Just got back from taping the O’Reilly Factor tonight. It was interesting because I was on with radio talk show host Mike Gallagher as opposed to a mindless leftist zombie. Discussion was about Urkel’s problems and the role of talk radio. It’ll be in the first segment, right after Bill’s Talking Points. Hope you can tune in 🙂

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15 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. jmucciola says:

    Can’t wait to see you on O’Reilly.

    • morecowbell says:

      I e-mailed O’Reilly yesterday with the results of the turnout from the Heritage Foundation based on the number of Metro Riders . I implored him to make a correction based on a substantially more reliable methodology than an estimate from DC Public Works. I was surprised he did not follow up considering his track record of correcting other news sources when they were out of line.

      The link below goes over the methodology.

  2. jdog99 says:

    saw it. you were great. keep up the good work.

  3. darlenemsw says:

    Hi: Saw you on O’Reilly. You were terrific and right on about Prez’ “malevolence” towards this country. Wish Mr. O’Reilly would regain his older, pugnacious stance and hold this president more accountable.

  4. Pat_S says:

    Is O’Reilly trying to be Devil’s Advocate or is he just missing the point? Does he think we should pull back our efforts now? Is there something unseemly in keeping the pressure on? Does he realize what’s at stake? Overkill? We’re trying to save the country for cryin’ out loud. Who’s making stuff up?

    BTW, was Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats or the media alarmed by this rhetoric in the streets of San Francisco in 2006?

    “Who is the criminal?” “George Bush”
    “Who is the terrorist?” “George Bush”

    The crowd calls for regime change and impeachment. Oh yeah, the Che Gueverra revolutionary art poster, precursor to the famous Obama poster, is on display too. Nothing to see here…carry on.

    • Maynard says:

      Pat, oddly enough, I share O’Reilly’s concern. Sometimes the pursuit of scandals becomes merely a feeding frenzy. Van Jones and ACORN are both issues of gravity; I’m sure there will be more scandalous headlines to come, and I hope nothing is trumpeted that isn’t newsworthy just because it’s a slow news day.

    • morecowbell says:

      We must remember Bill O’Rielly lives in the N.Y. media bubble. He’s a bit out of touch with ‘the folks’ himself despite his quaint autobiography. We will just keep cranking up the pressure, that’s what we do. Here’s the real question. Do the big commercial media outlets need the visual of us literally on fire to finally comprehend the intensely of outrage we feel about what is going on in DC?

  5. suzyoboe says:

    You and Mike did a great job tonight. Pleasekeep it up! (What in the world is up with O’Reilly, anyhow?) I’m glad you got the chance to state just why the pressure must be kept up; and, I agree with the “malevolence” description —- “There’s somethin’ happenin’ here”.

  6. va bill says:

    I agree with DARLENEMSW. Lately I’ve began to wonder if he’s drank the KoolAid too.

  7. naga5 says:

    my random two cents,
    cent one. o’reilly is for his ratings. i have no quarrel with that. he brings people on so viewers will watch him. he put on marc lamont hill and tammy to see some TV fireworks. we all saw how hill got more airtime to implode and take time from tammy and intelligent thought. i understand hill continues to implode on subsequent airings. that’s good tv but not good issue exposition. o’reilly has tammy and gallagher on because how in the heck can he get ratings if he can’t scare up someone to defend urkel right now? those schmucks are in their bunkers.
    cent two. i agree that there is a temptation to enjoy the clusterfark that has become the urkel amateur hour. it is perverse, yet i like to see urkel fail. however, i think that most americans are well focused. as tammy pointed out, which no one commented on or denied, it is urkel who is incompetent and does not know how to govern. you can’t make this stuff up. pulling out of europe on the 70th anniversary of the soviet invasion of poland? no one told urkel of its significance? or inform congress? or us?
    urkel’s incompetence and naivete globally, and malevolence for america is the issue.

  8. lord-ruler says:

    Tammy needs her radio personality when she is on t.v. Her and Mark Levin must take xanax before going on t.v. I know why she does it but it would be funny if she went all Megyn Kelly on us for once. : )

  9. jap81 says:

    Random thought….I really wish they would put Tammy on a Sarah Palin segment with Democratic strategist ( what does that term even mean? Are they like special teams people?) Matt Littman. It will probably never happen, but it sure would be fun to watch.

  10. 1elder1 says:

    O’Reilly clings to his Bible (same version as mine) and his TOO LOW estimate of the D.C. Crowd on Sept 12th.
    His punishment in Hades will be to look at the final arial shots of the crowd and to count them one -by -one..until he gets to 1.7 million people or more.
    Catholics can be vicious to one another…lol

    Anyway ,,,,,Tammy you looked marvelous…hair and white jacket..can’t beat California girls when they got their tan on.
    Now I have ot go back and look at the video of the show to hear what you said.

  11. Artgal says:

    I was quite taken aback when O’Reilly made his very strange comments about ratings. Frankly, I think he was revealing more about himself and the focus he takes into his work (compulsion to confess?). It’s as though he assumes all radio talkshow hosts are just out for blood and work listeners into a frenzy. Guess he has very little respect for the independent nature of the audiences, too.

    OReilly still insists there were only 75,000 people in DC last weekend. So much for the ‘no spin’ zone. He just spit in the faces of every 9/12, townhall, tea party person who has risen up this year in opposition to Obama’s policies, and it’s not because he’s a Democrat or black – but because he is WRONG and is advocating policy that is dangerous to our nation and appointing people who are the most disturbed and frightening among us. Why is that so hard for Bill to see? Or rather, does he see it and just want to remain on the good side of the WH in case he should ever have an opportunity to interview the CandyAss in Chief again?

    I’m not an O’Reilly fan at all. The only time I will tune in is when Tammy is on or Laura Igraham is hosting. Otherwise, O’Reilly is a dishrag.

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