Tammy's Studio POV

Tammy's Studio POV

Today’s Tammy Radio podcast has posted for Tammy Army Members. Please visit the TAM Podcasts page for your exclusive media 🙂 If you aren’t a member of the Tammy Army, please join today!

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This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
36 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. kissjrj says:

    When Obama became President, all I worried about was foolish liberalism. Now, I cringe at the upright (sorry for the pun) treasonous behavior.

  2. Tony in LV says:

    It was great to hear the shout-out (the good kind) to recognize Andrea Marcovicci’s birthday in Don’s “This Day in History”.
    I have not seen her show yet, but it is high on my list!
    Happy Birthday, Andrea.

    Tammy, you’re the BEST!
    (good vibes to Sydney tomorrow at the vet’s office).

  3. franknitti says:

    Tammy, you were on fire today. You should send a tape of the show to the Radio Broadcasting Hall of Fame.

  4. k.nelson5047 says:

    Tammy, great enthusiasm, love how you capture everybody’s anger!!

    I find it ironic that Newsweek portrays Sarah negatively and the prior two issues show Joe Biden as “No Joke” and Al Gore as a “thinking man”. Mr. go to our web number and Mr. the debate on global warming is over who wont debate anymore (not sure if he ever did debate, just put out propaganda books and videos). Newsweek is itself a joke. Its not news (rarely shows both sides of an issue, other than George Will, who shows the conservative side?) and now doesnt even come out weekly!

    People are tired of the elitists, particularly those on the right like Brooks and Frum, one drooling over Obama and hating Palin, the other just hating Palin, setting the stage. Even our own candidate, McCain, said he would make a good president!!!!!!!!!! We now need clear talk, not bureaucratic speak to lead us. This is one of the appealing things about Palin. Sorry guys that she didnt go to some leftist ivy league school. We have a president now that told us a trillion dollar stimulus bill would provide jobs (where were the media and elites that evauluated that stupid plan), who now wants a jobs summit (I thought the stimulus was supposed to keep unemployment at 8% or lower, oh sorry, they didnt realize how bad the economy was even though they kept up that drumbeat throughout the campaign). There is no clearer difference to Obama’s monotone liberal lawyer speak (I can barely listen to him anymore, Tammy thank you for doing this for us) than Sara Palin’s clear, concise conservative ideas.

    I agree with you Tammy, this jobless economy is on purpose. Threats of coming taxes to businesses (healthcare/climate change/card check), the second highest business taxes in the world, a president who told the media that he doesnt care that lower capital gains taxes bring in more revenue, stimulus plan with fake tax cuts ($8 per week! are you kidding! And millions of those getting the money will be taxed on it), a fake $4500 car stimulus, 1000 page financial rules regulations (can you say financial bubble?) are all destructive to the economy. Stimulus bills that save public sector jobs (so do we need to have a trillion dollar stimulus every year?) and stupid talk of $3000 business tax credits (assuming you have profits to offset) to create $50,000 jobs are just ludicrous! I really think we are looking at 12% unemployment by the next election (many companies now are talking about another round of job cuts to stay competitive in this economy).

    So you three stooges, keep it up! Dont pay attention to the polls and trying to help people, just push your liberal agenda. Your destruction will make the democrat party obsolete for years to come, congratulations!

  5. braxis says:

    I heard Tammy wonder about The Fort Bragg Decision

    Article 134, known as the catch-all article, makes criminal those acts of speech that are prejudicial to good order and discipline or that could bring discredit upon the Armed Forces. This is pretty broad and explains why it is often called the catch-all article. If your chain of command thinks your political involvement has affected your unit or the military, you could be punished under this article.

    There is nothing preventing a “Sarah Rally” outside the base

  6. jiaconis says:

    Sorry that Sarah is not coming to Calif, does anyone know if she has plans to visit the state in the future, would love to see her…

  7. lord-ruler says:

    I can’t speak for today because I haven’t heard it but the last few days of the Tammy Bruce show have been almost too much estrogen for me to handle. The only way I was able to survive yesterday’s show is Tammy played two Van Halen songs rather than the normal Madonna music. : ) I want to say a little something about Al Gore and his Geothermal nonsense. He said it’s only a few Kilometers down to where it gets real hot. Well I have some experience around drilling rigs and one hole that was being drilled was about 4 miles deep and the mud coming up from the bottom of the hole was lukewarm at best. Where does Al Gore think all the new drilling technology is coming from? The oil industry of course. The best thing that comes out of those holes in the ground Natural Gas. Al Gore would be pleased to find out that you can light the stuff on fire and actually heat your house with it. It’s amazing stuff.

