Today’s Tammy Radio podcast has posted for Tammy Army Members. Please visit the TAM Podcasts page for your exclusive media 🙂 If you aren’t a member of the Tammy Army, please join today!

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Shots from the Show:

Reid Bill Says Future Congresses Cannot Repeal Parts of Reid Bill

Heritage Foundation: Why the Personal Mandate to Buy Health Insurance Is Unprecedented and Unconstitutional

Palin: Midnight Votes, Backroom Deals, and a Death Panel

Rep. Stupak: White House Pressuring Me to Keep Quiet on Abortion Language in Senate Health Bill

From Guantánamo to Desk at Al Jazeera

Senate sets Christmas eve vote on U.S. debt limit

Balloon Boy Parents Slapped with Jail Time

Party Crashers: A trail of accusations leads to Tareq and Michaele Salahi

Plane overshoots Jamaica runway; more than 40 hurt

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Maynard says:

    Supporters of health care “reform” bristle at the term “death panel”. It’s certainly a provocative phrase. But is it apt? Of course it is. Any government allocation (which is a gentle word for “rationing”) of life-saving resources is inherently a death panel. And a government must properly make certain decisions of allocation. For example, does your section of town have as many policeman as certain other sections of town? No, of course not; police resources have been allocated by a combination of factors, involving crime fighting and political pull and general bureaucratic mysteries. And when you fall victim to a criminal attack, maybe you’ll argue that this could have been prevented if resources had been allocated (rationed) differently. And maybe your argument is reasonable, and maybe it will prevail and maybe it won’t. Anyway, the bottom line is that somewhere a “crime panel” decided to put you at greater risk or lesser risk. And that’s the way it’s got to be when dealing with a municipal resource. And this is why I violently object to the concept of health care becoming a municipal resource. Because there’s neither the need nor the Constitutional authority for the government to usurp these decisions from the individual citizens. Care of my body is a private function, not a public function. As the pro-choice people once argued, get the hell away from my body! I’ll take my chances with the vicissitudes of the marketplace rather than turn over my intimate decisions to a bunch of bureaucratic goons who choose the traditional celebration of the birth of the Messiah to declare themselves the new gods and make decisions that can only rightly be made by me and by God Himself.

  2. CO2aintpoison says:

    death care aside….Sarah was in my mailbox (my signed copy of “Going Rogue” from SarahPAC)! Yay!!! Merry Christmas to me! Merry Crhistmas Tammy, and to all TAMs (and you joyriders as well!! You folks need to join! Being a TAM is, well, it’s most excellent!)

  3. jeaneeinabottle says:

    I just had this argument today at work with a liberal idiot. He couldn’t believe the ice packs are not melting, the media is a big lie and an arm of the democratic party. He said “what about the history channel”? I told him to follow the money, follow the people that run these channels like NBC. I didn’t tell him it was NBC, I told him to look it up, dumb ass. He was so mad that people are Christians, that he didn’t want to have it crammed down his throat. I asked him WHO was cramming it down his throat??? Oh people at stores. WHAT??!! I swear he said that. What an idiot, he told me I was kind of sick and needed help. I told him MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Tammy, I totally agree with you about abortions, let it be there, let it shame and shame some more. Quit supporting these fights with so called Republicans fighting for us, dumb asses. Let it be there, stop the weapon used against us. Thank you Tammy for all you do, God bless you and yours.

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