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Today’s Tammy Radio podcast has posted for Tammy Army Members. Please visit the TAM Podcasts page for your exclusive media 🙂 If you aren’t a member of the Tammy Army, please join today!

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Shots from the Show:

Obama Orders Air Marshal Surge by Feb. 1: ‘Race Against Time’

Our Flying Pig Moment of the Day

Jack Cafferty of CNN blasts Obama for “lies” and lack of openness.


Goodbye kiss provoked Newark airport scare: report

Steele Lashes Out: Critics Should ‘Get a Life,’ ‘Shut Up,’ ‘Fire Me … or Get out of the Way’
Hmm, I choose…Fired!

Steele’s side pursuits drive away big donors

Guantanamo Prisoners: We want to stay in Guantanamo

Natl Counterterrorism Center director Michael Leiter remained on ski slopes after Christmas Day airline bombing attempt

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
17 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. franknitti says:

    Tammy didn’t makes this clear in her broadcast today but Hillary Clinton is not third in succession to the Presidency after Biden. That honor goes to Botox Pelosi, the Bolshevik Bitch. She is then followed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Robert “Sheets” Byrd. Then comes Hillary followed by Tiny Tim Geithner, the tax cheat. It isn’t until we get to the seventh in line, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, that we actually get someone who’s not a crook, a senile clown, or a left wing loon. Personally, I’d just as soon keep Urkel and say a prayer for his safety than take a chance with any of the other assclowns in the line of succession. Sometimes it’s best to go with the devil you know.

    • Tammy says:

      Oops, thanks doll.

    • Rob says:

      I agree. The best thing at this point is to pressure Congress to keep Urkel at bay until President Palin takes over. I do not want Urkel impeached either – as much as he may deserve it. Impeachment will backfire on the Republicans and get Urkel reelected on the sympathy vote.

  2. CO2aintpoison says:

    Heads up for the US Senate special election on 1/19. CONSERVATIVE Scott Brown is getting traction to take Kennedy’s seat but the lib machine is on his ass. This is a 30 year (still enlisted) serviceman. I heard him on an interview with Hannity tonight and he is espousing all conservative positions. We need this seat BEFORE the November elections in order to stop the train wreck in DC. These freaks can do a lot of damage before November peeps.

  3. CO2aintpoison says:

    OMG Tammy – so glad you are back and you had safe travels. It’s so tough for us when ALL the greats are out at the same time! Ackkkkkkkk! Happy New Year – time to kick some 2010 ass! Getting ready to d/load my first podcast!

  4. jll101 says:

    Don’t be too happy about Chris Dodd quitting. His departure makes it easier for the DemocRATS to keep his seat.

  5. CO2aintpoison says:

    Scott Brown interviewed again today on another national conservative show: Here’s a short bio – “State Senator Scott Brown has led the fight in Massachusetts against wasteful government spending and higher taxes. He is a free-market advocate who believes our strength as a nation flows from its people. Senator Brown is a proud member of the Massachusetts National Guard, where he has served for nearly three decades and currently holds the rank of Lt. Colonel in the Judge Advocate Generals (JAG) Corps. His career in public service began as selectman in Wrentham. He then went on to serve three terms as a State Representative and won his current State Senate seat in a special election in 2004. He is currently in his third Senate term. In 2004, Senator Brown received the Public Servant of the Year Award from the United Chamber of Commerce for his leadership in reforming the state’s sex offender laws and protecting the rights of victims.”

    Look folks if we’re gonna do this, we can’t wait to November – this is a special election on the 19th of THIS MONTH which can boost the tidal wave that is about to hit DC this fall. This seat is critical since it has been a lib seat for Kennedy forever. Winning this seat can kill death care and how ironically sweet would that be! One for Mary Jo!!! Can you imagine her beaming countenance as a Conservative takes her killer’s seat in the United States Senate and serves as the vote to kill the bill!?

    Scott Brown is also against Cap and Tax, amnesty, spending taxing in general, small business owner so he understands that aspect, and all the rest. We must get this US Senate seat! Wouldn’t hurt to scoop up the one in California too.

    We scare the beejeesus out of these folks now, in January, and we’ll see a “retirement” en masse. Yes, we’ll still have to work hard until the fall – and afterwards too, never again “assuming the government is abiding by the Constitution” but always remaining vigilent. Man, what a statement to take a couple of these special elections, no?

    We also have to support Governorship battles. I’m not tuned into this very well, but there are a number of them up as well.

  6. CO2aintpoison says:

    Sarah speaks frequently of Reagan in her book. Page 99 makes me think she is going to go the way of Reagan – – to take the party back: “Out of a job but sleeping well again, I knew that any shot I might have had to become a GOP insider was gone, which was fine, but I wanted Alaskans to be able to believe in the party ideals again. I knew the GOP planks made the strongest foundation up on which to build a strong state and country.”

