
Today’s podcast is now available for Tammy Army members for your listening and downloading pleasure. 🙂 Please check the TAM Podcasts page for your media. This is exclusive Tammy Army media. Please join now and you will have immediate access this podcast, the Tammy Radio archive and other special media. Thanks!

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. jiaconis says:

    Gee Tammy I was hoping that you would have expanded to seven days a week Broadcasting, a day without Tammy is a day without sunshine. Seriously,though I really look forward to your weekend brodcast I think your decision to scale down to a Mon-Fri show is a good idea. We all need a least a couple of days of downtime a week to be at our best. However, would it be possible to run a “Best of”
    show on Sat, so we could get our Tammy fix and still give you that extra day off??

    • Tammy says:

      I’m thinking of exactly that, perhaps the best show from that previous week? We;ll decide before next Saturday 🙂 And thanks for the support Jeff and understanding, I really appreciate it.

      • CO2aintpoison says:

        From my perspective, it would seem most people, especially TAMs, while we would miss the Sat show, don’t want you to burn out because WE NEED YOU!

        To dovetail off that concept though…last week I was thinking about a vacation. Personally, I haven’t had one for about 7 years, but just now my company is requiring we can’t carry more than 80 hours and I have 400, so I’m being forced to take some time off. Having said that – this is about Tammy, and Tammy will need time off (more than just an hour of a 2-hour show, or more than a day…) for a real vacation. Would Tammy consider a stand in host – like what she does for folks like Laura Ingraham, etc.? For me (a Lifetime TAM (even though that isn’t a real term….yet)), I wouldn’t tune into a week long best of – although many may and it may pull in more listeners which would be great (especially if they became TAMs); however, I would tune in/download a substitute voice who had the same core framework and beliefs as Tammy.

        In this dangerous time of our Nation, I feel we need daily voices speaking about our country and keeping us listeners on top of what is going on. There is so much new “fire-starter” news happening every day, a full week of “last week’s news” may not keep us as focused as we need to be. Just a thought!

  2. intheknow says:

    Tammy you deserve 2 days a week off from broadcasting live. Don’t worry, the content of your show five days a week will be enough to resinate through the week-end. However any week-end surprises will be appreciated by me. Having posts from Maynard, Pat_S and others that post on the blog really keep the juices flowing. You’ve got a great show going. Thanks for being there.

  3. CO2aintpoison says:

    Congress down to working 2 days/wk? Hmm, since every time they meet we lose more of our liberty, howz about they work zero days a week.

  4. CO2aintpoison says:

    I’m thinkin’ since the People didn’t panic over the G’vmt’s pronouncement of h1n1 being a “pandemic”; then the G’vmt expanding it (the story, at least) to pigs and the People still did not panic; then the G’vmt expanding it to turkeys (right before Thanksgiving) and the People still did not panic; then the G’vmt announcing it is a “National Emergency” following that up by saying “well, we didn’t get 130 million shots of (fake) shots for this emergency, but only several million (whatever the number was)” – who suspects this is another attempt to make the People panic?? What a load of crap.

    Pigs and turkeys, geez-louise.

  5. morecowbell says:

    We can always listen to a ‘best of’ by downloading an an archive of the Podcasts. How about making Saturday Special Media Day for TAMS. You can post Special Reports, Netcasts, etc.. anything that is not specifically time dependent (Hippy Shake for example) on Saturdays. You could create these media nuggets in batches and release them over time. You can then have your day off and still give us TAMS something to look forward to on Saturday in a way that is convenient for you. This would also work well for the weekdays you post a ‘best of’.

  6. Noonie says:

    We’re a little insecure about losing Weekend Round-ups but are happy you’ll have a life, Tammy! We are doing new math to divide the total number of Tam-minutes into seven days so we don’t miss a drop. Each moment will just become that much more valuable. Supply and demand! We are hooked!

  7. Kimj7157 says:

    You deserve a WHOLE weekend off. Does a body good.

    I like Morecowbell’s idea of some SHORT “special media” something to post for TAMs on Saturday that could be prepared during the week and wouldn’t involve a major production. (Easy for me to say… .) OR…

    Maybe a special Saturday blog post from you. (I’ve been missing your blog posts a bit.)

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