Our server Ripley, getting better all the time.

Our server Ripley, getting better all the time.

Hi everyone. I wanted to give you the scoop and some changes we’re working on here at Tammy Blog.

I also want to say Thank You to all the Tammy Army members who have renewed in this past could of weeks. You monthly subscribers have been renewing every month which I truly appreciate, and now the quarterly subscribers have renewed as well. Thanks to all of you for staying with me. I love being independent and being free from certain artifical market forces allows me to be as free as possible in the delivery of my opinions. I hope it has made for a more fun, entertaining, and relevant program for you. Thanks again.

Now, regarding the updates here at the site. We’ve got a great team working on a few additions here, both technical and design-wise. First, we will be creating a way for the comments of the majority of you who are “trusted” commenters to be published immediately. WordPress does allow a one-comment trusting system, but we’re designing something custom for the needs of Tammy Blog. This, of course, will allow for a faster and more lively conversation.

There are some additional security measures we’ll be implementing as well. You won’t notice any of these, but they will enhance the security of the site in general.

Lastly, since we began the blog many have asked for a forum of sorts where readers and listeners could communicate in real time during the show and otherwise. It look slike this is a feature we can add as well, and will be an exclusive feature for the TAMs.

With this in mind and while I have a team working specifically on adding new elements, I’d like to know what you would like to see added to the Tammy Blog. Let me know your ideas. While we’re expanding we might as well get as much accomplished as possible!

Thanks again everyone 🙂

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
20 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ChrisL says:

    Hello Tammy,
    A suggestion for consideration. Would a Tammypedia be a useful resource? What’s a Tammypedia? It could be a place where your listeners and readers, and especially those who are new, could look to read what Tammy means when she says someone is a malignant narcicist or a fascist. What exactly is a gestapo and how do they function? How are they relevant? There are many recurring themes that newbies may not be completely familiar with. What’s a racoon anyway? A brief synopsis of your common themes to clarify things. Like, what exactly is a Snuffy Bruce and why does it matter? .. and probably additional info as well. For example, who remembers why you talked about Eric Massa? What did he do that got your attention? There’s tons of stuff that could be included. And several tons of political and cultural figures who’s names and deeds we shouldn’t forget. Who was that young woman who exposed acorn and how can we help her? …another example of something that might be posted.

    There is so much stuff going on that needs our attention, it’s overwhelming to try to keep track of it all. The Obama blitz strategy is probably relying on our tendancy to forget things.

    This sounds like it could quickly turn into a lot of work. Maybe not so doable…. Unless it were formatted somewhat like Wikipedia where any of the TAMs could contribute material.

    Best of luck with whatever you decide to do with your site.

    • jupaczyn says:

      I love this idea! And to make it less of a burden, it could be a wiki and the TAMs could help update it!

    • Kimj7157 says:

      I think this is a GREAT idea as well, especially the “Tammypedia”. I must admit, even after I’ve looked things up to understand better, I can’t always remember exactly as I’d like. Having this ready reference would help to reinforce it all.

  2. Artgal says:

    Great news, Tammy : )

    Is it possible to have an area where members can have a profile maybe listing some of their interests, have a book list (ex. a top 5 list of books for others to read) – an online way of getting to know other peeps we’ve been commenting w/ all this time? It would be a really cool way of getting to know other members.

    If we go as far as a profile, heck, why not set up a TAM online dating service? Help conservative/independent-minded gays and lesbians find each other! That would be something new – at least, I can’t think of any other system specifically for conservative/indie gays and lesbians.

    Do it! Do it now!

  3. Scottie says:

    I should very much like to see an ANNUAL membership rate for the Tammy Army. I’m waiting for that particular option as i don’t like the busy-ness of weekly or monthly (or even quarterly) payments for that matter. How about sixty or seventy bucks for an entire year of Tammy? I’m game. My wife says it’s rare to find a man willing to make a long term commitment these days and advises Tammy to take me up on it.

  4. intheknow says:

    I am glad to hear United States of Tammy is doing so well. I don’t know how you manage your freedom on the air, just thankful you do. You are so fun and entertaining. Your new ideas for the show are good ones. Good luck, and I’ll be counting on the podcast every day.

