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  1. franknitti says:

    I can’t wait to see Urkel bow to Ahmadinejad when he invites him to the White House for tea and crumpets. Or maybe he’ll travel to Russia and kiss Putin’s ring. I just hope Putin keeps his ring in his back pants pocket.

    • CO2aintpoison says:

      Well…if his past “shows” with the Soudis and China give us any glimpse…with imadinnahjacket Urkel will have to be on his belly and THEN bow. (Insert yippe bow-wow song…)

      Tammy…last week, you mentioned (in jest at the time – I think): who does this guy think he is – God, Ghandi, Moses…I can’t remember the list exactly – but the list ended with the 12th imam (forgive the spelling once again as I’m an infidel). What if he really thinks he is?

      I mean, if last year, we were to think fast forward a year (to today) would any of us have guessed we’d be as far down this ruinous road as we are? 12 months ago, we may have joked about it, but look around! I’m not trying to be a scare-monger (you know, us righty’s); but seriously – not that any of us, or even the left would even consider it – but what abou the “Oh” himself? Do you think it’s possible that HE thinks so and in thinking so, it is propelling him to smash us like Gallagher to a watermelon? I’m just sayin. You have studied these personalities…. They say things said in jest have some truth behind them. What of it, other than of course, he must be stopped? (again, relax folks – I’m talking about politically of course. I hope he lives a looooooooooooooong life and grows old and Mrs. god grows to be a big angry, bitter fat-ass with dentures (that would be weird to see an ass with dentures, but I digress) – him too for that matter – – she’s already half way there: she’s angry and bitter. Take THAT Urkel).

  2. Sodie says:

    What’s with this guy? At least his people aren’t trying to explain away his bow this time. (Or did I miss that?) O is bowing to everyone and anything EXCEPT the will of the people of the United States of America. When will this nightmare be over…..

  3. lreimers says:

    What Mary Catherine Hamm said, if I remember correctly, was that if Sarah comes across as complaining in her upcoming interviews, then it wouldn’t help her future in politics, but if she is able to focus on current issues and explain her positions clearly, then she would certainly advance her political potential. (O’Reilly’s question was whether the book tour and interviews would advance Gov. Palin’s political potential.) I think Mary Catherine was trying to be fair, objective, practical, etc. , not trashing.

    • Shifra says:

      Ireimers is absolutely correct about Mary Catherine Hamm. She was NOT trashing Palin, but she was trying to be ‘fair and balanced,’ as opposed to Oprah, who also tried to be ‘fair and balanced,’ but, was I imagining the contempt in her eyes? Or, maybe it was fear that her boy-president may have a problem in 2012….

  4. braxis says:

    The fact is without “The Palin Voter” – The Republican Party will remain an obsolete minority party

  5. intheknow says:

    Mary C. Hamm thought Sarah should spend a couple years as a senator. No way! We don’t need senators for leaders. It is congress that has ruined the country thus far. Governors are much better leaders. Ronald Reagan was not a senator, he was a great leader. senators govern their own ass.

  6. braxis says:

    What will happen if Death-Care passes

    The Declaration of Independence
    In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. –That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

    That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it

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