  8. PhilipJames says:

    Just wondered when Sarah Palin would be talking with Tammy as I saw on one of her Facebook posts she had listed her for an interview…. anyone heard anything about that?

    there are good comments at conservatives4palin.com re Dr. Melissa on one thing Palin will have to learn…..
    that is to not get so annoyed when she is being pressed during questioning by liberal media… she gets a little annoyed and it shows… she will somehow have to learn to laugh at them instead of getting frustrated… because it leads to missteps like Couric, Gibson, etc….. if she can work on that over the next year or so, it will help her with independents.

  9. CO2aintpoison says:

    Great news ladies….have you heard? Now we only have to get pap smears every TWO years!!! Wow, man I hate those visits to the OB…how ’bout you? Especially that time when they found pre-cancer cells when I was about 20 which had to be removed. Man, another bullet I coulda dodged…

    FROM AP this morning 9am EST
    “WASHINGTON – Most women in their 20s can have a Pap smear every two years instead of annually, say new guidelines that conclude that’s enough to catch slow-growing cervical cancer.

    The change by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists comes amid a completely separate debate over when regular mammograms to detect breast cancer should begin. The timing of the Pap guidelines is coincidence, said ACOG, which began reviewing its recommendations in late 2007 and published the update Friday in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology. There have been widespread concerns that the government is trying to cut health costs by limiting cancer screening for women.”

    Oh my God you guys – they are trying to KILL US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. CO2aintpoison says:

    Ooops, my bad – should’ve read the whole story; if you’re 30+ & have had 3 consecutive good tests, you only have to get the pap every THREE years. MMM MMM MMM……………

  11. radargeek says:

    Looks like the approval rating is bowing down just like Mr. idiot…

  12. thierry says:

    uh… itunes is all sorts of crazy now-there’s no show for today but 6 versions of ‘ this day in history’ all with different time lengths but the same date….

    and logging into it is still off.

    • Tammy says:

      Sorry about that, I realized we hadn’t uploaded a lot of History podcasts so I had it done all in one day :/ And yes, a tad late with today’s show but I do see it’s up now 🙂 You’re so demanding!! 😉

      • thierry says:

        i just baked 800 pumpkin pies- and have to go in for more abuse- the podcast is the only thing that gets me through. that and blue oyster cult and the first van halen record helps too.

        it is a compliment, you know, wanting to have the podcast on the ipod for work…

  13. Oh Tammy you have to follow up on this… Palins Revenge! Katie Couric’s Gets Drunk And Dry Humped By A Chick… http://gawker.com/5410874//gallery/gallery/1

  14. RobbieK says:

    Someone from the High Court has to look at these website and know America want this fool out of office.

    • RobbieK says:

      Tammy, PLEASE let me correct my grammar here on my first post! I was reading the posts and ran across mine here from two days ago. I’m embarrassed. I meant to say “Someone from the High Court has to look at these WEBSITES and realize America WANTS this fool out of office”. Anyway, HAPPY THANKSGIVING TAMMY! I started listening to your show on election day 2008. You were actually hosting the Laura Ingraham show that week, but that is the day I started tuning in regularly. Just have to say: “LOVE YOU TAMMY!”. You literally are my sanity in Obamaworld.

  15. CO2aintpoison says:

    Seriously? ABC announces Oprah-Obama Christmas special. The “O’s” get together. Man, get this freak off the TV for God’s sake! First off…we have a week “heads up” about another Obama-mania next Tuesday wherein I’ll put my money on he won’t tell us SQUAT and now we have another month’s worth of advance notice to tune in for the O on O show. NO THANK YOU! Get off the freaking TV man! Thank God for books. There’s a new one out by this Governor named Sarah Palin; you may have heard. Me thinks no TV for a month and catch up on some good reading.

  16. franknitti says:

    Correction about something you said on your show today. Dollywood isn’t located in Knoxville. It’s actually in a place called Pigeon Forge which is about 25-30 miles from K-Town. Don’t know why the Palin Democrat wants to go there. It’s nothing but a tourist trap. Kind of a country version of Knott’s Berry Farm out in California. But if that’s your thing then by all means pay it a visit. Just the presence of yourself and the Palin Democrat will improve the place.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you both.

  17. Sam Joe says:

    Tammy, don’t forget to share with us your delicious cranberry sauce recipe.

    I tried it out last year and it was a big hit!

  18. CO2aintpoison says:

    3-mile island accident. I grew up about an hour away from 3-mile island. I remember going to church and the preacher was saying we may all die. None of us did – not at least because of the meltdown. One wonders if this type of reporting isn’t meant to cause fear into people so that, upon anyone even bringing up the idea of building new reactors, there will be a ground-swell of push-back because of the potential for accidents. Just sayin’

  19. larrygeary says:

    Imagine how much cleaner the air would be, and how much less dependent on foreign oil we would be, if we had continued building a dozen nuclear power plants every year since the day nobody died at 3 Mile Island. We’d even have enough spare electrical capacity to charge electric cars at night, which we could not do now.