  5. CO2aintpoison says:

    Hi Tammy – thanks for the request of TAMs to post their suggestions!

    How about a blog which would begin by virtue of one of the topics you discuss on a particular day. It could have a title and a box you could check to follow the discussion (kinda like the SGP does, someone comments on a discussion thread and an email pops up in your email box).

    Each show could have a “start a discussion” button. The “initial poster”, would begin the discussion and title it. The title could be on the front page, but the blog would be behind the front page (for TAMs). The idea being the discussions would be sparked by your commentary on a particular subject. Subsequent comments to the initial posting would be related to that issue, and easy to find/track! (Maybe some of the topic headings would entice “non”-TAMs to sign up so they could read and contribute too!!).

    Currently, a TAM can post something, but sometimes the discussion ends up going back and forth. You and your crew are so good about posting new stuff on the site, the TAM may have to go back several pages to find out where the post initially was, and it may have evolved into something else by then, so it’s kinda hard to remember where it started, and find the thread (but that could just be me)!

    Just a thought! Good luck and I’m sure whatever you folks put together will be a winner. I’m a lifetime member!

  6. AnotherTweet says:

    How about a live feedback option so you could see the remarks as you are on air?

  7. jmucciola says:

    Tammy=Real Life Ripley!

  8. larrygeary says:

    I’m not thrilled by the idea of a forum. People tend to get carried away with huge – and I mean HUGE – banners and icons and avatars and flashing lights and so much sh*t that it makes the actual message difficult to find. Take a look at the Glenn Beck insider forum for an example.

    A live chat is also distracting as it scrolls constantly up part of the screen. Don’t do that to us either.

    Maybe a separate Twitter account used only for and during the show, known only to TAMs.

  9. CO2aintpoison says:

    Larry: I agree that live chat would likely be distracting for Tammy on a large scale although I think she does it to some extent, when it suits the broadcast – every once in awhile she’ll say: “so and so just commented ‘x'” – which tells me she is monitoring something during the shew; whether it’s twitter, this site, or her TAM email.

    However, this site IS a forum, so not sure why you’d be opposed to that. I can’t check out Glenn Beck’s insider forum because I’m not a paid subscriber; however, if it’s anything like his main page – I get your point there…but Tammy’s crew can tool the site to reduce or prohibit clutter and just let people talk to one another. No ads, no banners, no crazy stuff; just a simple forum with you know, words.

    The stuff I’ve seen here from TAM posters are thoughtful, witty people and Glenn Beck contributers are likely more, um, maybe scattered (this is not a slight – just sayin’).

  10. eMVeeH says:

    Hi, Tammy. Howzabout one of those site counters that show the flags of the countries of people who visit your site? It would be great to see how far the Tammy net is cast.

  11. Palin2012 says:

    Hey Tammy, in addition to the Chat room and signed copies of your book; it would really be nice for a list of the Tunes you play and artists [no ABBA please : )] – HA! Suggested reading list would also be a plus. Hope someday U.S. of Tammy T-shirts and bumper stickers. I’ll put the bumper sticker right next to my SPALIN license plate.

    • Carol says:

      If you listen to the live stream via iTunes, song names as they’re being played scroll under the Tammy Bruce title. Today’s program went out with Hang On (Digital Dog Radio Edit). You do like ABBA right?

  12. CO2aintpoison says:

    Er, uh, one last thing…to whomever made the critique that Tammy should “be there for her TAMs 24/7”, with all due respect EVERYbody has issues that come up in their life they must deal with. These issues many times takes us away from our regularly scheduled work whether we like it or not. For myself, I understand this as a TAM and while I miss Tammy when she has to use a “best of” I don’t begrudge the fact.

    Tammy – that said, is it possible for when you will require a vacation, a week or whatever, is it possible to line up a fill in/fill ins, like you do for Laura I. from time to time instead of an entire week of best of’s? I dunno – just askin’ and if it’s not possible, then it’s not. I’m still a lifetime member!

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