different healthcare bill had that been the case. What we do have are the followers of Social Darwinism imposing their ‘morality’ on the rest of us and being the ones closest to the president in advising these measures (Ezekiel Mengele, Cass Sustein for example). Whether a benign statement or not, saying that we are ‘God’s partners in matters of life and death’ takes on a entirely different meaning when being applied by this president and his administration. Consider his arrogant display against the will of the people of this nation and that should give a good indication of exactly what this tyrant in the WH means.

    In addition to playing God in deciding who lives and who dies – which this healthcare bill would do even w/o the end-of-life counseling provision – we have Obama and his Miserable F(rea)k Express all the sudden invoking God into everything. Their interpretation of it anyway. Why did they select a ’40 day rush to healthcare’? Why 40 days and not 30, 50 or 41? What about the brother’s keeper comment? This coming from a man who has yet to help his own family members and in his own arrogance, assumes you and I do not care about others as much as he does even though I will bet you take care of the loved ones in your life, volunteer or have helped someone out along the way, or have chosen a profession – perhaps in healthcare – whereby you provide the care necessary for healing and comfort.

    Obama is our modern-day Jean Jacques-Rousseau – and no, that is NOT a compliment! Rousseau, credited with being the father of what has become the intellectual elitist class, was a supporter of the state being in control. He prided himself on having more love and compassion for humanity, especially children while he gave away his own. He took advantage of his friends and their money making sure people in his life knew they were in HIS presence and therefore, should be so honored to have him crash in their quarters or give him funds – without paying it back. Something sounding familiar here?

    I also take issue w/ the progressives who are giving the president a pass on his numerous Biblical quotes & analogies of the last 48 hours. Bush was soundly criticized for everything from actually being a man of faith, saying a prayer w/ his cabinet or quoting the 23rd Psalm on the night of 9/11 (and we were to learn in the following days that the heroic passengers of flight 93 were engaged in the very same prayer/verse before confronting the terrorist hijackers). It always amazes me the very people who are critical of the Bible, do not believe in God or hate Christians altogether are always the first to use a Bible catch-phrase to stick on a sign or use in an interview. How many ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’ signs did we witness at anti-war protests? They have no clue about the context of that commandment, nor do they understand the context of ‘Judge not lest ye be judged’ any more than they understand what being a ‘brother’s keeper’ is.

    Ed Schultz made some interesting and stomach turning remarks about Jesus lately. Now, Jesus is a socialist. Ed tells how Jesus healed the sick and fed the poor. And he did it for free. Really? Ed, upon closer analysis let’s take a look at the truth: Yes, Jesus did heal and he fed the poor. But did Jesus heal every sick person and feed every poor person? No! He also raised the dead, but not all of them. And was it free? Well, it appears those who were healed were those who believed he was the Son of God with all their heart before he healed them. And let’s put this into context, too: Jesus himself healed them because he was the Son of God. He didn’t have a clinic, but one of his disciples was a physician: Luke. It’s interesting that the gospel of Luke was written to present Jesus as the Savior of the entire human race and reflects Jesus’ love for those despised by society – the poor, women, tax collectors (heh heh heh – that’s actually in there!). In fact, in the book of Luke when John is baptizing people, there were tax collectors waiting to be baptized when they asked John, ‘Teacher, what should we do?’ John responded with: ‘Don’t collect any more than you are required to.” He also addressed the crowd telling them ‘The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same.’ This is not an act of socialism – he does not invite an entity to come into their home and divide what they have to give to others. He’s telling us to be compelled from somewhere in our heart to do for someone else what is right and what we would want done for ourselves. He addresses the individuals on doing these acts at will – never force! And since it was at a baptism, he’s calling on them to follow Jesus’ example since they wish to be follwers of Christ.

    If there was a socialist among the disciples, it would have been the traitor and thief, Judas. And if Ed is so obsessed with everything being free, then the last thing he should support is an exorbant government program which always turns out to be far more costly than when provided in a free market.

    I wish Ed and Obama also cited the biblical passage II Thessolonians 3:10: “For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.”

    God frowns on theft, idleness and laziness, too. He has a few things to say about ‘childish princes’ as well. Guess that would be too much for Obama and his progressive fools to comprehend.

  12. mjs7676 says:

    To Mr Obamma: Mr President here’s your chance to strike a blow for freedom. Here’s your chance to stop the spread communism in America. Mr Obamma Tear Down this single Payer health care program. Mr ObammaTear Down This program now! C U MJS [email protected]

  13. mjs7676 says:

    Michael J. Stewart : The Conservatism Philosophy says: Smaller Gov,Stronger defense, And lower taxes. It does not matter weather you’re Cristian or Hindu. Conservatism is the fuel of freedom. Fairness can cost you freedom therefor fairness is unfair.You must work hard for fairness to work. Freedom should always be first. Conservatism Rocks. Thaught for today and every day. CU MJS. ps I believe this is Sarah’s philosophy too.

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