A post by Pat

A recent survey finds that healthcare executives overwhelming believe the healthcare law will have a negative effect on the financial stability of their facilities and on the quality of healthcare generally.

Survey: Over 70 Percent of Healthcare Executives Believe Reform Will Hurt Their Facility’s Financial Stability, Health

“The initial response to healthcare reform by the majority of hospital and medical group leaders is one of concern and it highlights that many healthcare executives are apprehensive about how reform will affect their facilities,” said Susan Nowakowski, AMN Healthcare’s president and CEO.

Only 22 percent of those surveyed were greatly or moderately pleased by the passage of healthcare reform, while 72 percent were either somewhat concerned or very concerned about passage of the new law.

Other results from the survey:

  • 63% reform will have a somewhat detrimental or very detrimental effect on the quality of care
  • 23% reform will have a somewhat beneficial or very beneficial effect on the quality of care
  • 66% reform will have a somewhat detrimental or a very detrimental effect on the overall quality of care
  • 27% reform will have a somewhat beneficial effect or a very beneficial effect on the overall quality of care

Nancy Pelosi told us we’d have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it. Hard to believe the healthcare executives actually had to wait for that.

(caveat: this was a self-selecting survey)

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  1. thierry says:

    and so where was this voicing of concern by these people for the disaster before the monstrosity passed? same for the insurance companies who have started whining about how they’ll be destroyed after the agent of their demise was passed.

    they can’t say they didn’t know it would be this bad-this is everything those who were opposed to obamacare were screaming about for nearly a year. not to mention the mess MA has been in from romneycare- with 4 hospitals that serve the poor suing the state because they are being forced into bankruptcy. for a relatively small increase in the amount of people with health insurance (before romneycare MA had a high percentage of people covered by insurance anyway), all the state has gotten is higher insurance rates, higher health care costs, a severe doctor shortage wherein no one can take new primary care patients and people flooding the emergency rooms because even with insurance they can’t see a doctor any other way.all they had to do was look to the MA failure to see what obamacare would do.. .and now they open their mouths after the fact with their great concern?

    in MA it would have been cheaper for the state to outright pay for the health insurance of those who couldn’t afford it but wanted it rather than jacking every over taxed resident for more blood money . instead they opted for fascism as a means to an end- destroy the free market and take democracy with it. aren’t the states excellent experimental test sites for the democracies- if it doesn’t work and you’re a liberal, hide it and then implement it by legislative fiat federally.

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