    That suits me fine. I know it makes some nervous. Hell, we’re all nervous right now. Can’t get on a damn plane, trane or subway w/out looking sideways at anyone – and I live 50 miles out of DC and on the flight path for 3 major airports.

    Third parties have historically always failed. Always. Does that mean they always will? Perhaps, perhaps not. The way Sarah carries the Reagan torch and weaves him throughout her book and every interview I have seen or heard her, for her to go the way of 3rd party would be to rebuke Reagan – for he wholeheartedly rejected a third party when pressed to go that route when he lost the first time. He rejected the idea and instead insisted, and was successful in taking back the Republicans because of the Conservative building blocks of the party – not because of those Republicans who had fallen prey to being human and therefore eventually allowed themselves to be corrupted.

    It remains to be seen of course, but having half her book read tells me where she is setting her course.

    P.S. Chris Dodd’s a quitter, pass it on (oh yeah…and a cheat, and a liar, and – well, you get the idea).

  7. Shifra says:

    Re: Jennifer Rubin’s Commentary article, to paraphrase the expression: ” With friends like these, who needs enemies?” I say: “With Jews like Jennifer Rubin, who needs anti-Semites?” Her article is so jam-packed with offensive, stereotype tripe. Her problem is that she seems to believe that all Jews are SJL’s (stupid Jewish liberals). And what is this crap about Jews not respecting people in the military? Maybe she should speak for herself, and her SJL pals.

    BTW, as a psychologist in NYC, I do some work with the Hasidic community in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, an ultra-Orthodox group. The women all LOVE Sarah Palin, and they feel a deep connection to her. As one woman said to me, with tears in her eyes, “Sarah Palin is a deeply religious woman, and she chose to carry her Down’s Syndrome baby to term, because she respects life.”

    Thanks, Tammy, for your so-on-target comments about Rubin’s article. It’s so good to have you back!

  8. CO2aintpoison says:

    Re: sending the men to do the hard work; maybe next time they can send that guy Napalitano instead of Kerry…

  9. lord-ruler says:

    I disagree with the song Tammy Picked for all the Democrats leaving. I think she should play “Highway to Hell” by AC DC It’s more fitting.

  10. eMVeeH says:

    Boy, Tammy your comments and that Washington Times article by Ralph Z. Hallow, regarding Michael Steele are spot on. Michael Steele has turned out to be a major disappointment. This man shows us that the elites on the Right need a slap right up the side of their heads, too! [What up? Remember that stupid Michael Steele blog?] The best way to show Steele and the jerks who head the RNC that Conservatives mean business is simple.

    Any of you conservatives who are also members the GOP bypass the Republican State Senate Campaign Committee by contributing to INDIVIDUAL conservative candidate’s campaigns; as well as work for their election. And let Steele know about it.

    When the Republican State Senate Campaign Committee sends you that form asking for funds, write on it something like, “I’ll send money when you back authentic conservatives! In the meantime, I’ll back candidate X on my own.” While you’re at it, make a copy of it and send it to Michael Steele.

    It’s time to play hardball with the so-called leadership of the Right, also. And not let them take the American voter for granted: You! They’re counting on the “Obama-buyer’s-remorse syndrome” to regain power. Let them know it will not be that easy.

  11. SwimnLA says:

    Wow the body scan cartoon captured Pat to a tee! Anatomically Androgynous! Now that’s hot!
    Once you see Janet, you’ll never want to scan it! Heehee!

  12. Foreverautumn says:

    “Flying pig moment” is right! Cafferty actually getting his head out of his butt long enough to blast Pelosi AND Obama? I wonder how many demons are ice skating right about now?

    He is right about one thing: let’s INDEED hope people remember this guano sandwich long enough to clean house (and Senate) come this November.

    Speaking of which, the Arizona GOP Primary is August 24, and I’m going RINO hunting. If the guy running against McCain in the primary is a lot more conservative than him, I’m voting for the Conservative. But if McCain wins the primary, I’ll tell ya, unless the Democrat candidate in the general election is actually conservative (another pigs flying moment), then I’m going to have to vote for McCain in the general election. I can’t see voting for a liberal democrat simply to get McCain out of office, unless somebody out there has a better idea.

  13. Hannibal says:

    Jack “hit n run” Cafferty is still a corporate tool.

  14. RobbieK says:

    Michael Steele is an extremely nice & fun guy. He is also very smart in many areas and well spoken. But, he doesn’t have what it takes to run a political committee. The RNC had a wonderfully qualified candidate in Ken Blackwell who wanted the job badly. I personally feel it is time right now, next week, for Michael to hand the reins over to Ken. Ken knows how to run a political machine and doesn’t stumble when it comes to making the hard decisions. When I saw Michael Steele win it on CSPAN, I shed a tear for Blackwell because he looked really heartbroken.

  15. padrooga says:

    Someone needs to teach the gov’t the difference between “Transparent” and Invisible”.

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