    We invented nuclear power, but we’re afraid to use it. France get some 70% of their electricity from nukes, and also reprocesses the fuel. I sometimesoften wonder about the sanity of this country.

  20. eMVeeH says:

    No more minarets in Swizzerland!
    Liberty Akbar!!

    Ha, ha, ha, ha…Looks like the Swiss voters reached over and touched that bumpy thing running down the middle their backs and discovered a spine!!!!!

  21. Mary Val says:

    Tammy, love the podcast. Had to take my 8 year old Beglian Tervuren Shepherd mix to a veterinary hospital yesterday for a day of testing. Up at 4 a.m., 3.5 hour drive to another state to the hospital, and hours and hours of waiting while my best boy Mr. Bear had extensive testing done. 10 hours in the hospital, then another 3.5 hour drive back home in the dark. Good news is: it is NOT cancer. He has some hip dysplasia, arthritis in hips and elbows, and a chronic muscle tear high up on his chest wall, plus some lipomas. I listened to 2 of your podcasts during my drive down and while waiting. You make me laugh, I nod my head in agreement, you do capture my attention. The podcasts were a great help in getting through that long day. On the way home I turned the radio up and sang along :^)
    I do love my Bear. Thanks for the assist.

    Mary Val

  22. Leon says:

    This is terrific info about the global warming hoax.

    iceagenow.com is great info and links about the real climate change.
    Fluff your fur, kitties! Glaciers are getting bigger, including the seven up on Mount Rainier in California. A lot of underwater geothermal \ volcanic is going on too. Glaciers exposed to it are of course showing the effect. Hoaxers are all over that of course. But almost all glaciers are growing. Surface volcanoes, showing increased activity, are putting sunlight reflective particulates into the sky. The combination of underwater heat driving the water vapor (and co2?) into the “cold” sky is described as dangerous. Yup.
    There are the “little ice age” solar spot decrease indications, having to do with primary output I guess, and then also, NASA saying the longer ice age thing (related to the orientation between the Sun and the Earth) is starting. We might have the “little” one that might go a few hundred years, but by then the more long term item may be getting underway. Thousands of years. Oh, and by the way ice core indications show previous ice ages started in as little as three years!! Previously it was thought onset took thousands of years. Ironic as all Hell. Yuppers. iceagenow.com Be sure to go into “It’s a cycle, it’s a cycle, it’s a cycle,” hear a few scientific types laying it out, in the audio.

  23. eMVeeH says:

    Hi, Tammy. I think the Botox Biddy of the House is connected to the Del Monte tomato company. Regardless, she can afford her own $2K flower tab, being a daughter of priviledge!

  24. CO2aintpoison says:

    Painfully awaiting the moment where I can shut off my TV just as the once enters the camera’s eye for his historical non-un-speech speech about what we are/aren’t going to do in Afghanistan. By the way, have I mentioned lately how HISTORIC this fool is? Oh you who were tricked into voting for this menace, how us patriots thank you; no really.

  25. CO2aintpoison says:

    Oh that felt so good…just as the troops stood up and the cameras then moved to the once….”click-off” went my tv. Probably no body noticed; but it was my little part. I have a feeling I’m not the only one.

    Uh…guess what you schmuck nobody cares what you say because it’s all lies. There are likely fancier words, but when you boil it down, he is a liar.

  26. CO2aintpoison says:

    Synopsis of speech. Let me be clear: I…I…I…I but Bush….I…I…I…., but Bush….I, I, I, ey, yah yah ya…I am a fritto bandito……(no tv – “let me be clear”, I’m listening through a conservative talk show commentating over top of the once…).

  27. CO2aintpoison says:

    Way to go Castr…I mean the once. What a great speach…sooooo not. We don’t need a freaking lecture and I’m sure moreover – the troops you are getting ready to send oversees do NOT need a freaking lecture. The General asked for 60K+. Oh, thank you so much for uh, 30K or whatever 6 months later by the time they arrive AND a timetable to boot. How….historic.

  28. Carol says:

    Where’s co2aintpoison lately? Carbon dioxide, a pollutant?? Only in an alternate universe! I’m sure we all know it’s what we exhale. Babies blow bubbles with it, some adults too. Are we going to outlaw its many vital uses such as fire extinguishing media? Guess we’re supposed to let our home or office burn down, or they’ll come up with some “green” stuff (sold by algore LLC) that doesn’t work and does more damage. That’s crap and tax, plus higher insurance premiums.

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