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Shots from the Show:

Meant to get to this on the show, but didn’t have time, so here it is for the pile from Deceiver.com on the new film “Avatar”–James Cameron: Titanic Hypocrite. And nevermind my comment on today’s show that peeps should see this on the weekend because it looks good. When is Hollywood going to simply shut its political piehole and make movies again? Big Hollywood: Cameron’s ‘Avatar’ Is a Big, Dull, America-Hating, PC Revenge Fantasy. [Maynard sez: Hey, I warned you last month that Avatar was shaping up to be a liberal stink bomb.] [Tammy sez: Yes indeed you did. I just got excited and didn’t make the connection. My bad, and what a lesson learned! I will write “Always Remember What Maynard Writes” 100 times on the Tammy Army blackboard. A lesson well learned! 😉 ]

Noonan in WSJ: Obama Moves Toward Center Stage. Yes, and I’m Mamie Van Doren.

I would hope so. Blackwater Guards Tied to Secret C.I.A. Raids

Shock! Winfrey doesn’t grill president in holiday show

Jenny Sanford files for divorce

Tiger Gets Order Blocking Nude Photos, Videos

For feds, more get 6-figure salaries, Average pay $30,000 over private sector

Why One Auschwitz Survivor Avoided Doctors for 65 Years

Hahahahahaha! John McCain, critic-in-chief? last year is when it mattered, Juan.

Hahahahaha! Part Deux. John Thune: The GOP’s Answer to Obama? Uh, the answer to that would be No. Thune’s a perfectly nice man, but really…Let’s get someone who can survive the sort of vetting the Palin’s have weathered. I don’t see anyone with an (R) after their name these days who can. To say nothing of this which simply confirms Thune is part of the Bush/McCain liberal fiasco with visions of lollipops and RINOs in their heads…

…For example, New York Times columnist David Brooks recently wrote a glowing puff piece on him, going so far as to say of Thune, “He is a gracious and ecumenical legislator, not a combative one. When you ask him to mention authors he likes, he mentions C.S. Lewis and Jeff Shaara, not political polemicists. The first person who told me I had to write a column about Thune was a liberal Democratic senator who really likes the guy.”

Max Baucus gave girlfriend $14K raise

USA TODAY interview: Sarah Palin wraps up book tour

Taxpayers for Common Sense website

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. franknitti says:

    Peggy Noonan-An idiot who said she didn’t like Sarah Palin because she hadn’t attended an Ivy League school and had never appeared on Meet the Press.

    James Camerson-The most overrated movie director this side of Stephen Spielberg.

    John McCain-A day late and a dollar short. That could be the title of his autobiography.

    John Thune-If a liberal Democratic senator really like him that raises an immediate red flag despite any praise Our Miss Brooks might heap upon him.

  2. Slimfemme says:

    I have to say Tammy I cannot get Yitzak Ganon’s story out of my head. I think it’s because he survived. I can’t help but think this lesson still is not learned. I hope I don’t sound like a broken record. But Germany was not a medieval, backward country. The most important thing to note is: Germany was brought down by its intellectuals. Just as in Russia, the intellectuals ushered in destuctive ideas.

    I’m glad Mr. Ganon had the courage to tell his story. I’m sure there are survivors who survived the butcher Mengele but can’t relive that horrible experience. I can’t blame Mr. Ganon for not going to the doctor. But in the end, the ultimate revenge is living one’s life to the fullest.

