From Diversity Lane via IOwnTheWorld.

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This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. radargeek says:

    Here is an example of an organization that has no respect for our laws, that is active at influencing our “representatives” and gov officials to not enforce the laws, who encourages non-citizens to break the laws of our country and who flaunts this on a website. They are organized to defeat our county’s laws, traditions, you and your rights. What about your rights?? These kinds of organizations encourage illegal immigration to overcrowd schools, hospitals, welfare services, prisons, etc. Where is the proper education for your kids, medical system, social security network, and crime-free society you have been paying for through taxes and government withdrawals from your paycheck? I hope my fellow citizen will not allow these enemies of our country and our laws to succeed, otherwise, your kids will lose their inheritance of a free and prosperous nation. A nation we once inherited from our parents.

  2. KatieSilverSpring says:

    Hey, Tammy!? do you think you could do a timestamp, and/or better yet, a chance to hear you as you record LIVE the 3rd hour. Yes, yes, it does sound like we (me, the royal sense) don’t have a life. I do, I swear I really do, but in these days, I am not feeling guilty/bad that I look forward to intelligent reporting. I talk to people everyday from all areas of this incestuous area around DC. Getting clear news is difficult and scary. So on days I can wait for you to post, I patiently do. Otherwise, I just don’t … wait patiently.

  3. jeaneeinabottle says:

    I just tried to watch regular network tv and the commercials were something else. They are targeting kids and telling them their parents are so stupid they have to tell them what to buy. And the drug company’s are on so much it was getting too weird. Then I clicked through the pay channels and decided to watch Bill Mahr(?). Chris Mathews was on and some right wing guy was sitting there in the crazy zone they were talking about how this country needs high speed trains. Then on to wall street bashing. For some reason I’m glad I watched because now I know for sure these people are just really stupid and mental. They had no idea how this country is run or how business is started or how it works. They didn’t know that Amtrak was a government run system. Bill thinks that they could spend the 800 billion stimulus bill and put the trains all over the country. The right wing dude told them they already spent most of the money, they didn’t know that and they couldn’t figure out where it went. Then they went on to make fun of how our seniors dressed compared to the illegal gardeners. I kid you not! The media are out of their minds and tv is crap. I think everyone should shut off the tv especially for the kids because they are the targets.

  4. CO2aintpoison says:

    Hey kids! Now the Department of the Interior has SWAT teams and the Once is deploying them to the oil rig to “investigate” the oil spill. Um….confiscate any records lately? Why else would they be going? I’m not a rocket scientist, but I don’t think SWAT teams are trained in investigating the reason why an oil rig blew a gasket or the environmental impact of said gasket-blowing…just sayin’.

    • Shifra says:

      I think we need to file his brilliant “Swat Team” comment together with the “57 States” comment. (Maybe he was confusing the 57 States with “Heinz 57 varieties” ? I’m just sayin’….)

  5. CO2aintpoison says:

    May Day parades: steal other movement’s go-line much (“they’ve awakened the sleeping giant”)? “Si se puede”. Guess so. Gee….if the illegals are the sleeping giant than I am Angelina Jolie. We hear from these people who are “in the shadows” every day for crying out loud (and I’m not Angelina Jolie).

  6. varmint says:

    I won’t be needing any Gwen Stefanie music anymore.
    These people protesting the attempt by Arizona to eject the foreign invaders, if they had it their way, the drug runners who shot that Arizona Deputy, if stopped, could not even be asked to produce proof of citizenship, or other legal status to be in this country.
    Sovereign Nation. Rule of law. National Security. Crime reduction. Normal police procedure.
    Common sense.
    No more Gwen. Plenty of talent out there. Don’t need anything from her.

  7. TheGreenHornet says:


  8. Alan K. Henderson says:

    The drug trafficking natives are getting restless – and the restlessness is heavily armed.

  9. makeshifty says:

    The cartoon reminded me of that old Christopher Cross song:

    And I got such a long way to go. (such a long way to goooooo)
    To make it to the border of Mexico.
    So I’ll ride like the wind. Ride like the wind…

  10. Red Barr says:

    The telemundo skirt chaser; (Antonio Villaraigosa) has nerve to advocate an Arizona boycott after Antonio has bankrupted Los Angeles under his reign of corruption???

    And this same jerk has the gull to call for a boycott of neighboring Arizona? He has made Los Angeles into a third-world crime ridden, filthy sanctuary stinkhole! I am glad I NEVER voted for the sleazeball when he ran originally for the office of mayor in 2005 and when he ran for re-election in 2009. His ILLEGAL INVADERS got him elected and re-elected along with the assistance of the worthless liberally oriented Los Angeles Times!

    I call Antonio; Mr. Telemundo guy from the lass he was messing around with when she as a reporter was employed by Telemundo/Channel 52 several years ago. Antonio’s wife; Corina took the blunt of the whole thing because of this piece of manure called Antonio Villaraigosa!

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