Just FYI, the live stream of Tammy Radio will be a “Best Of” but I will have a new 2-hour podcast late this afternoon for Tammy Army members.

Have a great Friday everyone and I’ll see you later today 🙂

UPDATE 11:30pm PT: I just returned home after an unexpectedly long, but good, day. It’s quite late but having missed the show today you can imagine I have a few opinions piling up in me about some of today’s events, so I am working on a 1-hour Special Report podcast that will post this evening. And them of course, we have tomorrow’s Weekend Roundup show which will be jam-packed with special and rather illustrative commentary on the state of our nation.

For Tammy Army member: There is am iTunes glitch re downloading of the podcasts. This is due apparently to Google taking over Feedburner and so we need to rework a couple things. In the meantime, I hope you don’t downloading directly from the podcasts page here. I’ll alter you the moment the iTunes feed is up and running.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Tony in LV says:

    Thanks for the heads-up.

  2. JLThorpe says:

    I’m glad I finally paid for a membership yesterday. Of course, now I have to catch up on all the exclusive stuff I missed.

  3. mrcarter says:

    It’s cool to be a Tammy Army member 🙂

  4. c4400 says:

    Oh damn. I just realized my Tammy mail was sending a lot of legit emails to SPAM!. I’ll try to reply so them all today!

  5. Skeptic says:

    Watching Red Eye and waiting for my Tammy podcast… 🙂 Tammy have they invited you on Red Eye yet?? If not, I will start bothering Greg and crew to add you to the rotation.

    Looking forward to the podcast.

    • Carol says:

      I agree! Get Tammy on there because I’ve noticed she’s a night person. I love that show, but only see when I have insomnia. I wish Fox would have it on prime time, but that would likely change its edginess. If Tammy was on, I would definitely record.

  6. pcorbari says:

    I miss your Radio show. Don’t know what station you switched to. Are you anywhere on AM Radio?

    Pat Corbari

  7. pcorbari says:

    Also, how is Al Rantel? I know you are friends.

    Pat Corbari

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