  3. lord-ruler says:

    I spoke about this stupid Movie when Maynard first posted about it a while ago. I am glad this topic was brought back up because I have a few things I want to get off my chest about the movie Titanic. That movie is the dumbest waste of film to ever grace the silver screen!!! That Character Jack is nothing more than a young version of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama mixed together. The responsible boyfriend is depicted in such a way that we are supposed to dislike him but he has more honor and dignity in his pinky than the character Jack. I mean come on!! Would you want your daughter to date someone who within days is having her pose nude so he can paint her portrait? If I was Rose’s father I would have personally drowned him right there on the spot. What is so great about a guy teaching a girl to spit? I am not against girls spitting and I’m sure Sarah Palin does it all the time. It’s just that by the time this idiot Jack Drowns I have a big smile on my face. I am not surprised Linda Hamilton divorced James Cameron because he probably has the same morals as Jack.
    As for this movie Avatar I hope it bombs out at the box office. I will be watching “Nacho Libre” instead.

    • Maynard says:

      To be fair, Ruler, the social commentary in Titanic wasn’t so blatant that it was beyond ignoring. And the nude pose was at Rose’s insistence, which Jack was not entirely comfortable with; at least not until she whipped out that Barber dime and clinched the deal. Seriously, when Kate Winslet offers to pay for the privilege of stripping, can you blame the Jack character for assenting?

      • lord-ruler says:

        Well I can’t really remember the movie so you are probably right Maynard. I still do not like Jack. Even I got a little choked up at the end though. Mostly because of the awesome singing by Celine dion.

  4. Floyd R. Turbo says:

    Naw, Tammy, you’re better lookin’ than Mamie…

  5. Floyd R. Turbo says:

    Regarding Jenny Sanford, it boggles my mind when Elliot Spitzer, Tiger Woods and Mark Sanford get caught having multiple affairs and they have beautiful wives at home. Granted, a beautiful woman can be a shrew to live with behind closed doors, ala Hillary. It became public knowledge what a b-i-zitch she is off camera and that doesn’t for a minute warrant Billy Jeff’s abuse of other women. But the women the above three were out boinking are portrayed as nothing above bimbo level. WTF are those guys thinking? Oh, wait. They weren’t. They engaged genitals w/o engaging brain. Hence a new malady. It is now “Erectile Dementia”…or maybe “Erectile Dislexia”. Geez.

  6. thierry says:

    mengele used to hang out at the end of the train tracks looking for twin children in particular to experiment on. he’d leave one as the control. ways to sterilize ‘undesirables’ like jews cheaply was also one of his very favorite fields of “research”. perhaps canada can look into this- what with the one child policy seeming so appealing to them. in the end ,the nazis concluded killing them all was the way to go, oh canada, in case you were wondering but the ‘rags’ are still fun to experiment on and torture and make for the cheapest ever workforce of disposable slaves .

    there is a very good book called” the end of the world: a history” by otto friedrich that has an exceptional chapter on auschwitz/ nazi germany( it also looks at the protestant reformation, the inquisition, the russian revolution- basically natural and man made disasters). as people like mr. ganon age and as israel, which holds the light for us all, is threatened, it becomes more and more apparent that the lessons of nazi germany( or soviet russia or red china…) have been willfully forgotten- paving the way for it to happen again this time with the american president’s seal of approval.

    ” It can be argued that Auschwitz proves there is no God, neither for the Jews nor for the Catholics, neither for the atheists nor for the Jehovah’s Witnesses, who all went equally helpless to their deaths. ‘If all this was possible’ , wrote Hungarian survivor Eugene Heimler, ‘if men could be herded like beasts toward annihilation, then all that I had believed in before must have been a lie. There was not, there could not be, a God, for he could not condone such godlessness.’ But such declarations have been made at every moment of extreme crisis by those who see God only in happiness and success … Auschwitz could just as well prove a merciful God, an indifferent God, or, perhaps best, an unknowable God. William Styron, in’ Sophie’s Choice’, suggested the answer as a riddle:’ At Auschwitz, tell me, where was God?’. The answer is only another question: ‘ Where was man?'”-friedrich, “the end of the world”.

    as muslim nazis carry on their barbarities in their own countries and abroad and as israel is thrown to the pigs by an american president set to plunge his own country into the evils of socialist tyranny do we really want future generations to ask- “where was man?”

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